I have forgotten how to write
2:06 PM | Labels: My voice | 3 Comments
At times i wonder if i was meant to be alone all through. Not the way losers think..just something that troubles my mind whenever i get into one of my introspective moods. People are mixed creatures... they want people to share their joys and sorrows and also need their own space in life. I have met a lot of them in my journey of life and can say there is one common thread between all the people in this world... Loneliness!
That is one emotion which every one goes through at some point in our life. For some its an occasional feeling and for some its a daily existence. I belong to the category in the middle. I feel detached from the people around me at times and can be in my elements and have the time of my life when i feel like it.
Today is one of those days when am feeling contended being on my own. Just some time to ponder what i have been upto and trying to connect with my Inner self.. the person that i really am. And its very comforting to know that though many things have changed and as time moves on... there is that something which can give you the comfort feeling of being something from the past...that something which has been the same all through... Ur Inner self!!!!
7:02 PM | Labels: general, My voice | 0 Comments
Lets give them Hope!!!
Not many people know what Dystonia is and what are its affects on you. I was really down with tears after reading what has happened to Tyler. I love kids and always enjoy being with them and and to see something like this happen to a wonderful kid is really bad. What i feel is more than anything else what all of us should do now is to support Tyler and his family so that they can handle this situation well. They must know that they are not alone in this fight and all of us are there to help out.
I would advice all of you to visit Tyler's hope to know more about the organization and their motto. They are a non-profitable organization who are working to prevent Dystonia and are trying to find a cure for the disease. It would be nice if all of us could join hands for the noble cause of creating awareness of this disease and this organization.
I am going to spread this message to whom ever i can in the best way possible and i pray to god that the cure is found soon and the disease is eradicated.
To know more about Tyler's story and about Tyler's hope pls use the links below.
Florida venture blog
Tylers Face book
4:27 AM | Labels: My voice | 0 Comments
A lesson that i ve learned
One thing what i have learned is that, your parents look after you since you are born and till the time you start working and your able to stand on your own legs and look after yourself. But after you start earning and do something for them with the money you have earned, it will never be equal to anything they have done for you.
It is the duty of the parents to take care of you till you grow up at the same time it the duty of the children to take care of the parents when they grow old. Just remember one thing "what you do is what you get" "Your children will treat you the way how you have treated your parents" so please set an example for your children.
2:57 PM | Labels: general, My voice | 1 Comments
Save the tiger
A few years down the lane after the independence it was note that the number of tigers in our country was dwindling, in order to control it project tiger was started in 1973 to save the dwindling populations of tigers. All these years many tiger census where released but none spoke of the truth.
This in spite of the fact that the number of tiger reserves has tripled since Project Tiger began. The 2006 tiger Census reveals that:
- In 1972, a year before Project Tiger began there were 1,827 tigers in India.
- In 1997 the Tiger Census showed that there were 3,507 tigers.
- And in 2006 the official estimate of the number of tigers is 1,411 only.
A look at some broad trends
Tiger Sanctuaries like Corbett National Park in Uttaranchal and Bandipur, and Nagarhole in Karnataka are safe havens with the number of tigers in these areas remaining more or less the same.
Central and Western India was supposed to be a safe haven for tigers, but the latest Tiger Census shows that the number of Tigers in Madhya Pradesh have almost halved in the last five-six years.
Sanctuaries in Madhya Pradesh like Panna and Kanha and even Melghat in Maharashtra have witnessed a drastic reduction in the number of tigers.
Present situation
- Today there are 28 tiger reserves in the country spread across 17 states.
- Central India once best habitat for tigers has noted sharp decline as per latest reports.
- New methodology for counting tigers was introduced in 2006 using camera traps.
- As per last census in 2002 tigers were estimated to be 3500.
- After poaching outbreak in Sariska all tigers were wiped out here.
What the states say?
Madhya Pradesh
2002 – 710
2006 – 300
2002 – 173
2006 - 45
2002 – 238
2006 - 103
Andhra Pradesh
2002 - 192
2006 – 95
2002 – 227
2006 – 26
Its high time we realize what is happening and come forward to protect our National animal. Its just like the proverb "Its better late than never". So at least now we should start doing things which must have been done years ago. I pray that these magnificent creatures live a longer life and don't go down with the animals that have extinct.
12:54 PM | Labels: general, My voice | 0 Comments
Right Attitude towards Relationships and Life
Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or to help you figure out who you are or who you want to become.
1:04 PM | Labels: My voice | 7 Comments
Smoke all the way
People who smoke can also be called as blind cause they never read the warning. The companies have been asked to print it big so tat seeing that at least some quit the habit but nothing of that sort has happened :-). Many NGO's are carrying out workshops and awareness programs so that people don't become a prey to a disease like CANCER!!! but their rate of success is minimal.
Latest to the addition of warnings is the governments order of printing photographs of people who are affected by CANCER but believe me i had a chance of seeing on of the photos and i immediately felt like puking!!!! man i cant imagine how any person who is not blind go and buy a cigarette knowing that some thing of that sort is on the pack, and how is a person going to sell this kind of stuff knowing that customer might just look like the one in the photograph if he continues smoking. But am not sure whether this is going to create any impact on our INDIAN brothers and sisters who are thick skinned.
This is not the first time a country is putting visual warnings on cigarette packet. Countries like CANADA are already practicing this and have attained good results.
Hope people realize that there is no pleasure in smoking and its nothing but a filthy stick reducing your lifespan. Quit it and live a happy life.
3:53 PM | Labels: My voice | 0 Comments
For long all the political parties that has come to power has used reservations as a medium to sustain their vote bank. they always proclaim of doing this and tat and manage to succeed in the polls. I sternly believe all these reservation and promises given by these people in power are just to please the people who are capable of turning the picture during the elections.
The start of cast ism i would call is way back after the independence when the reservations actually started or thought of by these politicians.. they had given these reservations bases on the census of 1931.
Last year when the students of IIT Delhi university AIMS started stagging demonstration & protest against reservation the supreme court had asked the government to hand over a copy of the census with which they provide reservation and our most perfect govt provided the court what they wanted, u have any clue which years census the govt gave to the supreme court? 1931 yup the same one tat i ve mentioned earlier this clearly depicts how ignorant our govt is and how bad their functioning is.
Thanks to our country proceeding with any idea has a great amount of difficulty. At this juncture where many are advising for a economic based reservation there is a big Question to be answered how will the govt come to know about the income of every citizen this will remain to be a really tough job because of most of the ppl in our country don't pay their tax properly & do not show their complete income when these type of problems are yet to be explored students getting proper justice is rather a far dream than a reality.
As long as these worthless people remain in power i don't see India becoming a super power or the 2020 vision of our previous president being achieved. God knows when our country will be gifted with proper leaders who take decision by thinking in a wide angle and do things for the benefit of the citizens than for themselves
TO QUOTE : during a recent interview done by the popular news channels & during pblic meetings politicians have not shown any sign of changing their stand when Mr. V.P. SINGH former prime minister of our country was asked a question whether he ll give reservation to a rich OBC or a poor forward cast person he said he ll give t for a OBC only... since he was a backward cast person when he got screwed later in the interview he corrected what he said as to he ll give for both of them this shows how adamant these ppl are.
The present HRD MINISTER ARJUN SINGH in his meeting publicly announced that he will surely bring back reservation as it previously was this happened only a few days after the supreme court stayed the reservation for OBC
Until these ppl change their attitude or new people with non partisan attitude be in power.. No big valuable change can be expected. And we shall always live under their mercy. THIS REMAINS THE BITTER TRUTH.
2:44 PM | Labels: My voice | 4 Comments