Anyways, enough being melancholic... Get ready to feast your eyes with these hantaran and wedding cakes/cupcakes.. All work done before Ramadhan. I realise that many got married before Ramadhan. Ramadhan is like a dead line kan.. My 2nd week before Ramadhan, I was busy with wedding cakes, hantaran and doorgifts. My last week before Ramadhan, I was busy with birthdays pulak, which pictures will be uploaded on the next post ya.
I'll start off with this one first.. This was ordered by Ayu, as many know her by Ayu the Sun.. :-D .. aka orang kuat redmummy. Ayu was inspired by Dahlia's stacked cake with a ribbon on top. She said, 'Shaz, buat lah apa saja.. asalkan hijau and putih..'. I was happy! and scared at the same time - what if they don't like what I like. But, I went ahead with this design after thinking and thinking and dreaming and dreaming.. When Ayu came over to send the cake stand back, I was relieved that she was very happy, and so were the bride and groom and everyone else. I know that some would love to have lots of flowers on top of their wedding cake, and this cake is pretty western. Thanks Ayu for your faith and the oppurtunity to try out something different and for letting me add this design to my resume.. muahs!..
Haa.. this was ordered by Anisah's brother. He's the one yang sungguh2 design the cake n cupcakes.. Romantic,kan? He wanted the flavor to be carrot cream cheese, which I do not recommend for hantaran, because the cream cheese will sour if it is left outside for along time.. I only agreed because the girl's side was just nearby.. takdela nak travel jauh2.. :-)
And this red and white theme was ordered by Liza. I had to mix store bought flowers with home made ones, because the red color roses were out of stock. So, I had to make them.
This was ordered by Elly who came at 930+pm to collect her hantaran set. I honestly thought she had forgotten it. Sorry Elly, nampak Kak Shaz in a glimpse aje. I just woke up from a nap and I looked like hell.. gatherring strength before I headed back to the kitchen. My collection time is from 8am till 7pm weekdays. 8am till 12 noon and 2pm till 7pm on Saturdays and Sundays.. Bukan apa, the kitchen is where my family hangs around and cook and eat, and revise (even though I dah buat study table mahal2 :p) and they are pretty shy when my customers come by to collect their cakes (except for Dania and Hannah who are my PR :-p, and are very happy to see you guys). So, after 7pm, I made a promise to them to pass the cake at the gate saja.
This set below was ordered by Lynn. Lynn initially wanted a mix n match set like Elly's for the hantaran, and called in last minute, requesting me to make it a stacked mix n match. The cake was supposed to be a present from her. However, her aunties were pretty worried that the cake will not turn out to be grand enough for the occasion. Honestly, I would be extra worry everytime someone has doubt in my capabilities. I'm not upset. I'm just afraid that my creations are not to their expectations. And, I would happily request them to order elsewhere. Save the stress.. :-). However, Lynn insisted that I do the cake for her. I'm glad her aunties were happy to see the cake, and this set has passed as lavish enough!
This was ordered by Haizan for her wedding. She ordered a fondant cake and a set of cupcakes for hantaran. And this 2 tier stacked wedding cake. All peach!
Haizan mentioned that the choc cake I made for her was a bit bitter than usual. Thank you for the feedback Haizan. I actually modified my choc moist cake recently, from full cream milk to chocolate milk for the more choclaty taste. I received many feedbacks saying that they like it.. But, when asked which one they like better, they can't tell. So, if you find something different to the taste, or the texture is dry, pls let me know, so I can improve. Of course, like beauty, taste is subjective. Let me know anyways. Sometimes, I get different feedbacks for cupcakes from the same batter.. Haa! How is that possible? Well, besides the taste being subjective, I concluded that I should lower down the oven temperature after a certain hour. I believe that's the reason.. Hmm, did you know that I am an Information Technology graduate and that I was a Systems Analyst for 10 years? That's why I can't help analysing! Till then folks!