Mami Doodles Challenges Freebies Inspiration Tutorials
Showing posts with label gallery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gallery. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Mami Doodles Gallery

I haven't done this in a while, displaying some inspiring cards from Mami Doodles customers. Here's some that caught my eye.

This beauty is by Carol, she framed the image with gold frame and embelishments.

Karen used another Christmas image and added embossing and humour to her card.

I love the delicate colours which Claire used in her flowers against the vibrant ginger hair.

Thanks for using Mami Doodles images, please contact me and I'll send you a Christmas images (to be release 1st of December).

Monday, November 21, 2011


I made a few cards for Vera's card drive. Since I had no idea what to make, I decided to turn to the DT blogs for inspiration.
This one lifted from Jackie:

I am very pleased with it, but when you compare with the original, it doesn't look as nice by a mile! :-(

The next ones don't use a Mami Doodles image, but it is a truly DT inspired card series.

The design is Ren-Yi's and the baubles are a freebie from Wendy.

My advice? If you need inspiration look at the DT work here and in their own blogs for inspiration.

I'll finish with a little tip. A quick way to make a strip of paper more interesting is to score two lines on them, like here:

The sentiments is a digi by Ali Edwards, available at Designer Digital.

Friday, September 16, 2011

DT Call and Friday Gallery

Would you like to join the Mami Doodles Design Team??? We are looking for 2 to 3 new enthusiastic members to add to our existing fabulous team.

You would be required to design a card or project for our challenges every second Friday . You will also be asked to post the card in your blog. In return you will get all the images I release while you are in the team. I'd ask for applicants to be able to commit for at least a 3 month period.

Please link you blog below the post before the end of this month. New members will be announced soon after.

I am looking forward seeing your entries!

Now to the eye candy...

First check Ren-Yi and Wendy's cards for the last challenge which where added late due to technical (internet) and memory (mine) problems. Hehehe.

Now see what our customers have created....

Sharon Scronce's pie plate:

She printed the image on decal paper and fired it. I never knew it could be done, isn't that a great idea?

Julie, a.k.a. the Frog Princess, made a back to school card using Mark:

Notice the blackboard, so realistic!

Clairebears is here 3 times in a row, but I had to show this card of hers.

Each of them will get my latest image, Terry and Pooch.

Thanks for looking, have a great and crafty weekend!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Loving these cards!

The DT and I spotted some fabulous Mami Doodles cards in blogland.

If you have created a card using any of my images, let me know - I love to see them!

The cute baby card is by Ronnie. I love the buttons and the raised boat.

The talented Clairebears is featured again with a blonde Ligia, in this beautiful, happy card.

Pam has a bunch of cards using Ligia, they're all fab, this one won my heart.

Finally DT member Jackie
has also created a card with the same image, notice the rosy cheeks and the beautiful ballet tutu. Irresistible!

Ronnie, Clairebears and Pam, contact me to get a little pressie - my latest image - Little Black Dress!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Inspiring cards and a plate

 I love the vibrant colours in Clairebears' beautiful card:

 She also made this card for the current challenge:

I just couldn't resist showing you a few of the cards made by the DYSU DT for their challenge last week:

Denise's card, is gorgeous, delicate and all sweet pastel colours:

Miranda's card, just as gorgeous and delicate, uses a completely different neutral pallete with bits of pink here and there.

Of course, the images can be used for other things rather than cards and scrapbooks. I painted this plate in Artworks Cafe in Portmarnock, when we had a ladies night a few weeks ago. It is also a great place to bring the children to paint their own plate or mug during the summer. The price depends on the piece you choose,  mine cost €15 and included the plate, materials and firing. 

This week, I'd like to give a little prize to Clairebears, since she never got a freebie from me. And of course, because her cards are gorgeous!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday Gallery

Here some Mami Doodles cards and crafts that the DT and I spotted lately.

Sammibug made this cutie, I love that she layered the image over denim.

