Deeply perturbing irony?
Our digital camera broke.
There is no money to replace it.
The guy at the camera shop holds out very little hope for it.
So the rest of the Hawaii Trip will be relegated to cell phone pics (not horrible, but not great) or 35mm (which isn't bad for life, but bad for blogging and bad for being sure you 'have that shot'!)
Ah well...
Here's what the kids did today:
Northwest shore...we spellunked around and looked at (minor) tidepools. Muddy due to the soggy weather, nonetheless beautiful though.
Banzai Pipeline the rain. I didn't get the crazy 5 year old (!) who went out in a wet suit as we were leaving. The waves were, actually, much MUCH bigger than they look here.
Some gorgeous Southeast shore and...BLOWHOLE!
Southeast short too, near Hameahumehumahumahuma Bay where we'll go snorkling soon. You probably can't see the Humpback whales cresting and spouting in the distance. But they were there. Many many of them.
After this we tried for naps (HA!) and work (sigh) and then sat on the beach with the kids looking at the glorious surf. I watched more of the storm roll in--what a luxury to get to just sit and watch the kids play and not worry about anything else. At all. Spectacularly happy people in a spectacularly gorgeous place.