Showing posts with label entertaining. Show all posts
Showing posts with label entertaining. Show all posts


"Entertaining" Turns 40!

 Martha's landmark first book will turn 40 years old this week! Published in December of 1982, "Entertaining" was to become the foundation for all that Martha accomplished in the decades that followed, setting her course as America's leading arbiter of taste, home cookery and home keeping. 

It was Alan Mirkin, an executive at Random House, who convinced Martha that she was capable of writing a book about the subject of hosting parties. He had been a guest at many of Martha's catered affairs, as well as at her home for many of her parties. The two became friends. Martha took her book plan to Clarkson Potter who gave her the okay with Mirkin's backing, and production began in earnest with Martha documenting many of her catered events and private dinner parties at her home, Turkey Hill, in Westport, Connecticut, with recipes for the menus and photographs of the completed dishes. 

When it was suggested that the book be printed in black and white, Martha insisted that the beautiful photographs in the book (which were taken by her then husband Andrew Stewart and photographer Michael Skott) be published in colour.  Having underestimated Martha's appeal, the publisher initially printed only 20,000 copies, which immediately sold out, forcing Clarkson Potter to follow up with a second printing of 500,000 copies. Today, Entertaining is one of the bestselling cookbooks of all time, having sold well over one million copies. 

What makes it such a treasure is the scope of its vision. Martha's determination and imagination are on full display on every page, surrounded by imagery that documents the resplendent results of her efforts: tables dressed with quilts and then laden with cakes and desserts under towering flower arrangements, or a table set perfectly for a formal dinner party under a crystal chandelier by a roaring fire. In the early 1980s, Martha intuitively understood the ambitions of her peers to have a home filled with fine food and good friends. 

The book helped to introduce Martha to the American public and what followed, in addition to many more books, were television specials, a partnership with Kmart, a magazine, a weekly television series that later aired daily, and finally a company that produced not only content through all media but produced the products to support the lifestyle the company promoted. Entertaining was the first step in Martha becoming Martha. 

I'm happy to celebrate this book's 40th anniversary. Below are quotes from the book that illustrate Martha's intentions for the book and some of her advice for hosting. Enjoy!

"I hope this book will give people ideas, just as other people, stories, experience, and food itself have me ideas. It is not intended only for the culinary elite, who are working to refine their cuisine, but especially for all those people who regard cooking as "preparing meals", as drudgery or duty - and entertaining as an even greater worry. For them, I hope to show that there are many ways of entertaining and that each ultimately depends not on pomp or show or elaborate technique, but on thought, effort, and caring - much like friendship itself."
"Entertaining is an opportunity to be individualistic, to express your own ideas about what constitutes a good party. For one hostess, it might be a small and elegant dinner, with poached salmon; for others, a large and boisterous pasta buffet, make-your-own sandwiches and an old movie, omelets on the patio, or tempura in the kitchen. There are as many good formulas as there are personalities."
"My catering business began by chance. I had taught a cooking class for my daughter, Alexis, and her peers. Then, tentatively, I placed a single ad in the local papers offering my services as a caterer, only to find myself preparing blindly for a wedding for three hundred. The menu was a novice's - extravagant, demanding and unprofitable: hors d'oeuvres, homemade pates, cold cucumber soup, salmon mousses, chicken breasts chaud-froid, and homemade breads. Down by Long Island Sound, on a sweltering August afternoon in an unsheltered beach club in Darien, I stood by the buffet and watched the aspic melt off the oeufs en gelee, and the top tier of a basket-weave cake slip starboard. I eliminated the oeuffs and pushed the cake back into place. Nevertheless, it was a very good party, and I knew I was hooked."
"Think of how the colors of your food might contrast or complement your dishes; think, too, of how the colors work together on their own. Sometimes the size of the ingredients makes a statement. Carrots left whole and then aligned in a graceful diagonal on a plate have a different, interesting look. A stew appears dramatically hearty if you choose large mushrooms and whole vegetables (baby carrots, new potatoes) and cut the meat into two-inch cubes. A chicken salad composed of big chunks of white meat makes an extravagant statement, while the same ingredients finely julienned make a delicate one. A sweet spring lamb is more appropriately carved into several thin slices than one hefty slab. In assembling a plate, respect the integrity of and the nature of each element: don't be haphazard, don't crowd, for the results are worth the extra few moments of time."
"Any form of entertaining involves expanding a private world to include others. It calls for an extrovert's heart and an introvert's soul. It is essential that you consider your guests' inclinations and interests in the planning, but it is equally important that you follow your own instincts. Entertaining, like cooking, is a little selfish, because it really involves pleasing yourself, with a guestlist that will coalesce into your idea of harmony, with a menu orchestrated to your home and taste and budget, with decorations subject to your own eye. Given these considerations, it has to be pleasureful."
"When I was in grade school I used to organize all the birthday parties in our neighborhood, just for the fun of arranging little dramas. And as I read all the classics, what remained most vivid in my memory were the banquet scenes in Sir Walter Scott, the Roman punch dinners in Edith Wharton novels, and the country weekends in Tolstoy's Anna Karenina. Entertaining always seemed natural to me, a matter of taking something very appealing to me - a favorite dish, a holiday, an activity - and making it bigger, to include others."


