Wednesday, September 05, 2012

catching up...

After being gone a week, I've been too busy to pick up a camera. Here are a few photos from the past week to catch up with... My two beautiful granddaughters meeting after 4 weeks apart.
Tammy and Bailey at the shower Jayme & I hosted a week ago...
and a few random shots from the garden.


Grandma Barb's This and That said...

That second photo is darling! Made me smile.

Debbie@Mountain Breaths said...

Precious babies! I love the flowers in the last photo.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Those little girls are so sweet.

jalynn01 said...

Hi Marsha,
Thank you for commenting on my 3 new grand babies. I have been looking at your blog off and on and admiring your two beautiful babies also. Love the way you dress them up and take photos. And you are such a good grandma... making so many clothes and things for them. I guess that's what makes the world a happy place... grandchildren!