I just wanted to introduce the newest member of the fam. Our sweet baby girl.
We weren't going to find out what we were having, but on a whim we decided to have a gender check. I went in thinking we were having a boy for sure (our little Cooper). Then the ultrasound tech said she was 90% sure it was a girl. I was so overwhelmed, I began to cry and cry and cry, I have no idea why. I was in complete shock. I wanted a little girl sooo bad, I just couldn't believe it. I think I cried tears of joy all that day!
I have waited so long for Kaisley. My Grandma Irene always told me that she waited so long for me, so in a way I feel that this baby girl was a gift from her. She passed away almost a year ago, just before we found out we were pregnant. We were considering being done after Keo. I had kinda given up on thinking we would have a girl. Thank goodness for the man upstairs who knows better than me. I am so grateful for this sweet little blessing. I love her so much.
It is funny how she has changed all of us. Chris has always been kind, but now I see a softer sweeter side of him, even with the boys. The boys absolutely adore her, Krue especially. I think they have a special bond. He is so protective of her.
We are so happy for you guys and she is beautiful. Love ya!
She is DARLING, girls are SO fun! I love her name too. ♥
I am so happy for you Erin! Your post totally made me cry. Happy tears of course! :0) You finally have your baby girl. She is a lucky little girl to have you and Chris as parents... and have 4 BIG brothers to watch out for her and protect her. I love and miss you!!!
She is just so beautiful! I can't get over it. I am elated for you and chris, having a girl is amazing. It is just different than a boy. Congrats!! We just love you and your fam.
That was such a sweet post about Kaisley!! She is perfect...and darling too. Kace did such a great job taking her pics.
She is a doll! I love her! I'm so glad you got your sweet girl!
She is a little doll, so cute! I love the picture second from the last, precious. I am so happy you finally got a girl.
So so so cute! And her name, LOVE it! Congrats you guys! Girls are so much fun :)
beautiful erin! you're so great with all those boys, and kaisley is so blessed to be part of such a loving family! aren't we lucky to have our girls?:)
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