Martha Moments Readers Share Their Thanksgiving Photos

This is becoming something of a tradition at Martha Moments; every year I love to share the Thanksgiving photos submitted by members of the Martha Moments Facebook Group. Martha's influence is always so evident. And, more often than not, Martha's recipes and ideas are used to make these celebrations extra special. This year, because of the pandemic, there were a lot of "Thanksgiving-for-two" submissions. While gathering family and friends is one of the best parts of Thanksgiving, I think there's something to be said for a more intimate setting; it begets a more reflective and thoughtful mood and allows for genuine connections with the people closest to us. Please enjoy these photos! I've divided them into three sections: Table Settings, Turkeys and Treats. I think you'll agree that Martha fans are pretty fabulous - but we already knew that!


Lisa Novakoski-Howard set a simple, modern table for two at her home in Washington DC. 

David Pantoja and his husband in Philadelphia enjoyed dinner for two as well. David used his Martha by Mail fine bone china, mixed with Spode. The place card is one of David's beautifully-decorated cookies.

It was dinner for two for Anthony Picozzi in Massachusetts, as well. He set a festive corner at his large dining table.

Bernie Wong and Dennis Landon in Wisconsin used plenty of their Martha by Mail items for their table, including a Jadeite cake stand, a damask table cloth and runner, candlesticks and dinnerware. They also included Martha's new ruffled cake stand, seen in the background, which is available at QVC. Dennis decided to use his Martha by Mail pumpkin molds to make pumpkin-shape loaves this year: they turned out beautifully! 

Christine set a colourful and festive-looking table.

Betsy Saxe-Verrico also set a vibrant and colourful table that looks extremely welcoming. 

Sharron Van Hooser Thompson let a colour palette of browns and rust tones guide her table setting this year.

Marie Cosgrove began her dinner with individual charcuterie boards - a very nice idea! Her centerpiece is made from foraged grasses and greens. 

Tim Obert and his partner Matt Obey set a table for seven, even though only the two of them were dining in person; they later did a Zoom call with family at the dining room table to make them feel included. Tim used his Spode Tradewinds pattern dinnerware for the occasion - a lovely shade of blue with a ship motif. 

Hayden Regina set a very nice table for his "quarantine crew" in Chicago.

It was an elegant table for two at the home of David Zisa.

Trellis Smith and his partner also enjoyed a quiet but tasteful setting for two.

Paul Collins and his husband in Virginia made a delicious-looking dinner at their table for two.


Meredith Ferris's turkey looked beautiful even before it went into the oven!

And here is the finished bird: looks perfect!

Todd Hall's turkey looks so scrumptious and festive on this Martha Stewart platter, decorated with kale, lemons and pomegranates.

John Roberts did a beautiful job with his bird: crispy skin, and tender and juicy on the inside.


Brian Utz made Martha's cranberry tart from the November 2020 issue of Martha Stewart Living.

Lauren Walcott also made the cranberry tart but decorated it with sugared cranberries.

Lauren also made Martha's Brown-Butter Pecan Pie from the same November issue.

