Apr 29, 2008


The Poor Sick Hsiao's
On the night of our anniversary, I came down with the worst fever and chills I have ever had in my life. It felt like I imagine malaria to feel. I assumed I had gotten the flu from Mark who had just had a fever for a whole week, so is seemed logical that is what I had too. Come to find out I actually got a nasty case of mastitis (breast infection). The doctor gave me several high dosage shots of antibiotic and a prescription to take home. Even with all that, it's taken until today to really start feeling better. Nursing Brian has also been difficult the last few days so he's not his happiest. How in the world do you moms continue on with your amazing lives and blogs and so forth when you get sick? My life came to a standstill, plus I had to enlist the help of my mom and even more help from Mark. I am feeling better though and things are looking on the up and up.

Despite having a hard time eating, Brian is still growing! He now weighs 9 pounds 7 ounces and is growing out of his clothes too fast to even get use out of some of them.

Apr 24, 2008

4th Year Anniversary

Today is our 4th Year Anniversay. The past four years have been amazing and we look forward to years and years ahead of us. This post is probably the best celebration we will have today though. Mark is extremely sick and he has to take a test tonight and we really shouldn't be taking Brian anywhere anyway. So, for this year we'll just wish each other Happy Anniversary and put off a date until later. Happy Anniversay Mark, I love you!

Apr 17, 2008

Growing Boy

Brian went to his 2 week appointment today and the doctor just kept laughing at how much weight he's gained. Usually at the 2 week appointment they are looking for the baby to be back at birth wieght which for Brian was 6 pounds 14 ounces. Today he weighed 8 pounds 2 ounces. I think he inherited his parents' love of eating.

Apr 16, 2008

Super Dad

I always knew Mark would be an awesome Dad, but I just wasn't expecting him to be Super Dad like he has been the last few weeks. I am so grateful for him and his willingness to help with Brian the entire time he is home from work. He changes Brian's diapers, gives him his baths, wraps him up all cozy, plays with him, takes naps with him and most of all helps me figure out how in the world I am supposed to take care of the little guy. I am somtimes so unsure about what to do for Brian's best interest that having Mark there to reassure me and give suggestions is the best thing he could do for our little family. Mark you are amazing. Thank you and I love you.

Apr 15, 2008

Apr 14, 2008

A Reason to Blog

For months I have been coming up with excuses not to start a blog such as: it is too trendy, I don't have time with teaching 220 ninth graders everyday, or our lives just aren't exciting enough to post on the web. Now that I'm currently not worrying about 220 ninth graders and we have a little something more to say with baby Brian around, I thought I would give blogging a chance. Please don't expect anything spectacular, such as my sisters' blogs, but at least you'll get a few pictures now and again. I'm sure Brian will become the center of most postings as we detail our new adventures with him.

Apr 13, 2008

Baby Brian

After about 20 hours of labor, an epidural that saved my life and a 3rd degree epesiotomy, baby Brian was born at 2:16 pm. I taught Geography all the way up to the Friday before he was born and even had contractions 6th and 7th period at school. Within just a few hours my life changed completely. I went from leaving the house at 6:30 am teaching all day, grading and planning after school until about 5:00 pm and then coming home to busy evenings with the Young Women, to NEVER leaving the house, not sleeping for more than 2 hours at a time, trying to "discern" which cry means what, doing all I can to get my own body to recuperate after nine months of pregnancy and child birth, and in between it all enjoying those precious moments of being a new mother. Needless to say, it is a whole different story taking care of an infant compared to taking care of ninth graders.

As parents we feel Brian is the most adorable newborn in the world. I think he looks like a little Mark with slightly larger eyes. He was born needing a hair cut and almost always looks like a punk rocker with the way it sticks up. I never knew I could love such a little guy so much, and despite my fears, being a mother feels so right and good. Even only after 2 weeks the blessings Brian brings to our family are ever apparent and we are so grateful for this little miracle.