Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Finding Tea In Old Chinese Medicine Shops
Saturday, June 4, 2011
The Qi of Wild Tea and A Tasting of 2010 Fujian Wild Oolong
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
2010 Spring Gao Shan Luanze Li Shan Oolong
Monday, April 25, 2011
2010 "Zealong Pure" New Zealand Oolong
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Everything You Need to Know About Zealong, An Oolong from New Zealand, and A Tasting of Their 2010 "Zealong Dark"
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Drinking Oolong Tea For Nasal Congestion: A Tasting of 2010 Teamasters Fall Gao Shan Luanze Bi Li Shi Oolong With a Stuffy Nose
From what one can make of them, the dry leaves smell of deep, gritty raison with a long, barely sweet, chalky smell. There is a slight straw-floral smell in them like that of wildflowers on the prairie- not the vibrant, exotic florals usually associated with Oolong.
The second infusion is tangy with a soft bitter sweetness. There is a strong presence of vegetables- celery, corn, daikon in the mouth and aftertaste. The aftertaste is full of nuance with an interesting rubbery vegetable taste containing little sweetness. It almost tastes like bubble gum that has been chewed awhile, most of its taste has past but it remains gummy with faded nuances and just slightly sweet. The mouthfeel continues to be soft and oily, it finishes cakey in the mouth.
The fourth infusion sees light florals dominating as they lighten into the aftertaste. The mouthfeel is juicy and light. The aftertaste is an extension of these floral notes.
Over the next week one never developed that plugged sinus sensation- it took a few more days before the nose would stop running though!
Link to Michal's (Poetry In Tea) Tasting Notes
Link to Petr's (Pots and Tea) Tasting Notes
Sunday, September 26, 2010
20 Year Old Tie Guan Yin
On this cool early autumn day, with water boiling, lets sit down, slow down, and enjoy some tea...
The first infusion is prepared with just off boiling water. A fresh, malty chalkiness lightly coats the whole mouth with a lingering vanilla note. It has much flavour to pick on with a baked spicy and very light, sweet fruity notes apparent as well. The flavour and feel has an aged hardiness to it yet still retains its elegance. The thick but very slight aftertaste stays around for a long time while transmitting more of the dominant vanilla, and now, coca sweetness. A sweat breaks instantly. The chaqi moves, rises, disperses- the light, aromatic, floating, dispersing energy is powerful and calming. It's direction is quickly outward and upward. Ones forehead immediately perspires.
In the second infusion malty-thick, viscous, slippery flavours slide over the mouth- completely embracing it. A light sweetness with thick malty bottom comes over the mouth like a wave leaving behind the deep, mysterious, and chalky. Light into dark, light into deep, summer into fall. The tea reaches deep into the throat. The aftertaste is just a continuation of the initial sip.
The third infusion has an initial flavour that bends to more of a caramel-maltiness. There is a fresh quality that presses against the heavy, viscous bottom of this tea. A gritty, chalky nature is revealed in the full mouthfeel and throatfeel of this tea. The chaqi induces a sweat every time the first cup of a new infusion is consumed. Besides dispersing up and outward, the chaqi also warms and strengthens the middle jiao as it slowly creates a comforting warming sensation in the guts.
The fourth infusion has the vanilla notes more prominent. The taste becomes a bit more creamy with deeper notes becoming less overpowering. The mouthfeel becomes more sticky and slick. The aftertaste is as full as ever with chocolate vanilla notes burrowing deep into the throat.
The fifth infusion tastes lighter and fresher with ghostly, but still very present, deeper notes hanging on. The finish is still that sweet, light, ethereal, vanilla coco. The mouthfeel is thinner initially and thickens out in the throat. The qi here is warming and disperses slower now. A hot flash now hits the head minutes after finishing the pot. Now the warming- middle nature of the chaqi is more predominant over the dispersing nature.
In the sixth and seventh infusions the tea develops a woody, slightly spicy character with the vanilla and chocolate notes just present as a back taste. It finishes dry and slightly bitter. The mouthfeel is lighter and sharper. The aftertaste is deliciously long and starts to develop a sharp tartness. The flash of heat comes much later and is just slightly noticeable now. Strong relaxation is induced.
This tea is taken a few more infusions. This last push contains sharper, thinner flavours of spicy wood with even some subtle fruity notes.
Monday, July 26, 2010
2009 Winter Dong Ding Competition Grade III Oolong On A Chilly Summer Morning
The first pot is a very simple, quiet ordeal with bland-grainy body and a slippery roasted taste. It is immediately apparent that this is not a spring but a winter oolong.
