Monday, March 4, 2013


This past week has been a whirlwind of change! I went into the hospital last Monday Feb 25th for a scheduled induction at 39 weeks.  Labor was brutal cause this little girl was quite stubborn and not willing to budge.  Finally late in the evening the Dr. broke my water, I got an epidural, and things got going a lot smoother.  Around 1:15 am I was ready to push, but we waited a few minutes for the resident and OB to get there.  I started really pushing around 1:25, and our little girl was born at 1:30.  By far the easiest delivery ever!!!  It was so fast that Gerritt, who had jumped up really quicly, and then felt like he was going to pass out and sat down, missed the whole thing.  He stood up again at 1:30 and the Dr. handed him the scissors...

Here is our little girl:
Caitlin Ruby McDaniel
Feb. 26th, 2013
8lb 4.7oz, ans 19in

We are all so in love with her!

Saturday, July 7, 2012


...and the livin' is easy. (Or something like that.) I know it has been forever since I posted, so I thought I'd take a few minutes to update you all on our latest happenings.  Abby finished preschool, and tested off of her IEP in June. My baby's going to Kindergarten in the fall! She is seriously growing faster than I can keep up, so I've decided that for the remainder of summer it won't matter if ALL of her clothes are too short. There is no way I'm buying school clothes until absolutely necessary.

Ben is growing up too fast too. He turned two on the 18th. That kid is so energetic, spirited, whatever you want to call it. I sometimes joke that h is either asleep, or running. The favorite activities of this two year old includes dumping out anything that he can turn over to stand on. I usually find him dancing on the dining table, and kitchen counters.  Some days he mellows out and only climbs into the living room window sill, then rolls down the back of the couch.  He is so hard to get mad at because he has this grin that exudes pure mischief, and heart-melting cuteness all at the same time.

I'll stop boring you with words, and move on to the pictures! Hope you are all enjoying the summer too!

Abby's fabulous preschool teacher, and para's

See what I mean about mischief mixed with cute?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Raising Funds!

No pics today, but a quick little tid-bit.  I am walking in the March for Babies event here in Tacoma, WA in May.  I am wanting to raise funds, and awareness for the March of Dimes Organization.

So, now through the end of March I am offering 1 hr photo sessions for $50, or 1/2 hr photo sessions for $25.  $40/$20 of each session will go directly to the March of Dimes. I know many of you who read my blog are not from around here, but if you could spreas the word I would really appreciate it!

And, if you just want to donate to this great organization, just click on the banner at the top of my page!

You can find a lot of my work on my photography blog, and on Facebook!
Email me at: (at) gmail (dot) com

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

It's sNOw Wonder...

Of course Ben loves the snow! This past week we had a snow/ice storm. Before the freezing rain came in, we had some beautiful fluffy snow. Ben had never played in snow since he was barely crawling last time we got significant accumulation. It took him a few minutes, but then he jumped in! I had to put the camera away so I could keep up with him, but here are a few pics of the kiddos enjoying snow!

Monday, January 23, 2012


...the kiddos at Christmas-time!