
Showing posts with label Powdersville Community Chruch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Powdersville Community Chruch. Show all posts

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry me!

Just had to write a short note here.  I got a Christmas surprise last night.  Yesterday afternoon my husband got a phone call and when he hung up he wouldn't tell me what it was about...just that we would be going somewhere later and it was a surprise....don't you just hate that! I want to know everything and right now...but I was patient and finally about 6:20 we got ready to leave.  I felt like a kid..."where are we going?" "How long will it take to get there?". If you know my husband, he is a man of few...very few words. He was known as Clam, jr. in his family because he was just like his dad. Neither of them talked much.

It wasn't long before I knew where we going.  Our church is at the end of a road.  As we got closer I thought, "a Sunday school party at the church"....Well that thought didn't last long as the church was all dark; as was the parking lot. Then I could faintly see one was my friends Micki and Russell. Now I was suspicious. Why all the secrecy if we were just meeting them to go to dinner and why at the church. David pulled into the parking space facing the church...and as the car lights shown on the door of the church, low it appeared!!

A new cabinet for storing our supplies for our Thursday group was sitting in front of the doors of the church with ribbon on the handles!! Y E A H!!! Now I don't have to pack up from home, unload at the church, at the end of the day pack up and load the car again and then unload when I get home!

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to Micki and Russell.  Merry Christmas everyone. Hope your Christmas is full of fun, surprises and good times with friends and family.

Monday, November 1, 2010

A new Stamping group

Time:            Thursday, November 4th
                      10:00 am until.....
Place:            Powdersville Community Church
                     Exit 40

Powdersville Community

200 Assembly Dr
Piedmont, SC 29673-9434
(Gas station on corner of
Assembly Dr. And 153.
Go pass Waffle House and
Hakkim Rugs and turn left)
I now have the key for the church and the times of our 
meeting is on the church calendar.  This Thursday I will
 bring a few samples for us to work on.  Micki Switzer
 is also going to bring a project/sample.  I have all my 
samples and stamps that I had at the store so if there 
was something you especially wanted to work on let me
 know and I will bring it.  I intend to bring only new 
samples at this time unless you contact me.  I will try and 
get a supply list to you before Thursday.  I will only send 
the supply list to those who will be attending.  If you have a 
project to share please bring it.
There is a full kitchen with microwave so if you want to 
bring a lunch you can. Also we will only be one exit from 
Eleanor's so those that want could make a quick shopping 
Saturday's will not be available until January.  The Monday 
group will be meeting the second Monday of this month, 
November 10th.  

Also, it has been suggested that we might meet on an evening.  
I have not passed this by the Pastor or Secretary but if there 
is interest you might let me know which evening might be good.  
To start with I am thinking once a month in the evenings? 
REMINDER: there is no fee for use of the building but I am 
sure they would not turn down a donation.
See you there!