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Showing posts with label mummy bread. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mummy bread. Show all posts

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Hope you had a spooktacular Halloween!

The days prior to Halloween were busy! I finished the spider Tootsie Pops in time for Kailani's class:

Took a bit longer to make this year as I had to make over 30!

Fun with Friends at School

Kailani's school also had a Halloween night with a magic show and pumpking carving at NO COST! They provided the pumpkins and kits - all we had to do was sign up and show up! I couldn't believe it was free, especially after seeing the pumpkins. They were big and beautiful! (Thanks so much to the PTA!)

They even let sibling participate!

And then for the big day! I wanted to make a fun Halloween dinner for the kids and their friends. So I made some black ("worm") spaghetti with "blood" sauce:

Worm spaghetti - ewwwwwww!
Worm Spaghetti with Blood Sauce

The black spaghetti was super easy to make. Just add some of Wilton's black icing color to the boiling pasta! And not to worry - the dye won't stain your teeth!

We also had some braided mummy sausage bread:
Mummy Sausage Bread

Don't eat the spiders!

The mummy bread was DEEEEELISH. Everyone (well, the adults) loved it! I should've made two of them! Here's the recipe. It's definitely a keeper! For the eyes I added and baked two of the eyeballs......

Cheesy Eyeballs (olive cheese bread)
The eyeballs came out okay. When I first started making them I had a hard time getting the hang of molding the dough around the olive. After making about 15 of them I finally figured it out. (I realize that the eyes also look very similar to another female body part but this is not that kind of party!) I seem to have misplaced the recipe for it....when I find it I will repost it here. Thanks to my friends for bringing a yummy tossed spider salad, Chinese chicken salad, a Jack-o-Lantern cake and Halloween cookies!

Finally the moment arrived. Time to trick-or-treat!

We weren't sure where we wanted to trick-or-treat this year. We were told by several places to stick to our own neighborhood as a lot of people go ALL OUT in celebration. So we did. And boy are we glad that we did!

Apparently every year a team of doctors puts on a show for the trick-or-treaters. Our timing was perfect as we arrived just as the show was about to begin. I had no idea that Kailani and Momo and their friends were  going to be part of the show!

Kids waiting for the show to begin.....

They asked for volunteers to participate in the play. Of course Momo volunteered.

They taught her how to "pump it" low.....

And how "pump it" high....
They needed a few more volunteers so Kailani and friends stepped in...
The show has started! See the "Dancing Doctors" performing while the girls pump them up!
After the show it was more door-to-door candy hunting!

Tired kids.....ready to go through their stash!
Hope you had a fabulous night!

For more holiday, craft, and party ideas be sure to check out Tip Junkie!

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