Showing posts with label weird pyr shep behavior. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weird pyr shep behavior. Show all posts

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Brave, originally uploaded by manymuddypaws.

I took Boone to the outside training field last night for the first time this year. And he was great! He was very excited to get there, and was happy to do some tricks and follow me around. He was a little nervous at some of the louder traffic but he didn't run away once.

Sarah helped me and we did some recalls, and she ran around with him a bit. He was more than happy to work for his supper out there. Although it doesn't sound that exciting it is a pretty big step for him.

Every summer we train out there, and every summer he starts with lots of meltdowns, and gradually builds up tolerance. By the end of the summer he is pretty good.

I don't think he will ever be oblivious to the traffic and train noises- but after last night I am optimistic that we will have a lot of success training this summer.

I am always careful not to put neurosis on my dog, and try to be optimistic about how he is going to do in situations like this. I figured he would be okay (it was SUPPER! afterall) but he was even able to do a little work- and he didn't drag me back to the car after. That is great progress.

Progress in the form of Bravery is a great thing!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

52 weeks and Thanks

Flirt 14/52, originally uploaded by manymuddypaws.

This is my submission for this weeks Flickr project. I chose it because that's pretty much how he's been most of the week. :o)

On that note, I want to thank everyone for their suggestions about his behavior. I am going to get a blood panel done and at the very least it will let me know if it is a physical issue, or a pyr shep issue.

Pyr Sheps are not your average dog. I have met a fair amount of them and of course talk to people online about them. They are full of quirks and often have set backs.

I am pretty sure that that is what has happened. Maybe the "excitement" with Luna pushed him over, or maybe my neighbors have been banging at the door or floor. Who knows.

I have started all of the things on my list, so will take a look in a week and see if we've made any progress.

Thanks again for everyones input.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Acting Out

Boone has been naughty these past few weeks, and not just a little naughty, but a lot naughty. I don't know what the cause is, but I do have some suspicions. He has been getting progressively weirder over the last few weeks and doing things that he hasn't done in a LONG time... First, let me tell you what he's doing.

He is barking. A Lot. When I am not home especially. I got a complaint again this morning from my neighbor. I am annoyed. I've been leaving him and Wicca loose during the day which eliminated the barking/spinning in the crate. They get a stuffed kong when I leave and I hide random treats/kibble around the house. My neighbor said that it sounded like one of the dogs was screaming. Which was probably Boone if Wicca was trying to steal his kong. Sigh.

So my wonderful father went to get them to bring them to me at work. Instead of just running out the door when my dad called them Boone ran back to his crate. Now, my dad is not a dog person, and didn't always get along with Boone (when i first got Boone he bit him) but they haven't had a problem at all since then....until this morning. This is not the first time my dad has gone to get them from my house and brought them to me so I am not sure what the issue was but Boone almost bit him. My dad is pissed and doesn't want anything to do with him now. Boone arrived at work a quivering mass of nervousness. From what my dad said Boone ran into the crate and wouldn't come out even for a cookie so my dad turned to walk away and Boone rushed out to bite him on the leg. I am sure my dad yelled and/or kicked out at him hence the nervousness when he got here...

I am annoyed that Boone was barking in the first place. It should be mentioned that he wears a citronella collar for that reason. Apparently he doesn't care much anymore about it. One option is to try an electric collar although I have a feeling that he will freak out and either a)bark louder b)melt into a pile of nervous pyr shep. So yeah. Not really an option. Must figure out what to do about the barking.

I am annoyed that Boone and my dad are again at odds now. My dad won't easily forgive Boone which will make things difficult. And I am not sure why Boone is reacting that way to him. When I am around he loves my dad and often will sit near him and jump up for petting.

He has also taken to spinning in his crate again- even when I put him in there to eat, or whatever. And he is spooking again at loud noises. We walk one of three routes every day and he acts like he's never been those particular ways before. Startling at traffic, gawking around, and acting nervous.

He is frustrating me, and that is part of the problem. He is very sensitive to moods and body language. So when I am annoyed at him he acts even weirder. We both need to chill out apparently!

My plan is to

a) take him new and old places again. one new place or route a day.
b) collar game review with me, and with "friends". I think that is part of the reason he snarked at my dad was he probably tried to grab him (although he is not admitting it)
c) bring him to work every day. frequent rewards for quiet and calm behavior in the crate.
d) more obedience work. I've been slacking on the obedience department with all of the dogs, not just him
e) more exercise...I already walk them on leash every day, but can't always get out for an off leash run. Will have to find a way to increase his exercise.
f) find a new place to live............
g) new food puzzle toy for crate only. he loves food and will work at a kong forever. keeping him busy in the crate is half the battle.

Hopefully these things in part or in whole will help. I am open to other suggestions though!

Oh, and i should remind you all that he is one of the most normal Pyr Sheps around. The Pyr Shep people think there is nothing wrong with him...I can't expect him to be "normal" but I do expect him to listen, and to be able to handle real life...