Apr 29, 2008


The Poor Sick Hsiao's
On the night of our anniversary, I came down with the worst fever and chills I have ever had in my life. It felt like I imagine malaria to feel. I assumed I had gotten the flu from Mark who had just had a fever for a whole week, so is seemed logical that is what I had too. Come to find out I actually got a nasty case of mastitis (breast infection). The doctor gave me several high dosage shots of antibiotic and a prescription to take home. Even with all that, it's taken until today to really start feeling better. Nursing Brian has also been difficult the last few days so he's not his happiest. How in the world do you moms continue on with your amazing lives and blogs and so forth when you get sick? My life came to a standstill, plus I had to enlist the help of my mom and even more help from Mark. I am feeling better though and things are looking on the up and up.

Despite having a hard time eating, Brian is still growing! He now weighs 9 pounds 7 ounces and is growing out of his clothes too fast to even get use out of some of them.


Emily said...

Oh poor Jenny. . . Before I became a mom, I never realized that sickness would be SO HARD to manage. They spread like wildfire through the family, majorly disrupt routines and sleep, cause unbelievable panic and worry. . .I dread it.

Hope you will all be back to normal soon and feeling better - Brian is the cutest little munchkin!

Tiffany said...

Mastitis is the WORST! I have seen some nasty cases of it where I work and it hurts me just looking at it. I am so glad you are starting to feel better. Brian is so stinkin' cute!

Melissa said...

All of your sisters will attest to the fact that the road back to "normalcy" (if there even is such a thing) after having a baby is a rocky uphill journey at best, but you are really slowed down by those deep potholes of sickness. Don't forget to call for "roadside assistance" (we're better about doing this with our cars than with our own health)!
I agree with Emily....and I still worry and panic over my children and grandchildren.
Is it all worth it???? YES IT IS!
(but you might have to wait until you are my age to fully realize that)

Melissa said...

It's too bad that cute little "frog prince" outfit won't grow along with Brian!

Allison said...

I have been feeling so bad for you guys as mom has been giving me updates on your poor sick family. Being sick while trying to take care of a kid is always tough. It's even harder when it is a brand new baby! I feel for you and I hope that you start feeling better soon.

TODD + ANNIE said...

We are sorry to hear about your ill family. Jenny, since I am not a mother yet, I can't tell you how others do it but I can tell you that your baby boy could not be any cuter than he is. (and that might give you some comfort :) He is so sweet. I think I might come to Salt lake this weekend with Mandy to visit. Take Care!
P.S. Our plan is to move to salt lake in August. YEAH!!

Jenny said...

Thank you all for being so sympathetic! I have such great family and friends!

Eden said...

Jenny- I have not had mastitis but have heard it is so painful. I'm so sorry you've been so sick. Being sick as a mom is so difficult. I think it takes twice as long to recover than it would normally. I hope things are looking up. Brian is ADORABLE!

By the way, where do you and Mark live?

Unknown said...

Well, at least we are all healthy now. Frog prince eh? Where was I that day?

Gina Rochelle said...

I had that when Weston was a newborn so as soon as I started reading this I knew where it was going, but mine wasn't nearly as bad. I'm so sorry, like your life wasn't crazy enough yet?!