Showing posts with label palitoy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label palitoy. Show all posts

Monday, 10 May 2021

Nostalgic For My Childhood - Even More Comic & Magazine ads

For the fourth installment of this long-running occasional feature (you can read entries from 2017 here2019 here and 2020 here), here's another selection of print ads for the toys, sweets, books and games of my youth.

I still think, as always, there's a lot of charm on display here - the ads are often hand-drawn and with muted hyperbole - as well as a lovely sense of wistful innocence, though that might be more the reminder of stamped, addressed envelopespostal orders and things costing pennies.

Here, then, are a few more ads of our childhood, I hope they spark some memories for you...
I don't remember the ad but I do remember the lolly.  And I still love that a vampire - a quite frightening image of one, to boot - is used for a kids advert.  Clearly, we were a hardier breed then!
 Action Man!  Palitoy!  Staples of my childhood!
I was eight when this appeared and we didn't have a dog, but I do remember thinking "why didn't he tell his Mum or Dad?"
Draw a space-ship or a film star's dream house?  I'll draw a space-ship crashing into a film star's dream house, reply loads of nine-year olds...
I still like Wagon Wheels and yes, they really are smaller now.  Also - 1978 was the year the UK became skateboard crazy (the first time around).
Not just Dracula, we get the whole bunch here as Smiths sail close to the rocks of copyright with Boris Karloff's Mummy and Lon Chaney Jr's Wolfman!
Science-fiction was huge in 1978 (the year Star Wars hit the UK) and King Kong had just been at the cinema.  I wonder if this Warlord is anything to do with the comic?
I remember having a fingerprint kit, but not this one.  I also kept 'secret files' on people, though since I only knew my friends and family members (and had to ask their permission to get their fingerprints), I wasn't exactly Interpol (but does explain why, still in my archives, there's a card for my Uncle Philip).
"Yes son?"
"When we're going to shopping, do you need any petrol...?"
"New Smurf out?"
"Oh yes..."

Forty-two years later and I still don't get the appeal of licorice...
More Dracula!  We used to use Signal but I don't remember this (and free fangs and a horror book aren't things ten-year-old me would have easily passed by).
Star Wars, Palitoy and Brian Bolland.  A winning combination!
I was (and remain) a huge fan of The Professionals (I wrote about them here) and had the large and small versions of this.  The latter still sits on my bookshelf in the study (the larger version is safely in my toy box) - I still have the figures too, though the ad here has mis-labelled them.
Join the fight against Nick O'Teen.  This was part of a huge campaign and because I liked Superman so much, I wrote off for the poster (which didn't show lungs, like this one does).
Video games were really starting to make in-roads by this time and I remember people raving over Pole Position.  I wonder what the kids of today would make of it?

If you're interested, more of my Nostalgic For My Childhood posts can be found here