Steven Bednasz also made one of Martha's pecan-pie recipes.

Todd Hall made Martha's double-crust apple pie from her Entertaining book! 

Ken Puttbach made Martha's Pumpkin-Chocolate Tart from the November, 2003, issue of Martha Stewart Living. (Looks delicious!)

Julio Torrado made Martha's Pumpkin-Spice Snacking Cake from her latest book, Cake Perfection.

And while this dish is savory, it is a treat nonetheless! Maria Newcomer made the beautiful Garlic-Herb Dinner Roll Wreath from the December issue of Martha Stewart Living. It looks spectacular AND delicious! 

I hope you've enjoyed this gallery! I wasn't able to include every single photo that was submitted (there were so many) but I think these photos demonstrate a real commitment to the art of celebration and cookery - two art forms that Martha encourages us all to learn. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


A Festive (And Responsible) Harvest Dinner

I have featured my friend Brian Utz a number of times on this blog. He was one of the first readers of Martha Moments, and one of the first to reach out to me to simply say hello. While I have never met Brian in person, our exchanges over the years have been inspiring. What I discovered is that he is exceedingly good at entertaining, not to mention the consummate host - and certainly always up for a challenge. 

One such challenge emerged when he and his mother had planned a harvest dinner for a small group of family and friends to be held this month. The planning stages took place in July when there was a promising drop in COVID-19 numbers in his home state of Pennsylvania. It soon became apparent those numbers would once again climb. Rather than cancel the dinner, Brian opted to reduce the number of guests and to host the dinner outside, even setting up a 'wellness station' where guests could obtain masks, hand sanitizer and a number of other immunity-boosting treats. (More on that below!) 

Brian was kind enough to share photos of his Harvest Dinner with us, along with his menu and some of his tips for hosting a responsible gathering outdoors this season. All photographs are by Ashley Shultz. Please be sure to follow Brian on Instagram for many more of his entertaining, cooking and holiday decorating tips: @morbidhomemaker

I hope you enjoy Brian's creativity, imagination and the beautiful execution of all the special details that made this dinner a hit.

I had returned from Texas to my family’s home in Pennsylvania in July, and we were all looking forward to a COVID-free Autumn. My mother, Donna, and I started planning a Harvest Dinner to be held sometime in October at her home for a small group of family and friends. I had a feeling, though, both COVID and social distancing would still be around by then, so the first decision was to plan on having the party outdoors so everyone could socially distance with ease. 

First, I focused my efforts on a menu that would be easy enough to execute during a quick weekend trip home. 

For the first course, we offered a seasonal charcuterie board and a Harvest Kale Salad. The main course consisted of a Sweet Potato Gnocchi, Lucinda Scalia Quinn’s Spaghetti Bolognese, and Roasted Autumn Vegetables (a Martha Stewart recipe), served with a slow-cooked polenta and sauteed wild mushrooms. For dessert we used Martha’s Apple and Cranberry Crisp from her Slow Cooker book and Greg Lofts’ Five Spice Phyllo Pumpkin Pie (featured in the November, 2019 issue of Martha Stewart Living magazine) and a homemade, no-churn Woodford Reserve ice cream.

We utilized a variety of cooking methods with emphasis on things that could be prepared ahead, such as the gnocchi and the ice cream, or slow cooked items that didn’t need to be monitored while we focused on decor and setting the table. 

 We are continuously inspired by the garden and its bounty, especially at Autumn. Its last hurrah was on full display, and we wanted to capture it before it was gone. For decorations, I envisioned floral canopies to hang over the tables so our guests could really connect and see each other at eye level. I used over-the-table rods from Terrain, chicken wire, zip ties (and a little faith) to create armatures to hold our arrangements in place. I embellished the canopies with metal fern garlands (from Terrain) and hung copper wire lights from the rods to provide illumination and atmosphere for our guests once the sun went down. 

As the party was approaching, we began to realize, along with the rest of the world, that COVID wasn’t going away any time soon, so we really wanted to put an emphasis on keeping our guests safe. Hosting the dinner outdoors was the best solution. We created little areas on the lawn away from the table where guests could mingle and admire decor or sneak a selfie. We had two separate fire pit areas where our guests could roast marshmallows or pop popcorn. We had chairs and blankets readily available as the temperatures were certainly cooler. 

