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Showing posts with label Wedding Cake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wedding Cake. Show all posts

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Semuanya Hantaran

Haa.. Dah ramadhan sekali lagi. Macam baru lagi Ramadhan lepas.. sudah berjumpa Ramadhan baru.. Alhamdulillah, masih diberi kesempatan untuk berpuasa di Ramadhan ini, walaupun menyusukan Jasmine.. Hendaknya puasa penuh lah kali ini dan yang paling utama puasa kita diberkati. Semalam, tiba-tiba teringat arwah abang sulung. Dia pergi ketika berumur 36 tahun. I will be 36 this year.. Nice date to celebrate this year - 10/10/10.. :-D.. Tapi, mengenangkan arwah pergi semasa berumur 36, macam tak seronok nak sambut besar-besaran... Walaubagaimanapun, bukan kita yang rancang sambutan harijadi kita, kan? Terus terang, saya dah berhenti menghitung umur sejak mencecah 30.. hahaha.. I am always and forever be 30.. muahahaha..

Anyways, enough being melancholic... Get ready to feast your eyes with these hantaran and wedding cakes/cupcakes.. All work done before Ramadhan. I realise that many got married before Ramadhan. Ramadhan is like a dead line kan.. My 2nd week before Ramadhan, I was busy with wedding cakes, hantaran and doorgifts. My last week before Ramadhan, I was busy with birthdays pulak, which pictures will be uploaded on the next post ya.

I'll start off with this one first.. This was ordered by Ayu, as many know her by Ayu the Sun.. :-D .. aka orang kuat redmummy. Ayu was inspired by Dahlia's stacked cake with a ribbon on top. She said, 'Shaz, buat lah apa saja.. asalkan hijau and putih..'. I was happy! and scared at the same time - what if they don't like what I like. But, I went ahead with this design after thinking and thinking and dreaming and dreaming.. When Ayu came over to send the cake stand back, I was relieved that she was very happy, and so were the bride and groom and everyone else. I know that some would love to have lots of flowers on top of their wedding cake, and this cake is pretty western. Thanks Ayu for your faith and the oppurtunity to try out something different and for letting me add this design to my resume.. muahs!..

Haa.. this was ordered by Anisah's brother. He's the one yang sungguh2 design the cake n cupcakes.. Romantic,kan? He wanted the flavor to be carrot cream cheese, which I do not recommend for hantaran, because the cream cheese will sour if it is left outside for along time.. I only agreed because the girl's side was just nearby.. takdela nak travel jauh2.. :-)

And this red and white theme was ordered by Liza. I had to mix store bought flowers with home made ones, because the red color roses were out of stock. So, I had to make them.

This was ordered by Elly who came at 930+pm to collect her hantaran set. I honestly thought she had forgotten it. Sorry Elly, nampak Kak Shaz in a glimpse aje. I just woke up from a nap and I looked like hell.. gatherring strength before I headed back to the kitchen. My collection time is from 8am till 7pm weekdays. 8am till 12 noon and 2pm till 7pm on Saturdays and Sundays.. Bukan apa, the kitchen is where my family hangs around and cook and eat, and revise (even though I dah buat study table mahal2 :p) and they are pretty shy when my customers come by to collect their cakes (except for Dania and Hannah who are my PR :-p, and are very happy to see you guys). So, after 7pm, I made a promise to them to pass the cake at the gate saja.

This set below was ordered by Lynn. Lynn initially wanted a mix n match set like Elly's for the hantaran, and called in last minute, requesting me to make it a stacked mix n match. The cake was supposed to be a present from her. However, her aunties were pretty worried that the cake will not turn out to be grand enough for the occasion. Honestly, I would be extra worry everytime someone has doubt in my capabilities. I'm not upset. I'm just afraid that my creations are not to their expectations. And, I would happily request them to order elsewhere. Save the stress.. :-). However, Lynn insisted that I do the cake for her. I'm glad her aunties were happy to see the cake, and this set has passed as lavish enough!

While some prefer lavish designs, others prefer it simple. Less is more. Suraya likes it simple and clean like this.. :-) Cantik, kan (sendiri masuk bakul..muahaha)?

This was ordered by Haizan for her wedding. She ordered a fondant cake and a set of cupcakes for hantaran. And this 2 tier stacked wedding cake. All peach!

