Saturday, May 31, 2008

Go Teams!

Sam and Tyson had their final soccer games today.
Of course it had to be in the 90's and no clouds.  It was hot!!

Sam is quite a little player.  The second play he got in front of the ball and dribbled it all the way down to the goal and just missed making the goal by a fraction of an inch.

He really concentrated on what his coach told him...
But in the end, he was more interested in what was crawling on the grass.

Tyson's game was next.
Quinten is the coach, but had to be out of town so had a sub coach.

Tyson plays goalie and is excellent.  
Every drop-kick made it to the center of the field.
All the other kickers didn't make it more than 10 feet.

Tyson's cousin, Molly also plays on the team and is very aggressive.
She and Tyson, I would say, are the backbones of the team.

At the end of the games the parents form a "bridge" and all the players run through it to receive congratulations from the crowd.  You can see on the left is A.P. and Noah (Kate's sister's husband and son) then Kendall and Rhaegan, then Sarah, Kate's sister.  Tyson is just passing Kendall in the bridge.

We had to celebrate their great games with a trip to Cafe Rio.  We first made a stop at Sam's Club (you see the drinks), then the boys decided they would rather have burritos from Taco Bell, so we went to Taco Bell and took the burritos back to Cafe Rio.  
We were all soooo hot and tired that:

We got some new sprinklers that wiggle.  The kids had a blast!
But it was a great way to water the grass.

More game playing...

After hitting the pool for a swim and eating dinner we had to end the day with a short walk.  Trigger pooped out first.

This grandmother is one tired old woman, but having a blast with the kids.  It has been great to have Kendall here, she's been a great help.

Friday, May 30, 2008

The Old Saying...

You know the old saying..."when the cat's away, the mice will play?"  

Quinten, Kate and Paige left today for Wisconsin AND...

Let the games begin,

After a morning of playing games we decided we needed to go on a walk to the local "On The Run" gas station so Kendall and I could get our Diet-Coke and the kids could have an Icee.  The boys are really good on their bikes.  They stopped at every parking lot entrance along the way and waited for us to catch up; very safe bikers.  
After we got back we had to put the partying on hold so the boys could go to their swim lessons.  They are both fishes and are doing very well.  Tyson swam across the eight lane pool on his back.

After a lunch trip to Wendy's, the kids decided to play a game of "Butterfly."  This elephant-shaped machine blows butterflies out of its trunk and they have to catch them in their nets.  It is quite a game.

Then onto Walmart for some dinner groceries, 
but the arcade drew us in.
Tyson is a real biker!  Sam couldn't wait for his turn.

Sam really tried, but the bike was a bit large for him.

Rhaegan just enjoyed watching and riding in the fish.

But we couldn't shop until we had an ice-cream cone at McDonalds.

The day couldn't end without another dip in the pool.

We are all going to bed early tonight.  Not only are we exhausted but the boys have their last soccer games starting at 8:30 in the morning.  The question is..."Will grandma make it to Tuesday?"

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Another Wild Day!

Another wild day with the grandchildren!

The three older ones decided to have a wrestling match:
Rhaegan won...

Grandma decided she needed a picture with the Grand-Daughters,
so Sam decided he would be the photographer.
But then he didn't want to be left out.  Tyson has been so sick and was
resting.  We missed him in our photo-shoot.

Instead of going to swim lessons today, Kate took us to her parents house where the kids enjoyed showing us their tricks in the Butler's pool.

Sam loves to run and jump off this ledge...

Tyson loves the diving board.

And Rhaegan said, "it is too cold" and preferred the swings.

The slide was also a hit for the boys.  Rhaegan was thrilled to watch.

Quinten, Kate and Paige leave tomorrow for Wisconsin to attend Scott Vogel's wedding.  Boy do we have plans for while they are gone.  Stay tune...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Hotter Day in Arizona

I went back 25 years today....

Swimming lessons started our day.
Above, Tyson is swimming across the pool,
Below, Sam is jumping into the pool to his teacher.
They are both true 'Cupps' in their ability to swim.

After lessons were over we had to quickly buzz to the airport because Kendall and Rhaegan were there waiting for us.  They flew down from Utah so I could have all four grandchildren together.
Lunch at Sonic...

Home for some games and lots of noise!

But they were all happy and having a lot of fun.

Paige was not about to be left out.
Then, on to soccer practice.

Tonight was Tyson's last soccer practice before his final game on Saturday.
Quinten is a great coach and the team really responds to him.

