Sunday, September 8, 2013

Husband Tag! Plus Questions!

Hello everyone, I told you all back at the end of 2012 that I wanted to vlog lol.

And one of the first vlogs I wanted to do was the husband tag! Me and husband finally did it last week! It was fun lol! Reminiscing and wondering, if he knows me. He kinda does as you may see! LOL.  If you want to do it, too, the questions are below.

The husband tag is a fun tag going around youtube. I am a weirdo who loves to hear about other people's lives. In a way it helps avoid drama in my life. Kind of like reading blogs!
Thank you for watching!

I didn't ask him all of the questions.

1) Where did we meet?
2) Where was our first date? 
3) What was your first impression of me?
 4) When did you meet my family?
 5) Weird habit of each other?
 6) How long have we been together?
 7) Do we have any traditions? 
An animal that resembles one another? 
9) What was our first roadtrip?
 10) First thing you noticed about me?
 11) What pisses him off? 
12) Favorite feature about each other? 
13) 3 things I am good & not good at? 
14) What do we argue about the most? 
15) Do I have PMS? 
16) Who wears the pants in the relationship? 
17) Do I have any weird obsessions? 
18) Nicknames for each other? 
19) What is my favorite restaurant? 
20) If I am watching TV, what am I watching? 
21) What is one food I do not like? 
22) What drink do I order when we go out to eat? 
23) What size of shoe do I wear? 
24) My favorite kind of sandwich? 
25) What is one talent I have? 
26) What would I eat everyday if I could? 
27) My favorite cereal? 
28) My favorite kind of music? 
29) My favorite sports team? 
30) What is my eye color? 
31) Who is my best friend? 
32) Something you do that I wish you didn’t do? 
33) Where am I from? 
34) What kind of cake would you bake me on my birthday? 
35) Do I play any sports? 
36) What can I spend hours doing?

Monday, September 2, 2013

Make-up Mondays: A Frankie Stein Monster High Make-up Tutorial With a Special SPECIAL Guest!


My daughter loves make-up. She's loved it since she was about 3 years old when she asked Santa Claus for a make-up kit. I think every Christmas after she got make-up.

Every time we go to the BX we have to go to the make-up counters and check out the bright colors. In fact, she picked out my first bright lip color when we were at a make-up counter in Germany, A Fuschia color by Maybelline and I love it!!!

So my daughter recently got into Monster High and thus she watches videos on youtube about Monster High and ran into a tutorial about a little girl about 6 doing her own makeup. Since then she's been OBSESSED with this girl. One day we were watching her family vlog together and she asked if she can have her own youtube channel. She loves fashion make-up dolls, and all things girly, but she also loves ultimate frisbee and Marvel comics already knows more than me (not saying much LOL).

I thought, why not? I believe in feeding interests of my kids. I want them to be happy with themselves and know they can do ANYTHING if they have the resources and it's positive. So why not?

We bought her costumes last month (August) and she's been itching to wear her Frankie Stein costume since it arrived within a WEEK of ordering!

We purchased her costume from
We also purchased the wig and make-up there too. The wig is probably a wear once deal. Make sure you buy a wig cap and keep the wig on with bobby pins!

Hope you enjoyed!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Back to School for Me!

Hi all!

I start school today!!!!! It actually felt like forever due to the move. I stopped going in Europe back in mid March. I am excited and super nervous. I actually missed my school routine and now that I am somewhere new and still adjusting it's really nerve-wrecking.

The schedule I have is pretty intense and there is a lot I must do schoolwise. Not mention at home. I have birthday parties to plan, I have a guest from Germany coming, I have a husband who will be TDY for 3 weeks and of course normal day to day mom stuff. EEEK. So it's really hard for me not to feel overwhelmed.

I hope to continue to blog. Another thing on my plate, but it will help me plan and structure things as odd as that sounds. When the kids go back to school, I hope to have some freedom. My youngest will not be in school which will be a little hard, so I have to plan and plan to keep him entertained as I dedicate 40+ more hours to school on a weekly basis.

Any moms in school who reads my blog?

I did have a pretty awesome break. 6 countries 3 continents and a big move. I think this was the best school break I've ever had so now it's time to work hard! Because when I do, my kids do as well!!!