Fairysparkle used my first image (and still one of my favourites) in this beautiful card:

And one of my favourite cardies, former DT member Deirdre used one of my roses here:

 They're all beautiful - I don't think I can choose a favourite, but this week, I'll give a little pressie (Ligia Playing Dress-Up) to Fairysparkle because I think she never got a freebie from me. And as a member of "other races" :-) I appreciate that she's making cards for diverse ethnic groups. Please email me so I can send you your prize!

Last but not least, Jackie made this sweet card with my latest image, notice the colouring, the sand and the sky!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday Gallery - Now with PRIZES!

Wendy spotted this card by Lisa Oliver, (which uses one of the bees from the Bee's Party kit), while blog hopping:

Isn't it a gorgeous card? So much so that it won a prize. And now it won another one, as I will be giving a little present to one of the cards featured in the Friday Gallery. This week it will be Ligia, my latest image - Ligia Playing Dress Up. Lisa, please email me to get your prize.

Talking of Ligia, have you spotted Jackie's set of cards in her workshop blog?

Here's a sneak:

More here.

I had lots of fun creating Ligia and her dresses, it brought back memories...

Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday Gallery

Sometimes I spot a card with a Mami Doodles images while I am blog hopping or looking at forum post. Sometimes someone  kindly emails me photos of their cards. Sometimes there's a submission for the challenge using of one of my images. I love it happens, it makes me so happy.

If you are like me, looking at inspiring work fuels my wish to create. So, every second Friday, that is, the Fridays between challenge posts, I'll have some cards for you. Between one to five, some found from my web surfing, some might be ones  emailed to me, some could be even (gasp!) mine. And if you are kind enough to link a card to in this post, I'll make sure that at least one will be featured in my next gallery post.

This card is by Maureen Shannon, which I first saw in the Cara Craft Supplies forum. It is for her daughter's Home Economics teacher. I love that the card is perfectly suited for the teacher, look at the cute kitchen utensils.

This one is by Heather, look at the texture of this card, fabulous!

Jackie Schachter's baby card is all blue, green and yellows. Adorable!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Inspiring cards

It's been a while since I posted Mami Doodles cards I've encountered in the web. Here's some of them:

This one by Deirdre, don't you lovered in a wedding card?

A communion card by Elaine Smyth, notice the pearls in her dress:

Look at the cute colours on this cute this card by Theresa Gerber.

Julie's adorable Easter card:

Also I noticed a few in the current challenge submissions, there still a few hours left if you want to participate.
See you on Friday with a brand new challenge!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday's card

I do a happy dance everytime I get to see a card with  a Mami Doodles image. This time it is Ems' gorgeous Paddy's Day card. Notice how she embossed and used glitter in the card - great idea Ems, thank you for sharing!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Some beautiful cards

Christina Hicks made this beautiful card using one of my freebies, Rosie. Don't you love how she placed Rosie in a swing?

Donna, February Guest Designer, made some cards for her family to give to her niece. Her niece is mad about pink, but you might have guessed it already, hehehe.

They're all beautiful, I particularly love the first one, and I think I recognised the Happy Birthday circle too. ;-)  It's by a DT member, whose name starts with W....

Monday, February 21, 2011

Jackie Schachter's cards

When I saw Jackie Schachter's card in the CDAC gallery, it reminded me how effective paper piecing is - the beautiful choice of papers makes these cards really special!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Vintage Milly's card

Em, from Vintage Milly, emailed me with this precious card, using the Birthday Girl image:

I love the minimal colouring against the bright coloured background. One thing that stood out for me is how she finished the corners of the lace frame - she folded the ends and added a brad. Isn't that clever? More details here.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Guest Designer Entry - and sponsoring.

Totally my fauly, I didn't post this month's Guest Designer card. She is Patty Chapman and I can't say enough how sorry I am. Specially as she's made a set of beautiful blue cards which I absolutely love. My OLW for this year is ORGANIZE and I am not doing too well so far, am I?

Also, I am sponsoring the Creative Inspirations Challenge which is celebrating its birthday this week. Enter for a chance to win my whole birthday image set.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Lorraine's card

Lorraine kindly showed me this gorgeous and cute card:

Love how she used the spotty paper in his pjs. Thank you Lorraine!


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