But then, Quinten did have great role models to follow (Dad and Nick N.).

We were all starving after practice and wanted to try a new Mexican Restaurant, 'Some Burros.'  It was really good, but eating heavy at 7:30 pm for my old body doesn't mix.

The kids were exhausted when we got home so getting them to bed was easy.  Well at least for me, I just went downstairs and let it happen upstairs.  That's the advantage of being the grandma.
Well I had forgotten what the life of little children and all their activities can entail.  I guess their is wisdom in having children when you are young.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Goodbye Laramie, Hello Mesa

Before I begin this adventurous day's report, I want to wish Quinten and Kate a very Happy Anniversary.  WOW, 8 years!  If I were cleaver I would have a picture of your wedding day, but I am barely learning this posting stuff so next year it will be different.

We left Laramie early this morning with a dusting of snow and ice. I tried taking a picture of the snowy mountains but the fog got in the way.

What a change to leave 30 degree weather and arrive to 88 degrees. But it is worth it to be with the grandchildren (well Quinten and Kate, too). Our afternoon was getting caught up and going to Sam's soccer practice.  Tyson gets to be a "helper." He has practice tomorrow night.

These boys are naturals.  Sam is very aggressive (not like his dad).

Paige enjoyed watching, but was also very unsure who I was.  But I did finally get to hold her, just for a minute.

The day couldn't end without a trip to Cafe Rio.  
Sorry Krista, we hate to rub it in!  Tuesdays are dollar taco night, so of course we ate ourselves sick with tacos.

Tyson has been really sick so he wasn't feeling well and then Kate went to put her arm around him and bumped him in the face.  It was a sad moment for a few minutes but then all was well. 

Monday, May 26, 2008

Say Goodbye to Laramie!

The worst part of a vacation or trip is when you reach the last day and have to say goodbye.  I realized that I didn't have any photos of me with the family so thought I better get some. Before we left to have breakfast with the family, we took some quick shots in the hotel.

It is so nice to have grandchildren who do not mind taking pictures.

Excuse the 'beautiful' curtains in the background.  At least we know
where we were when the picture was taken.

We met at "Shari's" for breakfast.  It was great to have Uncle Alan
join us.  It is too bad that the waitress didn't understand how to
center the picture.

Rhaegan entertained us while we waited for our food!

A last picture of the girls before saying goodbye to Kendall, Shae and Rhaegan.

Rhaegan was ready to hit the road so she could watch her new dvd.

After Kendall and family left it was time to play.  We first played some games and watched a movie and then it was time to hit the golf course.  Yes, it was still cold.  The course still had several trees down from the tornado that went through Laramie on Thursday, but that didn't stop those avid golfers.

It wasn't the best day to play golf, but in Laramie if you want to play the game you just have to go out and play.  If you wait for the sun and warmer temperatures you will never get to play.

We had a great time visiting with family and most of all wishing Dorthella a happy birthday.  

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Third Day in Laramie

Our day started with going to church where Tom use to go as a kid.  Of course he didn't know anyone, but it was fun attending a ward instead of a branch.
As we were going home, we were telling Shae about the homes Tom lived in while growing up in Laramie, so we did a quick "drive-by."

This was their first home.  Tom and his two older brothers, Steve and Alan, were born in this house.  There are lots of great stories that come from this home.

Our next stop was the house we all remember.  The Rainbow Dr. house is where the younger three boys were born and where Quinten, Nicholas, Kendall and Krista have their memories.  It has changed a little with the new owners (they took the side porch off and built a room on the back). 
I have fond memories of Dorthella throwing the dinner rolls to the table from the oven (it was clear across the kitchen), all the brothers and Cecil sitting around the kitchen table singing in four-part harmony, and Quinten and Nicholas playing in the street gutter after a rain storm.  We were sad when the house sold.

But now the current house on Sanders has developed a lot of fun memories.  Cecil wanted to show off his new mower so went out after lunch to demonstrate his new toy.  That's pretty impressive for someone 88 years old.

Kendall wanted Rhaegan to play in Washington Park where she and Krista use to go and play for hours on the slides and swings.  She couldn't believe how small the slides were from what she remembers. She even asked if they had put new smaller slides in.  It is amazing how we view things different when we grow up.

Rhaegan had no fear on the slides!

The three brothers decided to 'ham' it up...

But then we had to get Cecil into the action.

There's never a dull moment around the Cupps' home.