Monday, 20 August 2018

May The Toys Be With You

As someone lucky enough to be a kid when the first Star Wars film appeared, I was a huge fan of the action figures produced by Palitoy which began to appear in the summer of 1978 (as I wrote about here, for my Star Wars At 40 thread).  Imagine my delight, then, when I discovered the excellent New Walk Museum in Leicester was holding a May The Toys Be With You Exhibition.
We went a couple of weeks ago, the first day of my two-week holiday and combined it with a long overdue trip to the Stonebaked Pizza company (which was delicious) and the opportunity to call into the Leicester Vintage & Old Toy Shop, run by my friend Joe (who sold me the bulk of my 85-strong vintage Stormtrooper army) - when he found out we were going to the exhibition, he told me the legend of the buried Star Wars toys.  Apparently, by 1986, they almost couldn’t give the figures away and Palitoy (whose factory was at Coalville, about 12 miles from Leicester city centre) buried the last of their stock (the 'Last 17' which, ironically, are now amongst the most sought after because of their rarity) in landfill (which the Leicester Mercury reported on here).  I then bought a 1997 Micro-Machines AT-ST off him, we said our goodbyes and trooped up to New Walk and the museum.
I like the New Walk a lot (they have a terrific, permanent Mummy display) and they did a grand job with the May The Toys Be With You exhibit.  While I might have liked more figures (in dioramas, perhaps), it certainly had something for everyone and there were several pieces on display I’d only ever read about before, rather than having seen myself.  Starting with the toys themselves, you get a potted history (most of which I’d already researched for my blog) and a display of all the figures (most in excellent condition, including a lot of carded examples), with their original sculpt and the variant edition.  I explained this to Alison using the Han Solo figure as an example - mine is the original 1978 'small head' version while the later variant has a much larger head but an allegedly ‘better sculpt’ (though not in my opinion).  I was seeing some of those figures for the first time (certainly some of the variants) and there was also a wonderful comparison between the Gamorrean Guard from Jedi (1983) and the re-used body for Friar Tuck, an action figure from Robin Hood Prince Of Thieves (1991).  Most of the vehicles were also represented, a slew of bootlegs (figures and cardbacks) and the astonishing bundle packs, sold in Woolworths in 1986 as Star Wars mania was fading, where you could buy 8 figures for 99p (I wish I'd been interested in collecting when I was 17)!
The Palitoy Death Star playset - constructed from cardboard, to keep the price down, it is now a very rare find in good condition
After passing two Stormtroopers guarding a frozen in Carbonite Han Solo, we moved into the second section of the exhibition, a thorough and varied display of posters, lobby cards and advertising material.  This was terrific, a lot of which I’d never seen and included some huge quad posters as well as the 1982 teaser trailer film spool from when Jedi was called Revenge Of The Jedi.
A surprisingly cheesy "coming soon" for The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
This was huge (I wish I'd got Dude to stand in front of it now, to give it scale)!

A cracking collection, this is well worth a visit for any Star Wars fan but of particular interest to those of us (of a certain age) who lived through the original trilogy (the only three films catered for in the exhibition) and I’d highly recommend it.  In fact, Dude & I are already planning to go again!

The exhibition, housed on the first floor, runs until 28th October and is completely free of charge to enter (though donations can be made).

More information on the New Walk Museum can be found here and don’t forget my Star Wars toys blogpost

Monday, 3 July 2017

Star Wars At 40 (part 7) - The Toys

Mention Star Wars to people who were kids in 1978 and most will instantly think of the toys.  While the current films have the might of Disney behind them (who really know how to put out the merchandise), back in those heady days of the late 70s we had to wait a while, as the success of the film took everyone by surprise.  But the toys did come out and they were spectacular, helping young fans continue the adventures of their favourite heroes until they were able to see the film again.  So, for the seventh entry in the Star Wars At 40 thread, I’m taking a look at the toy line.
George Lucas’ original deal with 20th Century Fox for Star Wars gave him $50k each for writing, producing and directing.  When his second film, American Graffiti (1973), opened to huge success (it’s still one of the most profitable studio films ever, in terms of cost-to-revenue) his agent Jeff Berg re-negotiated.  However, instead of more money, Lucas wanted complete control of the sequel rights and merchandising (he’d fantasised, whilst writing the script, of having R2-D2 cookie jars, Wookiee mugs and wind-up robots) to ensure things were done right.  "I didn't want manufacturers slapping the Star Wars name on everything under the sun and cheapening it," he's reported as saying in Stephen J. Sansweet's Star Wars: From Concept To Screen Collectible.  Fox, who on past experience only saw merchandising as a promotional tool, agreed and after their 15% admin fee was deducted, all revenue would be split 50/50.

Response from licencees was lukewarm at best with several, including Mego Corporation (one of the most powerful toy companies in the 70s with their 8” figure line), passing but Bernie Loomis, president of Kenner, saw an opportunity.  “I liked the name Star Wars [and] I liked the robots,” he said.  Fox executives  sold the company rights to all Star Wars toys in perpetuity, a deal made over Lucas’ strenuous objections.  “We’ve lost tens of millions of dollars because of that stupid decision,” he fumed in 1983 to Dale Pollock, as recounted in Skywalking.  When his lawyer Tom Pollock negotiated Lucas’ deal for The Empire Strikes Back, part of the agreement was that he got all merchandising rights back, so Fox couldn’t sour any new deals.
George Lucas (left) and Bernard Loomis
Kenner Products was founded in 1947 by brothers Albert, Philip & Josepth Steiner and named for the Kenner Street address of their previous operation, the Cincinnati Soap Company.  They were inspired to make toys after watching a boy make bubbles by waving his hand after dipping it in soapy water and their first product was the Bubbl-Matic Gun.  A pioneer in TV advertising (they sponsored the children’s show Captain Kangaroo in 1958), the company was bought by General Mills in 1967 and in the 70s, they had one of the biggest selling toys in the world with their Six Million Dollar Man doll.  The Star Wars deal, costing Kenner $100k a year, wasn’t considered a major investment for the company - back then, with no video or streaming, toy companies preferred to licence television shows which provided constant weekly exposure since films came and went quickly.  No-one expected Star Wars to be different.

