
Showing posts with label scum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scum. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


The oil spill coming from 5,000 ft. below the surface
is the light gray irregular shape off the coast near the
Mississippi delta - now about 40 miles away from
the Delta and Breton National Wildlife Refuges.

Bad place, bad time. One of the nation's most fragile ecosystems, southern Louisiana and the Mississippi delta region, is under threat of being "gooified" by the oil spill, gushing 42,000 gallons a day, right during breeding season for shore-birds and other waterfowl, fish, and  amphibians.  British Petroleum, operator of the aptly named drilling platform "Deepwater Horizon," (the rig's horizon is deep in deepwater now) yesterday reported record earnings of 5.6 billiondollars in the first three months of the year.
"I say old chap, good show, and all that -
just an absolutely stunning performance!
The brown pelican, which not long ago got removed
from the "endangered" list, is a major character
in these islands and coastal byways. It was efforts made
for the brown pelicans' welfare and survival over
a hundred years ago in Florida that led to
the establishment of the
national wildlife refuge system.
Breton is the second oldest refuge in the
system, created in 1904.
Editor's Note:
An update to this post was added days after
this was published, with further info.

Saturday, April 17, 2010





Unto thee will I cry, O Lord my rock;
be not silent to me: lest, if thou be silent to me,
I become like them that go down to the pit.
Hear the voice of my supplications,
when I cry unto thee, when I lift up
my hands toward thy holy oracle.
Draw me not away with the wicked,
and with the workers of iniquity,
which speak peace to their neighbors,
but mischief is in their hearts.
Give them according to their deeds,
and according to the wickedness
of their endeavors: give them
after the work of their hands;
render to them their desert.
Because they regard not the
works of the Lord,
nor the operation of his hands,
he shall destroy them,
and not build them up.
Blessed be the Lord,
because he hath heard the
voice of my supplications.
Psalm 28, 1-6

Friday, August 21, 2009



"Deal Has Wealthy Running Scared"

the headline proclaimed.
Swiss bank account secrecy has been a fact
since the middle ages. But a new deal between
America and Switzerland is getting signed.
The landscape, so says a tax lawyer in Washington,
is permanently changed. The names of thousands of
Americans who are hiding personal assets
in Swiss banks are going to be released
to U.S. authorities.
I'm sure most of the tax dodgers in this
category would swear they're loyal Americans.
Bullshit. They aren't, they're traitors.
In this day and age even the snotty
little privileged shits have to carry their own weight,
and pay the piper the cost of citizenship.
So do all the congressmen (and ladies) who got paid off,
and the crooked defense and road paving contractors,
and the..., and nauseum.
Yes, I know, a lot of the money will simply get up and
move to Southeast Asia, or the Bermuda Triangle,
or any number of places that want fat-cat cash
and don't ask a lot of questions.
But it's a start in the right direction.
Tax cheats who have it but hoard it
aren't worth a tinker's damn.
May the IRS succeed beyond their wildest dreams;
may God's wrath fall upon the heads of the scammers.
God Bless the IRS!

Sunday, May 31, 2009



"It is said that, in the very early days,
lying was a capital offense among us.
Believing that the deliberate liar is
capable of committing any crime
behind the screen of cowardly untruth
and double-dealing, the destroyer
of mutual confidence was summarily
put to death, that the evil might
go no further."
Charles Eastman (Ohiyesa) Santee Sioux
The Soul Of The Indian, 1911
Now then, if America had such a
wise and insightful way of doing
business, we'd be rid of thousands
of worthless mortgage bankers, hedge
fund managers, lawyers, real estate
salespeople, and other similar scum.
America's lost its guts.