Haizan mentioned that the choc cake I made for her was a bit bitter than usual. Thank you for the feedback Haizan. I actually modified my choc moist cake recently, from full cream milk to chocolate milk for the more choclaty taste. I received many feedbacks saying that they like it.. But, when asked which one they like better, they can't tell. So, if you find something different to the taste, or the texture is dry, pls let me know, so I can improve. Of course, like beauty, taste is subjective. Let me know anyways. Sometimes, I get different feedbacks for cupcakes from the same batter.. Haa! How is that possible? Well, besides the taste being subjective, I concluded that I should lower down the oven temperature after a certain hour. I believe that's the reason.. Hmm, did you know that I am an Information Technology graduate and that I was a Systems Analyst for 10 years? That's why I can't help analysing! Till then folks!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Pink Roses and Carnations

Tomorrow 18/6, Baby Jasmine be 1 month old.. and today I received a baby gift basket from my customer turned friend Ena, Muar. Terkejut ada, terharu pun ada... Sbb kat rumah ni yang selalu terima gift baskets is my dad.. Terima kasih banyak2 Ena.. And hari ni, I terlebih rajin untuk access the net via my own zaman tok kaduk's computer yang sudah lama I tak on.. Selalu asyik menyendeng kat Nurin's or Dania's laptop. And I just realised there are so many pictures here that I have not uploaded. So, cerita lama la sikit ya.. This was ordered by Kak Su! Her sister's engagement.. I think..(dah lama sangat ni..). Selalunya Kak Su lah orang kuat behind all the parties and events at her house.. She would be THE person who knows what to do, who should do what and ensures that everything is in place on time. When Kak Su mentioned the theme was pink, I suggested the roses that I learnt from Kak Jun.. I really would like to implement and practise them.. as practise makes perfect.. and I sure I hope I delivered them well.. Of course I want my teacher to be proud of me.. :-D

And this set was ordered by Radziah.. the same day I did for Kak Su.. I'm glad she wanted carnations! So, I did different shades of carnations for Rad.. I'm glad to have met her that night before I change to my nighties..

And here is a picture of the cuppies all packed.

This was ordered by Farah for her cousin's wedding. You see, Farah wanted the cake and cupcakes arranged in tiers. I suggested them to use the wine glasses and arrange the cupcakes at the bottom, and middle tier, while the cake goes at the topmost tier. I am supposed to receive a picture from Farah, the final arrangement of the cake, but have not received it. So, you guys imagine aje lah ye..

And, as I finished typing this, I hear Baby Jasmine crying for milk..
Till then folks..

Friday, April 30, 2010

Hantaran :: Pink, White, Red...

Hari ni dah 30/4.. Initial intention was to accept orders until this date sahaja. And then, a regular customer, Siti who ordered a stacked clown for Adam's first birthday requested a Chuggington cake for Adam's 2nd birthday on 2nd May. Hard to say NO to my regular customers who have supported me for three years now. :-) And 2nd May jadi 3rd May for Adibah... and then she postponed her party to 4th May, so 4th May pulak jadi last day to bake cakes. And then other regular customers who happened to know that I would be taking a long leave pakat order jugak, and siap text me that they would pray for my health. Thank you Kak Lili.. xoxo... I am excited to post a creation I did today, materialising Dahlia's 1st birthday cake... Tapi, I have a lot more pending pictures to upload.. I don't like to mix birthdays and weddings.. So, since the last post was about birthdays, this one is about hantaran and wedding cakes... Starting off with my favourite customer, Farah Donna who always have faith in me.. (this also reminds me that I have not uploaded Farah Donna's and Farah Dinna's sons' cakes.. sabar ya.. Nanti I cuti, I geledah semua folder I.. ). Farah was the 'orang kuat' for her brother's wedding early April... This hantaran was requested by her mom. Theme color : pink and white.. I'm glad to receive a text message from her informing me how pleased her mom was with the cake.. I'm so happy!

And for the reception, Farah ordered this 3-tier wedding cake for her brother. I'll post different angles of the cake in flickr ya..

Haa... yang ni pulak ordered by Aliya on behalf of her friend. The theme was white, and she requested white flowers on white cake..