With the licence in hand, Kenner began designing the range and Loomis made a key decision which would change the industry forever.  Realising Star Wars would be vehicle dependent and it would be prohibitively expensive to scale the spaceships to a twelve inch doll (the size of Steve Austin’s figure and Action Man), Loomis apparently held his fingers apart and asked “how about that big?”  The measurement - three and three quarter inches - was agreed upon and allowed Kenner to create affordable ships and playsets for the figures.

The Early Bird Certificate Package (with the boxed four figures that
were sent later)
The success of Star Wars and its attendant high demand for merchandise exceeded Kenner’s expectations by a long way.  Since the company signed its contract just a month before the 25th May release, they faced a big problem - the normal manufacturing cycle was between twelve and eighteen months, meaning the figures wouldn’t be ready for the all-important 1977 Christmas season (and missing it could mean losing out on millions of dollars), though they managed to get some jigsaw puzzles and a board game out for the Autumn.  Loomis’ decision, derided at the time, was to sell what he called an 'Early Bird Certificate Package'.  Essentially an IOU, it was a certificate to be redeemed at a later date for four figures - Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Chewbacca and R2-D2 - a display stand, some stickers and a Star Wars fan club membership card.  600,000 empty cardboard boxes were sent out and even though the media criticised the move and a lot of packages went unsold, it did what Loomis had predicted and kept public interest in the toys.
Top - the Jawa sandcrawler playset
bottom left - the droid factory - bottom right - Luke's Landspeeder
Kenner released the first twelve figures in its Star Wars line in 1978 and set the price-point at $1.97 to encourage sales.  Vehicles were released (Luke’s landspeeder and X-Wing, an Imperial Troop Transporter and Darth Vader’s TIE fighter) along with several playsets (the Droid Factory, a Dewback, the Jawas Sandcrawler and the Cantina) as well as more figures (including four from the Cantina) over the year.
top - the Dewback (figures not included in pack, no doubt)
bottom - the Cantina playset
“It was never particularly 'difficult' to work with Lucasfilm,” Loomis told D. Martin Myatt in interview, “but you have to understand the separate roles that each of us played. We never 'designed' anything for the Star Wars films.”  (I'm assuming he forgot about the Troop Transporter, which didn't appear in any of the films.)  "None of the characters, hardware, or weapons were created by anyone but George and his people. Our job was to execute the items, and add the most we could in children's play value to each product - package them, merchandise them and advertise them.  The royalty rate was 5% and would go to 6% if Star Wars became a TV series.  The following year we volunteered the increase to 6% [and] Mark [Pevers, then executive in charge of licencing for Fox] added one condition: ‘George says, ‘if you do Star Wars, you can't go Close Encounters.’”  Intrigued, Loomis met with Steven Spielberg but decided the story of Close Encounters Of The Third Kind wasn’t ‘toyetic’ (a property being expressible in playable figures and hardware) enough.  Even so, “when the toys went into production, George had us send one of each new toy directly to Steven,” Loomis said.
The Star Wars action figures were plastic, almost all of them 3.75” high (with some exceptions, such as Chewbacca who stands 4.25”).  They typically had five points of articulation (legs, arms, neck) - Chewie and the Stormtroopers didn’t have the latter - and the majority were sold in plastic bubbles on cardboard backing (and if you have a pristine one of these today, they’re worth a lot of money!).  Most characters had variations, ranging from slight differences in paint detail (early Luke has either blond or light-brown hair) to sculpt changes (the original Han had a smaller head - the version I own - which was replaced by a bigger one that looked even less like Harrison Ford).  The original lightsabers wielded by Luke, Ben Kenobi and Darth Vader featured a double-telescoping mechanism which was replaced by a single-telescoping one and the early Jawas had a vinyl cape, similar to Ben’s, that was later changed to a fabric cloak.

