Showing posts with label mom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mom. Show all posts

December 4, 2014

On rough times and gratitude

You know those weeks where things are just rough? That's this week. Actually, it's been a rough season. Maybe rough isn't the right word- it's been a busy season, and now it's a crazy week. I've got a sick kid (respiratory virus, producing 103* fever, thanks for asking) and a kid teething (8 teeth in 2 weeks, and half are molars), a moving date looming in T-2 weeks, Christmas gifts to make (because I'm crazy- straight up nuts) and I'm getting sick, too. Oh, and the meds they gave my kid make her hyperactive and make it hard for her to sleep- just what a sick parent needs :)

October 31, 2014

I'm living in Hudsons.

I'm just barely sneaking in another make for Parcel #6  (here's the first) before the tour ends and this parcel is gone forever! (don't know what I'm talking about? Check out their site to learn more about how awesome Perfect Pattern Parcel is)

I've been dying to make some Hudson pants since before I even got the pattern but I've been supa supa busy sewing many other things. In the past couple of months I've sewn 2 wedding dresses, 2 Halloween costumes, 20 drawstring bags, and two makes for separate Pattern Parcel blog tours. That's all I can think of, but for some reason I feel like there was something else... Oh and I had a photography retreat, a trip to Utah (2 weeks!), my sister came to visit, and I'm training for a marathon. Way too many good things to even deserve, but it meant those Hudson pants went on the back burner.

Anyhow, I've been wanting some Hudson pants because I basically live in yoga pants these days and mine are all stretched out from maternity/postpartum wear. And yes my baby is 18 months old already. I know. Buy some clothes that fit already, right?

October 13, 2014

Sister Love

I used to blog about my child a lot. I blogged with the detail that only a stay at home mother of one child can- monthly details of each aspect of her development were noted, along with more pictures than any one person should have taken of them. And then I had a second child and those posts nearly stopped. I mean, I can't remember the last time I did a monthly update, and poor Caroline has really only had her birth blogged about. Such is the plight of the second child. The thing is, I miss those posts, and I miss taking more pictures of my kids, and I definitely miss documenting their lives in writing. So I'm going to try to bring that back in some more sustainable form. This doesn't all have to be about sewing, even if my blog is called Stitched, right?

I had a moment the other day- Charly and I were at the Children's Museum, just the two of us, and we were both enjoying being able to do art projects at a leisurely pace, taking great care to choose materials and spending lots of time at the paint table. This is a stark contrast to our usual visits where I try to hurry her creative process as much as possible because wrangling a feisty almost-18-month-old in an art studio is a dangerous job. Scissors, open tubs of paint and glue with sticky brushes poking out- this is the nightmare of a mom of a toddler. The thought crossed my mind- "how many special moments are my children missing because I can't give either of them my undivided attention?" and it made me a little sad, for just a minute. It didn't take long for me to remember how much these sweet girls love each other. They aren't missing anything in life by having a sibling- they've got a playmate, a confidant, a partner in crime.

I took these pictures a day or two later. Caroline woke up from her nap and Charly went with me to get her. Charly joined her in the crib for a little post nap play session, and craziness commenced. Caroline's first words, each and every time she wakes up, are "sisser! sister!" These girls sure love each other. Aren't siblings grand? Here's to sisterly love, to siblings, to my sweet and sassy girls.

March 11, 2011

8 Weeks!

I've been a mom for eight weeks now, and I can't believe how much my life has changed!! Not only do I have a baby to care for, but Matt started a new job, I left my job, and we moved to Leesburg. Yep, it seems like most everything in our lives has changed, from our day to day roles (I'm cooking now...eek!) to our home. Here are a few pictures of what my days are filled with now...

Looking at those adorable little feet- seriously, check out that long ole pinky toe!

We have a whole lot of these moments.

Sometimes we go out for walks...

...which makes her tired.

Sometimes she's sad...

...but that doesn't last long with lots of mommy kisses.

luckily she doesn't cry too much.

We try to get some tummy time in- although she doesn't like it much usually.

She does love to smile though!

Yep, life has changed a lot around here, but we are loving it!

February 11, 2011

I can't believe

...this little angel

is four weeks old! Four weeks means she and I are starting to get the swing of things, but it also means the end of my maternity leave and my start of life as a working mom. Wish me luck!

June 27, 2010


Yes, I've used this title for a post before, and yes, I'm using it in the same sense of the word. I thought it was clever then and I still think that, so for my post about all the happenings over the last...month (? eek!) I'm going right ahead and calling it my ketchup post.

