Thursday, May 8, 2008

Sixth Day in Dominica

Our last day in Dominica.  We thought it would be fun to rent a Hobie Cat and sail to "Secret Beach."  According to Josh and Krista it has great snorkeling and you can only get to it by boat. We went to the place on the beach down from their apartment to rent the boat and we waited...

And we waited...

And we waited some more...

"Shorty" runs this place and typical to the natives, he was on his own time and not there.  We finally decided to walk further down the beach and just snorkel in an area we could get to without a boat.  It was a lot of fun and great exercise because it is very windy today.  So the current was strong and swimming back to where our stuff was on the beach was a challenge.

Of course, it didn't keep Krista from being "Crazy Krista"

She finally cooperated...

Before we left the beach for the last time, Tom had to leave a message.  The mountain you see across the bay is where we hiked yesterday at Fort Shirley.

We decided to walk up to the main road to grab some pizza from the local shack, pick up a fresh pineapple, some mangos and head home.  Krista made some amazing lasagna with homemade ricotta cheese for our last dinner.  She has become very resourceful with not having the conveniences of home.  There are no super-markets, so you go to the "shacks" each day to see what the "locals" have brought in and do the best you can.  She bakes her own bread, tortillas and cookies.   I am very impressed!  Especially having to do all the baking in a third floor apartment without air-conditioning. 

We have had a great experience and have had a wonderful time visiting Krista and Josh.  They even gave up their king-size bed for an Aero bed.  Bye for now.  I will try hard to keep up the blog and let you know how the plans for moving are going.  Keep the comments coming, I love hearing from all of you.

1 comment:

Kendall said...

Man...that vacation went really fast. I'm going to miss all your blogs about Dominica. We have really enjoyed reading them. Have a safe trip home.