My name is Maybelline and I have spurge. Spotted spurge. It’s in my lawn. The gardener has spread it around. It grows low to the turf and grows on stressed turf. Fertilization and irrigation alterations will not help. My choices to remove the junk are chemicals or manually pulling these boogers.
Each evening as the sun is setting I gather my mat, a Mason jar of ice water, gloves, a weeding trowel, and my radio. Yes, I listen to Michael Savage. Surprised? I also listen to the Thomas Jefferson Hour so back off if you want to pick on me. The garden kitties join me in exploring the front yard until there is no more light to operate. I pull out spurge and various other weeds until I fill my weed box. I do my best to pull the entire trespasser from tip to root.
Spurge exudes a milky, sticky sap that is supposed to be poisonous. Carrots Love Tomatoes suggests that the sap of some spurge can be used against warts. Terrific. I have some of those. I have applied a little of the sap to some flat warts on my ankle. The warts have started to darken. Each evening when I’m weeding I apply a bit more. I will not post pictures here but will report if the toad like bits drop off.
In the meantime, I estimate with my current rate of progress that the front lawn should be spurge free in about three months. This is not encouraging. My goal is to have a healthy lawn. It’s not a big lawn and it’s not a healthy lawn. Any advice for a chemical free healthy lawn will be greatly appreciated.
Maybe I should consider a weeding party where each participant receives an equal amount of produce for the amount of weeds pulled. Napalm is sounding better and better.
DBE gals: Yesterday you tackled a lesson learning how to follow links within Maybelline’s garden. Here are a few web sites you might enjoy by following these links. They should open in a separate window.
Ben Nevis
Edinburgh Fringe
Military Tattoo
Nessie Cam
Royal Highland Show
Scotland for the Senses
The Scotsman