Saturday, August 22, 2009

New York City

After visiting Ithaca, we were able to stay with Dan in NYC. It was Matt's first time there and we had lots of fun! We walked Broadway, saw the Statue of Liberty, went to a Yankee's baseball game, and ate a New York bagel shop :-) It was so much fun to see the sites and be with family!

Brooklyn Bridge

Manhattan Skyline

Michelle talking to Andrew who couldn't make the trip :-(

Mom and Matt on Broadway

In Central Park

Dan and Matt in Central Park

The Seinfield Restaurant!

Dad, Dan, and Matt by the yummy kabob street vender :-)

Bagel Shop- Dad is very excited about his pound cake

Friday, August 7, 2009

Ithaca, New York

When we went out to New York, the whole family went out to visit Scott and his family in Ithaca. We got to go hiking in a beautiful park, with a path following a river. After the hike, we had a picnic and played with the girls on the playground. We also got to go walking behind Scott's house, which happens to be a green, wooded area that is just gorgeous. There are tons of waterfalls all over Ithica and we went to several of those. The weather was nice and cool, with a "little" rain when we toured Scott's office at Cornell. We ate key lime pie popcorn (thanks Trina!) and played games. Went to church and sang songs with the girls. Ate some chicken wings for my dad, and visited. It was awesome to spend time as a family. I know there are tons of pictures, but I couldn't pick just a few...

Trina and Allison

Along for the ride.

Dad and Mom

He's a Grandpa?!

The girls: Lisa, Michelle, Trina, and Evelyn.

The boys: Scott, Dan, and Dad.

Uncle Matt and Evelyn. She liked Matt because he would let her walk on the walls...go figure!

Dad and Me

Matt put Allison right to sleep!

I guess I can claim I was the one to teach her how to drive, huh?...

Uncle Dan and Grandma are the best!

Scott's Office Building

We were all standing up at the top of the bell tower and Matt was standing with his leg crossed over the other. Evelyn kept almost tipping over and we finally looked over to see why and it was because she was copying and trying to stand like Matt! It was pretty funny.

Definately related, probably one of my favorite pictures!

Beautiful big, blue eyes!

We all clean up pretty good!

Behind Scott and Trina's house.

Scott wall jumping, he was way good.

Dad with his little grandkids! They sat still for about 2 seconds, so we got lucky with this pic!

Such a fun trip! I could have stayed out there forever, it's too hot here in Texas! Anyway, I have pictures from New York City, but it'll be a couple of days before I get those out...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Amazing Brothers

I wanted to start out my first post, in a series of many posts to come, with some of my heroes. In May, Matt and I were able to go out to New York to celebrate Dan graduating from New York University's Medical School. I am so proud of Dan for accomplishing what he set out to do and for doing something that I could never do. I love hearing about his experiences and how he saves lives every day. He is a great brother and an awesome friend.

Dr. Daniel Blaine Asay

While we were in New York, we went to Ithica to visit Scott. I am so amazed by his little family. He has 2 super cute girls and an incredible wife who is an amazing cook. Scott spends time with his family and is so good to them. He is getting his PhD in something to do with numbers from Cornell University, he's so smart! It was so cool to visit his office and walk around campus. I'm so proud of him for what he has become and who he has brought into our family!