The hot water is left in the fifth infusion for a long while. When one comes back to the pot it yields a thin, watery soup with a soft roasted, hollow honey taste. One sips and enjoys this last simple pot throughout the morning.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
2009 Fall (mid Sept) Teamasters Luanze Oolong, Feng Huang, Taiwan
The dry leaves smell a faint, sweet raspberry muddled in soft, creamy deep mountain tones. One meditates deeply on the smell and can sense the mountain air where these leaves must have lavished in.
These leaves unfurl in yixing with the urging of slightly cooled hot water.
The first infusion reveals the typical milky, creamy sweetness of Taiwanese oolong. This one is nice and sweet accompanied with a bland taste which thinly coats the mouth and covers the lips. A ghostly, juicy raspberry taste adds additional freshness.
The second infusion has more bitter notes which play well with bland and sweet. Milky, fresh, light, slightly fruity, berry sweetness is divided by bitter notes. A flowery summer and roasted almond scent adds to the light, spring feel of this oolong.
In the third infusion, hidden within the wonderful depth of this tea, the flowery notes blossom in the mouth. This taste climbs into the sinuses where it lingers for quite sometime, a nice reminder of what was, what still is.
The fourth brings sweet, light,grainy, fruity honey notes. It has a bitter sharpness about it that keeps the lighter flavours in check. The aftertaste is more cereal-honey.
The next few infusions the flavour shortens, thins, as it is backed by bitter and bland. The aftertaste is a faint floral reminder of what it once was. The chaqi is a touch warming, bright, clean, clear.
The last infusions last hours not minutes and still manage to push out sweet, thick-honey taste with hints of creamy floral over a nice viscus mouthfeel. This thick, buttery floral honey taste is enjoyed all day long.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
2009 Fall (mid Sept) Teamasters Hung Shui Oolong, Feng Huang, Taiwan
Directing them into yixing, the dry leaves smell a roasted sweet grain- first suggestion of roasting. Boiling water is left to cool just for a bit before it awakens these roasted pearls.
The first infusion is a touch chalky with notes of light creamy hay sweetness- honey sweetness. Immediately this first light brew feels very harmonious in the mouth, in the soul.
The second infusion brings with it bitter but smooth flavours of roasted honey with the softest faint fleeting floral taste that brightens the nose.
The roast of this tea is what harmonizes it, makes it feel so whole, so complete. It brings out the flavour without drawing attention to its 'roasted' character.
The third infusion has a smooth un-offending bland nuance to it which plays with sweet tones of sweet grainy honey. Soft roasted barley lingers on the breath.
The cha qi is warm and soothing as it reassures ones active mind. The roasting of autumnal oolong does much to harmonize its energy. If an optimal roast is achieved, this tea being a prime example, the energy of the tea becomes more complete. Ascending and descending energies complement not only the flavour but also the qi.
The fifth and sixth infusion bring only grainy, rough, earthy tones with very little sweet notes to be found. A few faint, gritty honey tastes break through.
The seventh infusion is left overnight. One awakes to thick, oily, yummy, honey water. An earthy floral taste makes its last attempt in this cool cup of tea.
One enjoys the cool tea in this way, admiring the brilliantly roasted wet leaves so early in the morning.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
2008 Sinouk Champasak (Southern) Lao Organic Oolong
These leaves are full, wiry, dark, and unbroken. The smell exudes that characteristic scent of Paxsong tea- a lingering coffee tone with hints of milky chocolate and overpowering raisin. Cue Salivation.
One puts three scoops of these space consuming leaves into the pot, water is added, then poured into a serving pot, then into ones cup. This cycle repeats itsself, mindlessly, mindfully.
The first sip of this tea is unforgettable as it really tastes quite different then most oolong. It has a rather unique woody-smooth, coffee-raisin taste that is a touch sweet and sometimes ending a touch bitter.
This tea has a slight roast to it. The nice roastiness of raisin and more slight bitter chocolate stay on the breath for sometime afterward.
Later infusions allow this tea to evolve slightly with raisin notes out pacing coffee and chocolate. Even some subtle soft, sour citrus notes can be noticed creating space and depth between sweet raisin and bitter-roasted coffee.
This tea becomes a touch smokey and throaty, or is it roasty and full? Sometimes it's really hard to tell with this tea. In the end this effect allows for somewhat of a fullness presenting mainly in the mouth that makes this one rather enjoyable. It seems to meld perfectly with the flavours of this tea.
It's chaqi is very noticeable but not distracting. Very similar in fact to the hong cha type of energy found in its semi-oxidized sibling.
As many sessions drag on with this oolong it develops flatter, vegital notes that sneak out under the dominating roasty- raisin and fading coffee. This tea can be enjoyed like this for a very long time as its stamina is quite good.
And so one enjoys it this way for quite some time.