Star Wars figures were produced across the world by other companies, many of whom were subsidiaries of General Mills - PBP/Poch in Spain, Meccano in France, Toltoys in Australia, Lili Ledy in Mexico, Glasslite in Brazil, Clipper in Belgium & Luxembourg, Parker in Germany, Harbett in Italty and Brio/Playmix in Scandinavia.  The licence in the UK was held by Palitoy, a name I knew well from Action Man.
ad in Star Wars weekly issue 5, March 1978
The Cascelloid Company was formed in 1919 by Alfred Edward Pallett to produce ‘celluloid and fancy goods’ at Coalville in Leicestershire.  Bought in 1931 by British Xylonite, the name Palitoy was created as the trademark for the companies toy division.  When British Xylonite developed injection moulding in 1941, this efficient method of production allowed Palitoy to produce items more cheaply and, in its heyday, manufactured some of the UK’s most popular toys (original items or licenced products) such as Action Man, Tiny Tears, Pippa, Tressy and Mainline Model Railways.  Palitoy was sold to General Mills in 1968.

The Star Wars licence allowed Palitoy to extend the Coalville factory in 1977 and by 1978 they were employing a thousand people, seeing sales that year top £20m.  Although most of the figures were identical worldwide, some products were re-designed specifically for the UK market including a cardboard, self-assembly version of the Death Star.  Bob Brechin, the former chief designer at Palitoy (he also created Action Man’s gripping hands!) was told the plastic playset from Kenner was too expensive for the UK market so he designed a card one, which is now hugely collectable.  “I am really chuffed that the collectors, even in the States, are so keen on our design,” he told the BBC.  As well as producing a large amount of figures for the British market, Palitoy also exported stock overseas and General Mills considered them essential in making European distribution work.
A kids toy, made of card - no wonder surviving examples are highly sought-after (and expensive!)
The merchandising side of Lucasfilm was handled by one of its subsidiary companies, Black Falcon Ltd, which was set up in February 1978 and had thirty employees by the end of that year.  “Star Wars licencing and merchandising was going to have to provide the financial base to sustain the company until Empire was released,” Richard Tong, Lucas’ accountant at the time, tells J. W. Rinzler in the excellent Making Of The Empire Strikes Back.  The company managed licences for books, cassettes, bedding, curtains, t-shirts, promotional photographs, a newspaper strip (closely supervised by Lucas himself, who was a comics buff), trading cards (which I wrote about here), sugar-free bubble gum (demanded by Lucas, who is diabetic) and, of course, the toys - which contributed over 70% of the royalty income.
Black Falcon logo developed by Suzy Rice (who also designed the Star Wars logo) and Kathie Broyles
As Tong pointed out, Lucas used the merchandising income to fund development (and part of the production budget) for The Empire Strikes Back.  During the summer of 1978, Black Falcon loaned more than $400k to the Lucasfilm production arm, the Chapter II Company, along with a further $200k to ILM.  Yet more funds were channelled into plans for Skywalker Ranch.  During production, the film ran over budget forcing Lucas to give some rights back to 20th Century Fox in return for funding and in July 1979 Black Falcon loaned Chapter II a further $525k.  With production over (and the second wave of toys due from Kenner), Black Falcon was completely merged into Lucasfilm on 1st December 1979.
The 12-back series
The figures were released on 2 cardbacks, the first (dated 1977) being the ’12-back’ followed by the ’20-back’ through 1978 and 1979.  The 12-back series consisted of Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, R2-D2, Chewbacca, C-3PO, Darth Vader, Stormtrooper, Ben Kenobi, Han Solo, Jawa, Sandpeople (Tusken Raider) and Death Squad Commander.  The 20-back series expanded the range with Greedo, Hammerhead, Snaggletooth and Walrus Man (all from the Cantina), Luke (X-Wing pilot), R5-D4, Death Star Droid and Power Droid.
the 12 back card (left) and 20 back (right)
The 20-back set also capitalised on the anticipation surrounding The Empire Strikes Back with a mail-away campaign, wherein kids sent four proofs of purchase from any Star Wars figure and got a sneak peak at a new character.  This turned out to be Boba Fett, who made his first appearance in the (now-legendary) Star Wars Holiday Special.  The original figure came complete with a rocket-firing jetpack but health & safety fears caused Kenner to glue the rocket in securely when it reached production.  Despite maintaining no rocket-firing Fett’s made it out to the public, several figures have appeared and it’s now one of the most valuable - and sought-after - Star Wars toys ever made, selling for upwards of $2,000 on the collectors market.