Besides this white fondant, Aliya also ordered this pink and red cuppies as hantaran.. I'm not sure now which one was for the groom and which one was for the bride.. Hentam sajalah Labu..

And saving the best for last.. Wani was fascinated by the roses I learnt from Kak Jun and ordered Red Roses for Arie and Ida's hantaran. She wanted 8 roses.. and I tell you this - I made 17!! Cos Wani wanted 'merah hati'.. and my first eight flowers macam tak jadi merah hati.. and I had trouble to eliminate the corn flour .. Alhamdulillah Wani ordered early and I didn't waste my time to do the flowers.. So, I can investigate, find solutions and resolve the issues... And I am very, very happy with the result and so was Wanie.. Aaaah... sukanya terima text message. Bukan sekadar acknowledge dah terima cake.. tapi melahirkan perasaan gembira pulak tu.. ah.. suka hati.. InsyaAllah, I akan upload different angles of the roses nanti ya... To my teacher, Kak Jun.. you are the best! Tengah congak2 ni bila nak boleh pergi kelas figurin.. :-p

Till then everyone. Take care and be well.. Doakan I tau.. xoxo..

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

3-tier pink kaler wedding cake

My only son (so far), Iskandar, age 2+ only knows the word pink... or in exact words... pink kaler.. biru pun dia kata pink kaler.. kuning pun pink kaler... dunno where he picked that up.. This 3-tier pink kaler themed wedding cake was ordered by Nana for the her cousin's wedding reception... Flavor is carrot cake... Mujur majlis kat Shah Alam.. Nana collected the cakes ard 10am. So, sempat la the cakes thaw for the majlis potong cake... Nana pun dah expert susun2 cake nih.. Thanks Nana for thinking of me everytime! xoxo..

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Intan's 4hr wedding cake

Seriously! I shall remember this date forever... 25/12/2008.. It was the day I spent 4 hours making sure Intan's wedding cake was smooth... Intan wanted a square cake at the bottom and a round cake stacked on top... She wanted to use fresh flowers ... so the flowers, I tak letak, her talented aunt did...

If not because of my husband forcing me to just stack the round cake... or in his exact words... LETAK!! LETAK!!!... I would have probably spent another hour making sure the square surface was smooth... hehehe... Mana tak nya, Intan who is a medical student in Melbourne, is such a perfectionist.. and she specifically mentioned that she wanted a smooth surface.. Dah macam-macam doa I baca... and when I finally stack the round cake...I am relieved... and when Intan texted me that she liked the wedding cake the most... I slept well that night... Thanks Intan darling! Zidni is one lucky man!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Faeza's Hantaran and Wedding Cake

Faeza ordered the red and white mix and match fondant cake with black swirls or I like to call it kerawang as the hantaran... and a mix shape stacked cakes for the cake cutting ceremony with Kak Jun's daisies. I'm relieved that Faeza loved both designs... I am more relieved that she liked her weddding cake... First is because, it took me quite some time to come up with 12 daisies! - 2 hrs kot! (no wonder sugar paste flowers aren't cheap... especially when they are home made flowers) and second, I am just afraid the design is not up to the traditional malay wedding cakes standard... u know with lavish flowers... and all (itulah masalahnya bila bukak the english cake designs...)..I had a great time having the gals (Shikin, Zuriati, Faeza who always got all excited when one cake box is opened after another... merekalah my cheerleaders... )...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Brown & Gold Carrot Cream Cheese Wedding Cake

Seriously, I would be very worried on 2 things when it comes to wedding cake.. 1. if the wedding theme is brown and gold. 2. if the wedding cake is carrot cream cheese. For the first one, it is simply because, there aren't any ready made brown or gold flowers at the store. So, I've to make my own.. and I have a bench mark of what beautiful flowers are like... see Kak Jun's blog... and I am still far away behind when it comes to sugar flowers. I usually would recommend yellow flowers... as they are closest to gold, and I would use brown ribbons to put in some element of brown. :-) WRT the second one, you can have carrot cake as your wedding cake only if you have a freezer or refrigerator big enough to keep the cake before the cake cutting ceremony. Tak pun collect from my place like 2 hours before the event, should be fine. Thank you much Kak Zubaidah for your faith in me... To Wanie & Mian, Selamat Pengantin Baru

Sara's Wedding Cake

Sara rented the 3-tier cake stand. She wanted to have a fondant cake as the bottom tier and cupcakes on the upper 2 tiers. Another customer also wanted a similar wedding cake, and when she requested to see the picture, I just realised that I did not snap the final ensemble. Ceh! So, imagine sendiri la ye.. LOL! And to Sara, Congratulations!

