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Posts tonen met het label home accessoiries. Alle posts tonen

snelle, simpele deurhanger!

Deze deurhanger is snel en simpel zelf te maken. Koop wat touw en takken....deze komen bij de action vandaan. Verzamel leuke hangers om eraan te hangen. Voor de hangers ben ik geslaagd bij action en wibra.

Bind de takken stevig bij elkaar. Draai het touw meerdere malen om de uiteinden heen. Vergeet niet de lus aan de bovenkant voor het ophangen.

Gebruik voor de ornamenten kleinere stukjes touw. Bevestig eerst het ornament aan het touw en haal dan het touw door de takken heen. Zodra al je ornamenten eraan hangen kan je een mooi plaatsje zoeken om hem op te hangen.

Easy wreath making

It can be easy to make a nice, lovely wreath. You need some embellishments. I choose pink  flowers, wooden hearts, wich I spray painted in old grey, a cane heart for in the middle and some ribbon for the top. First thing I did was painting the wreath in old white. While that was drying I sorted out my embellishments, placed everything on the table, including my glue gun. I tried different lay outs and choose the best. Then start gluing! Of course you can make al kinds of wreath in all kinds of themes. Halloween, fall, easter, Christmas, etc.

DIY frame with memories

I bought a beautiful frame at the thrift shop. Removed the painting, gave the frame a washing with a rag, water and white paint and sanded the edges. 
I painted the inside of the frame with grey. Used a hammer and pointed,sharp tool to make the holes on the inside. 

For the hanging system I used screws with eye, transparent wire and beads to lock the wire.

This is how I attached it.

We put the frame above the dinertable and choose to hang our cards that we got to bless us with our pregnancy.


We bought a pinewood mirror at the thrift shop. I saw it and immediately knew I could give it a fresh, new look. See pictures and instructions below how I did it.
First we sanded the back.

We taped the mirror with papers and tape.

We sanded the frame and made it dust free after that.

I used chalk paint, old white, in combiantion with water and an old rag. Just spread the paint with the rag and your fingers.


This is how it looks like after 2 layers.

Remove the taped papers from the mirror. Cut a potato in half and clean the mirror, rince it with some water and scrub it with a paper untill dry.

Take a staple gun and put a thin wooden panel at the back.



And now it's hanging in our hallway.

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