By the end of 1978, Kenner had sold more than 40 million figures for gross sales in excess of $100m.  Sales in 1979 again topped $100m and the original toys (which ran from 1977 to 1979) were succeeded in 1980 by Kenner’s The Empire Strikes Back line.  In total, there were 20 figures in the original line, 30 were added for Empire (1980-1982), 31 for Return Of The Jedi (1983-1984) and 15 appeared as part of the Power Of The Force line (1985).
The full line-up
When the line ended in 1985, Kenner had sold approximately 250m action figures.  The company was bought by Tonka in 1987 and Hasbro in 1991 and continues to produce Star Wars merchandise.  Hasbro closed Palitoy in 1994 and the 10-acre factory site was sold in July 1996 with outline planning permission for housing.

Bernard Loomis was inducted into the Toy Industry Hall Of Fame in 1992.  The Star Wars action figures were added to the National Toy Hall Of Fame in 2012.

Part of my Stormtrooper army
On a personal note, I only kept two of my original figures - Han Solo and the Death Squad Commander.  As I discussed in this blog post from February 2011, Nostalgia and Stormtroopers, I decided to start collecting Stormtroopers when I found some figures in my friend Joe's Leicester Vintage & Old Toy Shop.  Since then, in addition to a variety of other figures (including Luke, the droids, Chewie, Leia, Hoth Troopers, Scout Troopers and Darth Vader) and vehicles (I finally got a Millennium Falcon and X-Wing!), I have amassed an army of 90 vintage Stormtroopers.  They stand on top of one of my bookshelves in the study and I'm very, very pleased with them.
My original figures, from 1978
Han and Chewie
My three 'best' Stormtroopers
"These aren't the droids you're looking for..."
"Hang on, you're not Ben Kenobi - and hey, we're standing on the wrong side!"

Skywalking, by Dale Pollock
Deadline interview with Tom Pollock
BBC interview with Bob Brechin - Star Wars and Action Man: The rise and fall of Palitoy
The groundbreaking history of Star Wars Toys (io9)
The Hollywood Reporter
Interview with Bernard Loomis by D. Martin Myatt
The Making Of The Empire Strikes Back, by J. W. Rinzler
Star Wars: From Concept To Screen Collectible, by Stephen J. Sansweet

2017 marks the 40th anniversary of Star Wars, which was released in the US on 25th May though it didn't hit the UK until 29th January 1978 (following a 27th December release in London).  I was lucky enough to see it in early 1978 and it remains my favourite film to this day.

To mark the anniversary, I'll be running a year-long blog thread about the film with new entries posted on the first Monday of each month.

May The Force Be With You!

Find all the entries in the thread here

Monday, 5 December 2016

Nostalgic for my childhood - Christmas and catalogues

"Christmas is coming!"
Me, Christmas 1975 - Action Man helicopter, Batman, Six Million Dollar Man, Planet Of The Apes annual and a gun that shot darts with rubber tips!  Seriously, how much more excited could a 6-year-old kid look?
Well, it's still a little while away but you get my drift.  Growing up in the 70s and 80s, one of our pre-Christmas treats was going through the toy pages in various catalogues (the Kays one Mum always seemed to have, Argos, toy manufacturers) and deciding which items we wanted to add to our list.  When Dude was younger, my Mum used to get an Argos catalogue just so he and his little cousins could go through it with a marker pen to highlight what they wanted, thus continuing the tradition that me and my sister Tracy enjoyed.

So here's a nostalgic look back to catalogues of days past - did you want any of these?  I know I did...