(*I am still thinking what happened that day, that I did not assemble to cakes*)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

2-tier love shaped wedding cake

I have known Laily since my uni days. A perfectionist she is! The most responsible person I know. If I am not mistaken she had her then 14 year old brother stayed with her right after she graduated... and now her now all grown up brother tied the knot last week, and she ordered this 2-tier love shaped wedding cake for the reception. I'm sorry his wife had to wait for their cake to be ready.. It was a crazy Saturday, last week! Due to that too, this is the best angle snapped (as if!)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Selamat Pengantin Baru Alif & Nurulhuda

This wedding cake is for hubby's cousin... Alif. We usually give wedding cakes as our gift to cousins and yang sewaktu dengannya... Senang gitu.. and I get to try out different types of wedding cakes... :-) Selamat Pengantin Baru Alif & Nurul!

Selamat Pengantin Baru Fairuz & Hashima

The theme color for Fairuz & Hashima's wedding was lilac and blue. This was a last minute order and I could not find any lilac/purple roses... so, as discussed with Lyana, we agreed to have the cream in lilac with blue flowers on top.. Congratulations Fairuz & Hashima... and thanks Lyana!

Gold theme wedding cake

When the theme color is gold.. I would usually suggest yellow or white roses... as I have not seen gold roses sold in store before.... If you know where to find them, let me know! :-) We can still have a touch of gold using the organza gold ribbon tied around the pillars.. or use the satin flowers sold at SSF (nope, I've not done that.. but I know it turns out pretty too). Thanks Saiful for this order... This travelled to Seremban for his sister.. I'm touched!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

2-tier wedding cake

This was a last minute order. I could only find 1 last box of purple sugar paste roses from the store (after visiting 3 stores).. Musim kawin kan... Orang pun borong la the sugar paste flowers... So, I pun kelam kabut buat mine.. just 2 big roses (1st time buat big roses.. I usually do small ones..).. and I stopped as the color tone tak sama with the one bought from the store.. Ella told me, ada pink roses pun Ok.. So, told Ella that I'll mix them with white roses too.. And on the night to decorate, what a horror! 2 out of 3 store bought big purple roses were so unacceptable! Ada macam fungal at the bottom of the roses! So, my 2 self made roses came to the rescue.. even though the tone tak sama... konon2nya macam shades of purple la gitu. (Note to self: buat bunga sendiri la lain kali... kah kah kah... tapi nanti mahal la pulak nak jual kat orang.. sbb beli kat kedai lagi murah.. ). (Note to readers: for wedding cakes, please place your orders earlier.. ). Anyways, this is the final product.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Selamat Pengantin Baru Siti

Eleen came over to the house with hubby and kids to discuss on a wedding cake to be given to her sister in-law.. Bottom tier is 10" and top tier is 6"/ Here is the photo.. (hmm... masa ni sempat lagi nak snap... :-)). Selamat Pengantin Baru Siti

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

3-tier Wedding Cake for Shahida & Haslin

and this is for Shahida & Haslin... yang ke hulu ke hilir.. even before the big day itself was Suzana! Dengar kata sebutir nasi pun tak makan ye Kak Su!... and the theme was maroon red..

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

3-tier Wedding Cake for Yum's sister

The past wedding season, I was touched with many gestures from the bride/groom's immediate family members. They were the ones running up and down making sure everything went well on the big day. I was blessed to have worked with some of them.

Since there was another wedding on the same weekend, Yum didn't get to use the cake stand, hence the pillars. And I noticed this time around, most of the wedding theme is gold eh... I do not have gold sugar paste flowers, so I used yellow sugar paste flowers instead. Enjoy the pics! The 3-tier wedding cake is priced at RM 255 only..

Friday, April 4, 2008

3-tier Wedding Cake

Susah betul nak ambik gambar ni.. Anyways.. Azfeezal took the Wedding Tier promotion, and added RM 30 for more lavish roses


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