Sunday, January 24, 2010

Christmas in NM 2009!

Alright, well as always I couldn't just pick a few pictures to share. I know there are a ton, but I had such a good time with my family and my little nieces are just too cute! Matt and I got to NM on Christmas day and just had a great time cooking, eating, talking, and of course going on lots of walks! Los Alamos is so gorgeous and I loved being outside, although I did not enjoy the 15 degree temperature!

Cutting the Christmas tree in the mountains. Sadly Los Alamos Christmas trees are always a little scraggly, however Mom does a good job at sprucing them up!

Andrew and Michelle, such a good looking couple!

Opening presents, Evelyn was Santa's stand in since Dan couldn't make a result, things were a little less organized than usual!

More gifts...

Trina, Lisa, Mom, Gma, and Michelle all in the kitchen...notice I didn't say cooking in the kitchen, we were just all IN the kitchen...Some of us cooked and some of us were food quality inspectors :-)!

Michelle and Dad

Matt and Mom

Lisa and Andrew

Sweet little Amelia

Matt and Evelyn playing a very serious game of Blokus (a Christmas gift from Scott and Trina, thanks guys it's so much fun!)

The first of 3 pictures of food you'll see on this post. I miss New Mexican food everyday and couldn't get enough of it, so some people might think it's weird to have picts of food, but true New Mexicans will understand! I love green and red chili and this is a breakfast burrito from Chili Works, sausage christmas yummy!

The farmer showin off his livestock

Evelyn and Matt putting together a puzzle, they had so much fun playing together!

A blurry picture, but too funny not to put up. Allison found a pair of my jeans and wore them around the house, she was pretty pleased with herself. There's a video of her and I'll put it up with some others later.

Matt and Evelyn watching Monsters Inc.

Happy naked baby Amelia!

Great grandma Asay with Amelia

Amelia doing her gangster, "What?!"

Awe, cousins you gotta love 'em!

Amelia was passed around quite a bit, she was so cute everyone wanted to hold her!

Evelyn and Dampa, so cute!

There's something so fun about kids in the snow!

Building a snowman? I guess that's what that is...

Too cute!

Now that looks more like a snowman, good work Grandma! You look so pretty here Mom!

Yup, good work Evelyn, helping Grandpa out like I used to help him when I lived there :-)

This year's Snow Bowl, football in the Snow!

Everyone participated except Michelle and Lisa. Michelle had to watch Amelia at home and Lisa was too much of a wimp to brave the 20 degree weather! Brrr!

Evelyn on her plane ride with Dampa!

Grandpa said he grew ice cream in his garden and by golly, he would not be made a liar! Here's Evelyn and Grandpa digging up a fresh container of ice cream!

Also featured at Grandpa's house, a lollipop tree!

We enjoyed visiting the Santa Fe Plaza

Amelia's little hood with bear ears was so cute!

Sweet ride Evelyn!

Yummy!! A plate swimming in green chili! I miss you!

These paintings are from my favorite gallery right off the plaza. Although these paintings were pretty neat, I love the sculptures done here.

Andrew kissing a pig! So funny!

My favorite! This big ole bear is licking out the honey from a bee hive and there are bees all over him, it's pretty cool.

Loretto chapel, where a carpenter showed up a long time ago and built a spiral staircase without's pretty famous.

Sometimes my mom turns into a Puerto Rican Mama and cooks this amazing dish :-) Arroz con Pollo, so good!

Bleh! Nice aim Amelia!

Just us

Game Night with the Whitakers! Hurrah! Every year that we can, us two families get together to play games and have a good time. This year there were a lot more kids, which made it a bit more eventful. I took a few pictures, but I have several videos which I'll put up later :-)
Trina, Mom with Amelia, Michelle, and Andrea

Rich and Robby

Christmas Photo 2009!

Uncle Matt with beautiful, serious Allison

My amazing parents!
So fun!
So cute!
Almost all of us...missed you Danny boy!

I love going home!