Friday, September 25, 2009

Happy Birthday, Sunshine!

i had a totally different idea when i started making this card, but alas, sometimes you gotta show 'em who's boss, and sometimes you just gotta let them do what they will.

i didn't like the sun in the corner; it seemed like a big blank space, so i cut out a cloud, added a rubon and used foam tape so it kinda looks like it's floating.

i made this one for my cousin's birthday. she's celebrating with a party at a pub/bar tonight, and everyone is asked to wear either polka-dots or stripes. for sure i don't own anything with polka-dots on it, but i think i can come up with something with stripes.

in other news... apparently it's international hug a vegetarian day today....?


Stef H said...

oh way! i cannot begin to imagine how long this took. it's absolutely gorgeous!

i'm a meat, fish, chicken and CAKE eater. i am NOT a vegetarian, but i give you a big hug anyway - LOL.

Oliva Ohlson said...

Gorgeous card! Amazing how a great concept turns into a greater one! Hope you had a great time celebrating your cousin's birthday! Thank you so much for your very warm and kind comments! I hope this time it doesn't take me too long to get back to stamping.
Love, Oliva

PS: Happy Vegetarian Day I guess...we just had a juicy tender steak dinner...yum!!!

Vicky said...

I agree it's absolutely gorgeous. Love the cloud floating, I think it rally makes it. :)xx

lauren bergold said...

you have completely expressed my two-pronged creative strategy in your first paragraph!!! :)

and your card is the PERFECT argument for the second prong: as gorgeous as the rest of the card is (the ribbon scrap SUNRAYS are completely magnificent for starters!!!!) the sentiment on the cloud overlapping the sun is the KA-POW awesome icing on the cake!!!