Alyssa is 4.5 and there are some words she says that I just love. I don't like to correct my kids when they say words wrong, I love the cuteness of it all too much. She has had some issues with clothing choices lately. Today we went to the store and she had one pink shoe, one silver shoe, blue pants, a green skirt, a pink shirt and a brown sweater. She picks it out, I don't mind how it looks. I suggested a new heart shirt for a Valentines party and she said, "that shirt is hoy-rable on me." I told her how beautiful she is and that I don't like that she says unkind things about herself and she corrected and said, "well, just the shirt is hoy-rable." Where in the world did she get that word from? The boys try to correct her or tease her (boils my blood) for saying words wrong, but I love it. She and I often chant to each other "Girls rule, boys drool." The boys don't like it, but we only started it after they first said it. I try to keep it between us and not let the boys hear us. They gang up on her, I'll team up with her against them--in the nicest mommy way possible.
I will miss the words when they are gone.