Showing posts with label civilians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label civilians. Show all posts

18 Oct 2014


Hello guys,

I painted these three "civilians" a while ago. They are all made from Studio miniatures zombies, which I thought was as good source for civilians as it is for zombies. It isn't. No matter what you do, you can't get rid of the "shambling stance". I got a few more in the pipeline, but I will probably just use my zombies for larger rioting mob when needed.

The guy on the left could be either friendly or hostile, as he is waving around. The one in the middle is clearly ready to stir things up as he even invested in an overcool bandana to cover his face. And the old man appearance of the last guy shouldn't trick you - he carries a rock and is not afraid to use it!
Evergreen soldier preparing a tear gas grenade behind cover.

I will be using them to litter the board, obviously, acting as a roadblock and another thing for both sides to worry about (you don't get people to support your insurgency by shooting at them!)

Perhaps it's time for some public ordering!
Photos are either from Germany in a preparation for Kosovo or the Kosovo itself (more likely as there are no role players around), I can't remember anymore.

Thanks for looking,

4 Jan 2014

Meet the old couple!

 Hello guys,

I've finally taken time to show you the old couple I've painted a while back.
They are from Hasslefree miniatures and I've mounted them on 20mm slotta bases.

They are a bit smaller than usual figures, which is great. I am pretty sure at least the old man is supposed to be medieval, but as you can see, they are both very universal.

I have to say, while it took me long to get to them, I really enjoyed painting them. The poses are just spot on. I was painting a certain vampire while I was painting those, so I've decided to just go with it and gave them very pale skin colour. Let's just imagine they just saw a monstrosity of a sort.

Not much else to say about them, the old guy is kinda darkish and the old lady is very brightly dressed.

 Below is the usual scale shot and I am still upset that my mat varnish isn't all that mat.

In other news, my other blog is finally getting some shape (I've got marked locations of over 100 bunkers, all in a walking distance!), and I've managed to sell my 15mm FOW german army. I am actually just making some extra barbed wire for the buyer, so I'll take some shots and I'll show the whole army in another post.

Thanks for looking,