Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Outdoor Wednesday - a Princess....

in POO-ville!Alexis is here visiting today and one of her favorite things to do is play in the garden and see the fish. But since the grackles have turned the garden to poo-ville, the extra fertilizer has the pond in a full fledged algae bloom making it hard to see any fish and finding a clean place to walk is hazardous! The Princess looks disgusted with all the poo...
until she finds a stick and starts scraping some of it away...
while Hershey supervises.
With all that poo...the stick needed frequent washing.
These two friends had a great time!
Finally, she had enough of the pooey mess and we went to the much cleaner looking front yard...
where we took time to stop and smell the flowers...
and beautify the birdbath with petals.
Today's blossoms are still covered with this morning's raindrops...the iris...

the pink Tinkerbelle lilac...
the fern peony...
a giant allium...
and the last of the
Thank you to the wonderful hostess, Susan, A Southern Daydreamer for hosting Outdoor Wednesdays. Click on the link to her blog to see the other's participating.


Jayme said...

Looks like Alexis was being a big helper today! I like the beautified bird bath.

jalynn01 said...

What is anymore perfect than a child in the garden? She is adorable! And your flowers are ALL gorgeous, but I just love that Iris that looks almost like a rainbow..yellow,! Beautiful.. Glad to see Hershey pitching in and doing his part..Great post Marsha!

Unknown said...

Love the faces on the Princess. What a cutie. Looks like a great day outside, poo and all!! I linked to you today.

Dirt Princess said...

How sweet! The second iris is outstanding! I have never seen one with that coloration

Kathleen said...

Does Winnie the POOH live there?
Poor A..she looks disgusted..She is so cute!
We are having that problem here with the Canadian Geese..the run off into the bay causing problems...Fly away home!
The flowers are so pretty!

Joyce said...

Cute little helper and your Iris are gorgeous with amazingly different colors. Thanks for sharing your photos.

The Quintessential Magpie said...

What a darling post! I love your little helper and her helper! Just precious in your pretty garden.

Happy OW...


Sheila :-)

Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer said...

Happy Outdoor Wednesday Marsha! Alexis is a beauty! Your garden is so beautiful...and peaceful! I could spend hours there walking around myself (even with the poo!)Thanks for sharing your photos.~ Susan

Marie said...

Hi Marsha-
Alexis is so cute, and your garden is beautiful. It's so whimsical which is why Alexis looks so happy in it!

JeanMac said...

Beautiful, beautiful pictures.I really appreciated your comments.If I go private, I will notify you by email.Thanks so much for reading and de-lurking:)

Skoots1moM said...

thank you for the great tour and sharing Princess with us...
i know you enjoyed sharing it with her, poo garden and all!!

Crystal said...

Hello Marsha,
What an adorable post. Alexis is just beautiful and looks like she already has a love for the garden. What a beautiful garden to start helping in too.

Thanks for sharing!

Foley said...

Alexis is sure a cutie! Loved all the photos... Hershey looked enthralled in having someone 'new' to play with!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely post! Alexis looked like she had fun in the garden--she will have such wonderful memories of her time spent in the garden!!

Thanks for sharing your lovely photos!

Debbykay at Rose Cottage Gardens and Farm

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

You managed to capture the activity of a young girl so well.The flowers are beautiful.

NatureStop said...

Really loved the iris with the raindrops.Surely Princess had a great time:)

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Alexis is precious, and your flowers are gorgeous! I laughed about the little Princess cleaning the poo, and Hershey looks like a great companion for her. laurie

Peggy said...

Poovile looks beautiful despite the paint! Very funny post!

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

What a sweetheart! I can imagine her disgust with Poo-ville :) Adorable photos of her, Marsha!

Cynthia said...

Lovely post, Marsha ...Alexis is too cute, looks like 4 going on 6 or 7. :) I love the big smile on her face with Hershey ... two little girls having fun.

It's wonderful how you captured the iris with the morning raindrops still on them. All the flower pics are gorgeous.

Mary Bergfeld said...

What a beautiful child! The flowers aren't bad either.

Debbie@Mountain Breaths said...

Alexis is precious! Hershey looks like he is enjoying his energetic new playmate. I love the raindrops on your iris..I'm heading to my garden to see if I have any blooms.

BJ said...

Such a nice post Marsha! I loved seeing Alexis and your commentary! She is getting to be a big girl now. I'm sure she loves coming to your is so lovely!

Michelle said...

Adorable little pond and garden, and the princess! Love your bearded iris. What a special little place you have.

a woman who is said...

What a charming garden fairy you have!