Happy summer everyone!
I gathered all sorts of wild plants and pods on the first walk of the summer this morning, combining them to make a tiny nature table to welcome the new season. The sun is shining bright and strong, raspberries and cherries are ripe, and roses are spilling over fences all over the neighborhood. Bees buzzing and birds singing...the sounds of summer!
It was so much fun to search the forest floor for nature's treasures. I know it's been many months since my last tiny nature table; I hope to keep it up now, and hope you will share your nature treasures, too!
The arrival of a new season is always something exciting. It reminds us of the earth's cycles, which we are a part of, even today in this modern time. No one can stop the weather, no one can manipulate the seasons. It's something eternal for us to hold onto in these times when we are surrounded by the finite.
Wishing you all a most beautiful summer....warm, colorful, fragrant, and laden with many happy memories.
xoxo country girl