And while we are on the subject of ketchup, I remember as a child 1. loving ketchup beyond reason, but most importantly 2. having a small orange cup (70's tupperware style) with the word 'ketchup' printed vertically up the side of the cup. This came to mind as I pondered the appropriateness of duplicating post titles, and it made me happy. Another reason I stuck with it:)

Ok, on to the matter at hand. My last post- June first- detailed my 5k victory. Matt has since filled our blog with delicious recipes, and every so often given me the 'when are you going to post about that doctor appointment?' guilt trip, so here I am. Because we have a lot of ground to cover, and because I like organization, I am detailing the contents of this post below. This is also an aid to you readers who may or may not want to read all my ramblings- feel free to skip to the most interesting section.

1. First OB appointment
2. Mom's visit
3. Free fridays
4. Sunbeams

Number one.
My first OB appointment was June 7th. I'm going to August Health Care for Women. Its about 40 minutes away but is an awesome facility. I would have gone there based on reputation anyhow, but recently the birthing center at Stonewall Jackson Hospital closed, so it really was the closest option I had. Matt is a little bummed about that, mainly because I promised him long ago that if we had a child at SJH, and if it was a boy, his middle name could be Stonewall. Sorry Matt, no chance now.
I met with a CNM (certified nurse midwife) who I had heard good things about. I have been reading all sorts of pregnancy books, so I had some idea of what to expect; blood work, pelvic exam, etc., but a few things did take me by surprise. Can we just say, vaginal ultrasound? Not only did I not know that this would be the type of ultrasound I would have, I didn't know that this type of ultrasound even existed. The rest of the appointment went without a hitch. I met with Mary, and Mom and Matt waited out front since I had the pelvic exam and all. I went and grabbed them and went to the ultrasound room where we waited for Betsy, another CNM. An assistant came in and handed me a blanket with the instructions "bottom's off." This should have been a clue for me, but I figured they just didn't want my pants getting in the way of my waistline. I try to keep this blog G-rated, so I won't give you all the details, but suffice it to say that I had no clue the police-baton shaped probe would be inside of me rather than rubbed on my belly. Here I sat, legs in stirrups, Matt and Mom ooh-ing at seeing the peanut shaped creature with little limbs, just wondering how long this thing is gonna take. Not quite what I pictured my first ultrasound to be. I'm assuming they had to do this kind of procedure because it was so early in my pregnancy- I just wish I would have had some inclination of that before I sat so uncomfortably looking at the baby inside of me!
Aside from the uncomfortable nature of this moment, it was really cool to actually see that little baby so early on. I also was given a projected due date: January 21st! This comes at a precarious time- my birthday is the 15th and Matt's is the 25th. We'll have to have a survey when things get a little closer to see whose birthday you all think the baby will be born closest to.

Here's the little peanut at 7 or so weeks. The circle to the left is the yolk sack. We are looking at the baby with its head on the bottom and a little limb poking out on the top right.

Number two.
Whilst this OB visit was happening, my dear mother came to visit! She came as a Mother's Day gift from us kids, and it was great to spend some time with her. We jaunted around Lexington, got pedicures (so nice on a hot day!), went antique shopping, floated down the Maury, did a little shopping and relaxed. My energy level dictated some of the trip, but it was so fun to be able to take her around to my office and show her the fun little rural place that we live.

Number three.
I think I've mentioned before that I have a great job. If you haven't heard that, let it be known now that I absolutely love what I do. Number three is just one more reason- my boss recently introduced our summer schedule. Basically, she worked out a way to reward us for all the hard work we are doing and are going to have to do this summer by arranging 6 free fridays that we are each assigned this summer. No late hours, so pay cut, no annual leave taken- just straight free days! See what I mean? I have an awesome job. I have already enjoyed 2 of these Fridays. Since my energy is shot by the time I come home from work, these days have given me a chance to catch up on housework and other things I just don't get around to like I used to. Thank you, free Fridays!

Number four.
Matt and I were recently called to teach the 3-4 year old class at church. Our little sunbeams are always a treat. Our class can sometimes be 6 or 7 kids, which is a handful, but man are they cute! We always end up coming home and talking about the funny things they say. Today was a rough day, but Matt told the story of David and Goliath and they were MESMERIZED! While the last child was waiting for his parents to come pick him up he asked if he could play David and Goliath. He was David, Matt was the giant, and he told us step by step what he needed to do, starting with saying a prayer before he picked up his sling! Another kid, while talking about things that we learn to do, asked if we knew how to become zombies. I answered that I didn't, but apparently if you don't go to sleep you become a zombie. Thanks for the info kid, I'll make sure I get some sleep:)

Whew. That was a mouthful. Ok, now that I've got that off my chest, I'm going to watch design star. Farewell!