Argos - Autumn 1976
I had the Six Million Dollar Man action figure (though not the repair station) and Ricochet Racers (which I loved, though it never shot as well in real life as it did on the advert)
Argos - Autumn 1977
Fairly slim pickings for my sister TJ, though she loved Sindy.
Argos - Autumn 1977
The 'Eagle Eye' Action Man from Palitoy was a must-have (and I was lucky enough to get one).  The equipment for him was very expensive though, but luckily the Cherilea Toys vehicles fitted him perfectly.  I had a Palitoy helicopter and the Cherilea motorbike-and-sidecar, both of which I loved and played with all the time.  Unfortunately, they - and my Action Men - have long since been lost to the sands of time...
Corgi - 1977
Top image - I was a big Batman fan and had the Batmobile, the Batcopter and really wanted the Batboat.  I was also a Bond fan and thought the Lotus was the coolest car ever (I think I still do...)
Bottom image - I still have the fire engine 1143 (and Dude loved it when I introduced him to it), though I don't think I've ever seen that design in real life
Matchbox 1978
I really liked this line, which was a tie-in with 2000AD comic at the time (another of my favourites), though I only ever had K-2002 (which reminded me of the Joe 90 car) and K-2003.  I still have them both (in 'played with' condition) but mint-in-box versions are going for silly prices nowadays.
Argos - Autumn 1978
Star Wars doesn't feature in the catalogue at all, even though Palitoy had started to produce the toys during 1978.  It's good to see the Six Million Dollar Man still flying high, along with Batman and Star Trek (which had last been made as TV series in the 60s), whilst Superman would be released in the UK in December.
Action Man (Palitoy) 1978
Taken from the 1978 Action Man "Official Equipment Manual", this shows the helicopter (which, as mentioned above, I had) plus the fantastic Turbocopter (which I also had).  You'd strap it onto Action Man's back (with thin lengths of elastic) and then, holding him, press the orange button on the left side (which you can see here) and that would make the rotor go around.  Fantastic fun - I wish I still had it...
Corgi - 1979
Top - I so wanted that set of "The Spy Who Loved Me" vehicles - over the years since I've picked up the helicopter and Jaws van to go with my Lotus but haven't been able to put my hands on the Cortina and boat.
Bottom - The Muppets were new in town!  I was lucky enough to have the Saint's Jaguar and Bodie's Capri (plus the figures!)
Palitoy 1979
Ah, Star Wars.  From this line-up, I got Han Solo, the Death Star Commander (both of whom still stand on my book shelf today) and Luke.  Since then, I've picked up the droids, Chewbacca, Darth Vader, Princess Leia and a LOT of Stormtroopers...
Argos - Autumn 1979
Ah, the joy of board games.  Give or take a few exceptions (the Jaws game is still around, it just goes under a different title now), re-designs and upgrades, these aren't too dissimilar to what you'd find in an Argos catalogue today, 37 years later.
Argos - Autumn 1980
The girls section - TJ loved Sindy and had a Girls World but never really got into Barbie, as I recall.
Argos - Autumn 1980
"Wait, you mean there's a thing we can plug into the telly and we can play games on it?  Really?  How is that possible?
(slight pause as 11-year-old me absorbs the information).  Dad?  Dad!  Dad, can we get one?"
To my Mum & Dad's credit, we got the Binatone system (top left, on the right hand page) - I loved the 'tennis' and target practise games
Argos - Spring/Summer 1985
"Wait a minute, you can buy this thing called a Walkman and play your own tapes and listen as you walk around and do stuff?  Really?  Wow, the future is here."  I was 15 going on 16 when this was published, can you imagine how I'd have reacted to a modern mobile phone, which performs the task of items on several pages of the Argos book.
On the Walkman front, Back To The Future (which came out at the end of the year) made them seem even cooler... 
Argos - Autumn 1985
By now I was sixteen, so I'd moved on from checking out the toys in the Christmas catalogues.  But I've included this because for my birthday in 1985 I got the Kodak Disc camera (item 1) here and the pouch (item 5) to protect it.  As an upgrade from my old camera (which used 127 film!), I thought it was terrific - though the images, it turned out, were much grainier.  But the freedom the camera gave me was amazing and I began taking A LOT of photographs...
Argos - Autumn 1986
Now 17, I'd  started work (at Hunters Foods) so I suddenly had my own funds to buy the things I wanted - and one of those was a Swatch watch.  To me, at the time, Swatch was one of the coolest brands around and I was the proud owner of item 12 (which, at £24, was pretty expensive back then).  But just look at this page and those colours, it couldn't be anything other than the mid-80s, could it?  Glorious! 

Thanks to Retrosmash for the Argos scans.  Action Man and Corgi catalogue scans from my own collection.