Wow, if this young mother and wife can Choose Joy daily with all that is going on in her life - I sure can too and I hope to spread the joy around! Click on the Choose Joy icon in the column to the left of this post to read her "Choose Joy" post anytime you need some inspiration to Choose Joy in your daily lives. I also took the following quote from her choose joy page...

If you google the words "choose joy" you come up with numerous blogs on this topic, several devotions titled "choose joy" and at least 2 books titled Choose Joy. JOY is not a new concept - its a choice each of us makes daily and in 2012 I choose to find JOY, experience JOY & share JOY daily.
There are also many great JOY quotes to be found...
Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day. — Henri Nouwen
Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy. - Thich Nhat Hanh
Resolve to keep happy and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties. - Helen Keller
One joy scatters a hundred griefs. – Chinese proverb
Sprinkle joy. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Jumping for joy is good exercise. - author unkown
Oh, for JOY! - Wupke Gerken
2012 also brings me starting my own version of a Project 365 photo journal. Project 365 entails journaling a year of your life with a daily photo. I hope to take at least one photo a day to save in this project's folder and will share them here on the days I make a blog post along with photos taken for the purpose of blogging. They'll be labeled day 1...365, some photos will be taken because they bring me joy and some photos will be taken to practice my photography. I'm going to print a photo book at the end of the year of the daily photos, I have a feeling some days might only have a photo from my cell phone but it will be a fun challenge to take on.
Jayme sent the following photo in my email this morning...this one made choosing Joy today very easy!

Great post mom. All my joy photos are of miss Brooklyn since l'm doing a 365 photo project of her.
Great post, Marsha. I love your outlook. Wishing a very happy and healthy New Year to you and your family!
Brooklyn is adorable, what a cutie!
Great project..I can see where lil Brooklyn will bring you joy!
Just remembered, you will have to change it from 365 to 366 this year!!!!
Here's hoping that 2012 brings you nothing but Joy! Happy New Year, Marsha! Brooklyn sure is a sweetheart.
Marsha - I love your joy quotes. My brother-in-law gave me a book by Thich Nhat Hanh, so your addition of his quote is quite timely.
Hopefully our smiles will work both ways during 2012 -
Have a Happy New Year - may you find joy in each morning!
Marsha, this blog post certainly brought me JOY this morning. I hope 2012 brings you a lot of joy!
Marsha, I enjoyed reading several of your posts about choosing joy. You have some amazing things to say as well as some beautiful pictures. More joy to you and your family, Marsha!
Hugs, Beth
I have enjoyed catching up with all your posts. Beautiful family shots.
I pray for Justin's family, so difficult for them. I think it will be hard for them to choose joy. They have to go through the grieving process first. And there is no time line for that.
God help them.
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