One lampworking skill that I would LOVE to master is scrolling on a bead. Scrolling is basically writing on a bead with glass, usually with a thinner rod of glass called a stringer. Stringer control takes lots of practice, but once you master it, you can make really fun designs on your beads. My Fire Diva friends have it down pat! So let's go scrolling with the Fire Divas:

Seriously, writing the Om symbol on a bead is just too cool. My friend Ema from emakaye made this Enameled Om Focal - amazing stringer control!

The scrolling gets sparkly over at Lutrick, where Lara has added swirls of goldstone to this gorgeous Christmas tree bead.

Scrolls can be melted in or left raised on the bead, like the metallic scrolls on this ivory cabochon by Lea at LAJewelryDesigns.

More raised swirly scrolls can be found on this Lace Sparkle set at susanlambert. I love how the raised scrolls add texture to the beads.

Scrolling can also be part of the bead design. Holly scrolled the flower stems on the backside of this funky Sugar Skull Bead. Want to see the front of the bead? Head to HollysFollyGlass on ArtFire.

Could the silver scrolling on this acorn bead at AshlynDesign be any more perfect? I'm so jealous of Lori's mad scrolling skills - stunning!
Thanks Lauren! Cool post!