I used some of Martha’s paper crafting kits in copper shades from Michael’s to hang from tree limbs to create another festive area. This was a popular selfie spot!

We used thick sanded plywood to construct the tabletops. We stained it a custom gray and sealed it with polyurethane. We rested the ‘tables’ on bales of straw from the farm.

We had the charcuterie, Harvest Salad, and wine in another area with a large canopy of foraged finds hanging over the table. You’ll notice that the canopy has a touch of both navy and peach colored hues. They are actually faux-tropical fronds and some faux fern stems, which we spray painted with Martha’s spray paint line at Michael’s! We consulted a color wheel and chose opposite colors to help break up the overload of Fall tones. I was unsure at first, but in the end it all came together. It was like an Autumn Rainbow! 

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly given the context, we installed a Wellness and Sanitation station to help our guests feel safe and at ease. First, we asked that guests self check their temperatures and monitor their health before arriving. Guests who were experiencing any of the COVID symptoms or who were feeling at all unwell were asked not to attend. At the sanitation station, we offered masks and sanitizer. We had a slew of wellness goodies on offer, too, including Elderberry chewables, Vitamin C packets, and even a dissolvable Detox powder to use the next morning to help aid in building a strong immune response. We gave each of our guests a vessel of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Capsules from Tonik. While I use the capsules for a glowing complexion, the health benefits of apple cider vinegar are prolific. I think back to the old saying, “An apple a day... keeps the doctor away.”

The night felt both magical and ephemeral. It was held on October 3rd. We had perfect weather and a full moon! It was just a passing night in Autumn, but for many of us it was our first gathering since the outbreak so we wanted to make it feel extra special. 


In lieu of a blessing before the meal I shared with my family the lessons and takeaways we’ve all learned from COVID. I related it to the garden and its growing season: “An emerging plant in the Spring only thinks about the bright, sunny days ahead. However, that plant withstands days without rain, the heaviest of storms and all the unforeseen challenges a season can bring. In the fall, that plant still stands. That plant, like us, is resilient. We didn’t think we were up for the challenge, but we learned a lot of lessons along the way and have a newfound gratitude for slowing down and savoring the moment.”

I’m so grateful to my partner Stephen, for being so patient, as all I talked about and focused on for a month was this party, traveling back and forth between Dallas and Pennsylvania.  

I urge everyone hosting family parties and holiday parties to get outdoors, if possible, even if it’s cold! Have a fire pit going. Make S’mores! Host a gingerbread house decorating party! If nothing else, it will make a memory. No one will ever forget the one time you had Thanksgiving outside! 

Entertaining during a pandemic sounds like a potential recipe for disaster, but it can be done well – and safely. As hosts, it’s our foremost responsibility to keep guests both safe and entertained.

For any of the how-tos and projects mentioned above, I have step by step videos posted to my Instagram story highlights @morbidhomemaker

Brian with his mother, Donna. I hope to meet them both one day.


1. Follow the advice of your local public health authorities. Consult your municipality's website for COVID-19 safety guidelines specific to your area.

2. Limit the number of people in attendance to those within your social bubble or to the maximum number of people allowed to gather, according to your public health officials. 

3. Host the event outside if possible. This greatly reduces the risk of spread.

4. Do not ask the guests to bring anything. Limiting the number of surfaces being brought from other households is best. 

5. Ensure your guests are told that if they are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 or are feeling at all unwell that they should not attend. 

6. Provide your guests with the ability to keep a distance. Brian held his gathering outdoors and created areas where people could safely keep apart while still enjoying themselves. 

7. Provide your guests with masks, hand sanitizer and other immunity-boosting supplements. This can be a creative endeavor, as Brian demonstrated. 

8. Keep indoor spaces off limits except washroom facilities. Ask guests to sanitize their hands before and after leaving the home to use the facilities.

9. Designate one person to serve the food and one to serve the wine. This will ensure that multiple people are not handling the same serving utensils or bottles. 

10. Follow up with your guests to make sure everyone is feeling ok after the gathering.