Happy back to school!!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Makeup Mondays: The Evolution of a Beauty Junkie and The Color of the Rainbow Tag

The secret is out. Over the last 6 months or so, I think I've gone through a 'oh shit I am turning 30 soon crisis'. Along with that came all things beauty that I thought was too stupid and 'girly' to try for many years.

My makeup routine was and still is beyond simple. But now I love to add color! Before my makeup was pretty neutral. Then back in December when I was in Switzerland I wore a bold red lip color. I've worn red lips before but mostly stains that isn't so bold. But this lip color was a fire engine red and in your face. I was only bold enough to wear for a couple hours LOL.

Bold and Cold at a Technical Museum in Switzerland

After watching and reading about caring for my natural hair, I watched and read more and more about beauty. From chemical peels to hot pink lipstick. After reading about an orange lipstick, I was HOOKED. I bought orange lipstick, then fuschia, then a deep deep purple, and I loved them and I wore them confidently.

Bare Face in the Morning---no filter! lol

 I am not great with make-up---yet, but I have stepped out my comfort zone with different eyeshadows, nail polishes (don't get me started on those) and just looks in general. I have tried the whole "Kim Kardashian-style highlight and contour schtick, but it was too much. Plus I did it during the day, so I wasted a lot of makeup that day because I washed my face with a quickness.

Well that's the back story and I want to share my new love with a post! I watched these tags all over youtube and thought it was super cute. You can use makeup, beauty products, clothes, accessories, and even little things around the house. Since we still do not have all of our stuff (furniture clothes etc), I didn't have much to work with except for beauty items even then it was hard to find yellow and green. I did have some but it was kind of hard to choose from a small amount of things. That's weird huh? And Indigo? NO CLUE. I hope the shower cap was a proper choice.

Lets get started!
 For RED

Rimmel Lipstick: Lasting Finish by Kate Moss. It's moisturizing, smells nice and lasts for a while I LOVE it.


L'oreal Color Riche Orange Magique. It's nothing like this color. It's more of a reddish orange. My makeup look with an orange lipstick is similar to mine with a red lip. Eyes, cheeks are toned way down. But always make sure your skin tone is even with a lil powder or foundation or you can look really washed out. Not bold enough for orange? Try coral!


Clean and Clear's Morning Burst in Lemon and Papaya. I love this because I use it in the mornings in the showers and honestly it does give me a boost. I tried their other scents and this is my favorite one. I need to get some more soon!



Garnier Fructis Anti-Puff Eye Roller. I love to use this in the mornings. It's so cooling and soothing under my tired eyes! I also follow up with another eye cream with sunscreen etc because the sun is NO JOKE here in in Okinawa!


Rimmel's True Union Jack Palette I chose the blue from this palette, because there is some stigma against black women wearing blue eyeshadow. However, I believe if worn right anyone can pull off any color and I LOVE this color whether it's on my lid or anywhere else on my eye. It takes a mean strategy, though to get it just right.

For Indigo (?)

Japanese Shower Cap. It;s snug without giving me a mean headache. Does the job and doesn't stretch. Which is good because I have a biggol head. Best shower cap I've used....ever. May buy another one for when I deep condition.


Revlon Berry Haute Lipstick. WOW. I LOVE this color! Wear it while it's still summer because it's absolutely PERFECT! It's not too purple so you won't look like you and Barney the Dino....well let your imagination finish that. It may beat Rimmel Kate 01 for my #1!

Included in this tag is the color pink and multi colors!


VO5 Pomegranate and Grapeseed Conditioner. I LOVE this conditioner. Not only is it effective it is amazing for my hair. I love it so much. I use it as a rinse-out and leave-in conditioner. It doesn't leave white flakes and is incredibly conditioning. I can seriously go on and on and on and on. Go see for yourself. It's amazing!

2013-08-12 001
I chose two Too Faced- Return of Sexy Palette! I love to play with this palette and my favorite is the purple!


I love the results of these babies. They get the kinks out of my kinky hair heat free and gives me pretty curls that I can style in a fro, a bun, etc after a few days wearing the curls. I love how silky my hair feels. However with the crazy humidity here,  this style doesn't last but only two days. 

Thank you for reading!!!!!!!!!!!



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