Friday, February 29, 2008

One of the Best Videos...


The New Story.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


What is it?


And that's the DH and Thing 1 between me and Jorge Garcia. LOVE his work on Lost.

Good omen?

Tried to Kinnear Hurley from "Lost" who is on our flight. unnervingly dressed as though filming. . . but he IS one of the Oceanic Six. . .


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Last sunset. . .

Monday, February 25, 2008

USS Bowfin museum

The thing I liked best about this--aside from watching my boys command a sub for nearly 40 minutes--was that the exhibit (which was shabby by today's hi tech standards) was actually salvaged and reconstructed by former crew mates specifically for this museum. I just thought that was spectacular. And, as per my 'hi tech' comment above...seriously, what more do boys need than a bunch of levers that move, switches that flick, and two wheels that turn? I mean, really. If it had gone BOOM occasionally they would have never left.

I loved it.


Sunday, February 24, 2008

Got Yarn?

Fiber? Fiber? Anyone? Anyone?

A la 1820's, changing of the King's Guard (?!)

Sunday, Sunday...

Deeply perturbing irony?

Our digital camera broke.

There is no money to replace it.

The guy at the camera shop holds out very little hope for it.

So the rest of the Hawaii Trip will be relegated to cell phone pics (not horrible, but not great) or 35mm (which isn't bad for life, but bad for blogging and bad for being sure you 'have that shot'!)

Ah well...

Here's what the kids did today:

Northwest shore...we spellunked around and looked at (minor) tidepools. Muddy due to the soggy weather, nonetheless beautiful though.

Banzai Pipeline the rain. I didn't get the crazy 5 year old (!) who went out in a wet suit as we were leaving. The waves were, actually, much MUCH bigger than they look here.

Some gorgeous Southeast shore and...BLOWHOLE!

Southeast short too, near Hameahumehumahumahuma Bay where we'll go snorkling soon. You probably can't see the Humpback whales cresting and spouting in the distance. But they were there. Many many of them.

After this we tried for naps (HA!) and work (sigh) and then sat on the beach with the kids looking at the glorious surf. I watched more of the storm roll in--what a luxury to get to just sit and watch the kids play and not worry about anything else. At all. Spectacularly happy people in a spectacularly gorgeous place.


Saturday, February 23, 2008

USS. Bowfin

Happy boys.

Thanks nine-eleven

Blurry sure

But pretty good Tahitian dancer

Friday, February 22, 2008

Surf dudes

Takin' after grandpa. . .

Big tree. Little kids.

(and a food court!)

Thing One's fave breakfast

Rice, soy sauce, miso, salmon, guava juice.

Surf's up!

Need a board? there are plenty more. . .

Sunset Waikiki!


Boys. Leid.

At the first hotel, Princess Kaiulani at Waikiki

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Augie doggie

Like Hope, but Different!

And the Original

Saturday, February 16, 2008

My son the scientist. . .

Thing One building his first solo-built magnet-motor!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Thing Two enjoying the Aquadoodle gift from Gloria (as though she hadn't done more than too much. . .)

Multitasking? Me?


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Don't hate me because...

I'm going to Hawaii (with the kids in tow, so, you know...).

Instead, share your knitting brilliance.

I need a shawl. Not a winter shawl. Not a wool shawl. Not a heavy shawl. I need a cotton thing I can knit in like...a five hour plane ride. I'm thinking size gazillion needles and worsted or DK cotton.

Whaddaya got for me, eh?

I'm going to go look at my books tonight, but I wondered if anyone had done this before. I don't really want to just garter stitch a triangle, but...sigh...

Or even a super-fast, lacy (read big needles, small yarn) sweater or bolero. Just something to put on when it drops down to... 70°. 


Again, you know...don't hate me...

Modeling clay bacteria

My goofy son comes home all excited to make. . . models of bacteria. Go figure.

Monday, February 11, 2008

For Those of You Who Love "House"...

...or know someone who loves House* and recognize that chronic pain in someone you know, you may want to check out a new blog from my friend. We met nearly 20 years ago and she was in hideous pain then (and the doctors weren't medicating it properly...) and it continues to this day. Her blog is mostly informative, but don't be surprised if her wicked sense of humor comes into play as she gets more used to blogging.

*Btw, on the House thing...did any of you realize House and Wilson are Holmes and Watson? Andrew just dropped that on me and I smacked my

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Home again, Home again...

So we're back.


The boy burst into tears on the way home more times than I could remember while driving back because he just bloody well wanted to be home and snuggle with his brother. They really are a love fest. I have no idea what happened, but it's great. It was not the best drive I've ever had, but Mom was great and Mary Poppins calmed the boy through the last leg (half of me feels like a cheatin' mom for relying on the DVD player, and half really couldn't care less what the first half thinks).

I didn't bring a cable to move digi pics from camera to blog so here's the highlights of the trip via digicam. It ends with some close ups of the ear, which btw, he's looked at and he's VERY excited by. We've been clear that it isn't done "cooking" yet, and he gets that.

Thing Two at Universal Studios on 1/30/08, being made into a tiger (this girl was GREAT!). I also knew it was his last day with hair for awhile, so...sigh...

He pretty much walked up to anyone who would listen, growled at them, then told them that he was a tiger. (Duh)

Day of, 2/1/08.
La Brea with my Mom 2/5/08.
Venice fun with Jessica 2/6/08.
The water was remarkably uncold, and the kids were just spectacular (if soggy).

Sam and Jess sacked out

Snuggly kids drying off
Kidspace Museum, you can see them climbing up "water drops" waaaaaay up into the ceiling. An amzing little museum in Pasadena. 2/7/08
Riding tricyles at same museum.

Bored at lunch.

The unveiling with Dr. Reinisch and Tracey, the spectacular surgical assistant. 2/8/08

Thing Two and the chair. He LOVED operating this chair. 

The ear, 2/10/08. We weren't supposed to uncover it yet, but he'd pretty much mauled parts of the gauze and he'd completely jarred the stickum on the cup, so...we cleaned the gauze up, restuck the cup and I took the opportunity to take pics for posterity. The color continues to improve.

I know it looks completely frankenstein at this point (how apropos with CraftLit doing Shelley's book right now) but it's already a huge improvement over the first day of unveiling. It's really an extraordinary journey!

Friday, February 08, 2008


Thursday, February 07, 2008

One and a tenth . . .

Starting sock two for Sam. Thank God her feet are smaller than mine. :-)

Yeah . . . So . . .

We were bored!