I'm more active in my FB fanpage: Mama Chak's Recipe.. So find updates there.. No, I'm not abandoning this blogspot altogether.. It just that I could not find the time to write!! *cries*.. Menu & Price List is still valid.
Showing posts with label "Special Projects". Show all posts
Showing posts with label "Special Projects". Show all posts

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Anything for the babies

Nope not mine.. These are the cakes and cupcakes ordered by mothers for their newborn, 1 and 2 year olds.. FYI, I have to post this as quickly as possible as I took time off just now to bake.. Memang terasa tersangatlah giannya, and I baked a Famous Amos cake and cupcakes... Well, I was experimenting my recipe.. And before baby Jasmine wakes up for another round of feeding, let's start off with this baby blue theme. This set was ordered for Baby Tristan's Full Moon party. Baby Tristan's mom, Lauren also ordered cupcakes as a Full Moon gift. Thanks Lauren for the order.
And this was ordered by Farah Donna for her son Amin. She was inspired by Roger's clown and wanted the same for Amin's cake.. Since she wanted a mix and match set, I was thrilled to have different positions of clowns on the cupcakes and cakes.. More pics in my flickr..

And this was ordered by Farah Dinna... yes, you got it right.. She is Farah Donna's sister. And yes, this was collected on the same day.. This cake was for Mikail's classmates. He is 2 years old, by the way..

Owh... ini untuk Irfan Haziq! Ibunya, Halimatun called, and she was inspired by Farell's cake. So, she ordered one for Irfan Haziq.. just the bottom tier.

I guess that's all for now on birthdays... and ooh... one more picture yang enter frame this time is this medical stuffs for the doctors in the house. This was ordered by kak Su.. Thanks kakak!

Till then everyone!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

On leave till July 2010

Nope, I've not given birth yet.. Adoi.. I am now approaching my 39th week already and my baby hasn't taken the correct position for me to deliver the natural way yet.. Duk menari ke sana sini.. My gynae has scheduled a c-section for me next week - Tuesday.. Huwaaaa! The past one week I've been delegating orders from my customers to my aunts and cousin.. So, I would say business is as usual, cuma I tak bake or decorate. :-D.. Ada masanya I will help screen and arrange the orders, and ada masanya I'll just pass you their number ya.. And since I've not been baking, I got a lot of things done. Sungguh seronok creating a list and cancelling them off! I should add uploading pics in my next list. As for now, enjoy this pics first ya.. These are kiddy designs.. ada kiddy + hidden mickey (I dunno what to call it.. Erhan actually requested me to draw mickey mouse.. mana la I terer draw mickey mouse..), and baby theme + hidden mickey
And, I think the week after that, I accepted an order - pun nak Mickey Mouse jugak.. but Norul was inspired by Malaeka's stacked cake.. And since I mana la nak pandai draw Mickey Mouse, she gave me the idea of hidden mickey at the sides and ribbon on top. The cake was delivered all the way to Putrajaya (Thanks Zubir!). She also ordered a batch of mini cupcakes with Malaeka-sprinkles.. I'm happy to know that Dahlia's party was a success and the cake was a hit.. (Sedapkan nama Dahlia.. if I've not named my second child Mas Dania Dalilah.. I would have chosen Dahlia for this baby.. :-)) Asyik dok buat Mickey themed cakes aje, I was priviledged to be introduced with this new trains in town. Meet Koko (green), Brewster (red) and Wilson (blue). Siti ordered these cupcakes as doorgifts for Adam's classmate.. And on the 2nd May, she ordered this cake for Adam's party. Of course, like Thomas, I used the train pan and turned it into Koko, Brewster and Wilson.. As long as Siti approved. Thank you Siti..

And I realised that I did quite a few kiddy girly themed designs just before my leave.. Here are some of them..

Haaa... gambar yang enter frame this time is Serina's 2nd masterpiece.. I kinda force Serina to learn this. Initially she wanted to order cupcakes for hantaran for this June. My aunties and cousin semua dah fully booked for that week.. So, I suruh dia buat sendiri the hantaran.. Barulah bermakna gitu, kan? :-)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Stacked Birthday Cakes

Hari ni sepatutnya sibuk... dengan gynae's apptmt lah, nak cari Iskandar's bedsheet lah.. Semalam cari2 kat Aussino - tak de yang boyish design.. So, hopefully the Lightning McQueen yang I tengok many moons ago still available kat Subang Parade. So, now I have some free time to post one entry and some pics..Quick ones yeah.. I know you guys dah boring dengar cerita ntah apa2 from me lately, kan?.. I find that stacked cakes are very popular these days.. Starting with Foxy Farah's cake, well actually Farell's cake; yang gambarnya I dah masukkan dalam flickr, tapi tak create any post here in my blog. Many were inspired by the cake and requested stacked cakes too for their little ones' big day, like the Spa Cake. And this was requested by Suhaili, for her 1 y.o daughter, Malaeka.
The theme was pink and green.. and accompanied by these regular and mini cupcakes.

Owh, btw, check out this awesome photographer
Triplets Plus One, who took pictures of Malaeka's Pool Party . I pun teruja with her packages.

Ni pulak ordered by Jazz for her 1 y.o Sofieya AsZahra.. Panjang sungguh namanya. InsyaAllah, kalau sempat, I'll post different angles of the castle in my flickr. I tried to materialise whatever Jazz wanted. She wanted rainbows, and castles.. and many more.. I buat semampu I.. and was thrilled that she and her guests loved it.. And I loved decorating it too..

Ni pulak ordered by Kak Siti from Klang for her dad.. Names at the blue hearts tu are her sibblings, mom, kids and/or nephew and/or niece.. Tak sempat interview salasilah keluarga. Since this was a delivery, I also sent her an mms of the cake. Best kan teknologi masa kini...?

And gambar yang enter frame this time ada 2.. :-D. Winnie the Pooh cake for Dania's 3rd birthday ordered by Ina. Masih belum ada jodoh jumpa Ina, sbb everytime dia datang, I kena amik or hantar budak sekolah.. ada yang keluar pukul 2.. masuk pukul 2. balik 3.30.. kadang2 nak masuk 8 kali keluar masuk rumah..InsyaAllah Ina, next time, kalau ada jodoh, kita jumpa juge...

And this was ordered by Puan Mastura for her 14y.o daughter.. Her daughter actually sent me an email describing how she wants the cake to be like. And I was very impressed with her mail.. macam orang dah kerja.. Sungguh proper.. :-)

And satu lagi gambar yang enter frame is this cupcakes. My neighbour Kak Salma ordered these cupcakes for her 1 y.o granddaughter, Laila, as doorgifts for her guests.. And I just realised, I tak ambil pun gambar doorgift tu (rupanya macam ni.).. LOL.. Mana tak nya. Kak Salma wanted the doorgifts delivered to her house (which is just next door) by 8 am last Saturday. Of course, the cuppies were all decorated by 930pm - Friday. And I purposely didn't want to pack it just yet, sbb I nak tengok the cuppies 1 by 1 and ensure that semuanya cun before sending to her. So, I woke up at 430am and put the cupcakes in individual boxes. Tak sampai hati nak kejut Juriyah to help, even Dania did offer to help with RM5 upah, tapi tak bangun pun.. :-p ..By 630 am, Juriyah pun help me with the cupcakes, and all 200 of them were sent to Kak Salma's house by 730am. And I tak amik gambar pun.. Ni antara design yang I mms to Neena (Laila's mom), and then I got bored with the design and added butterfly, bubbles etc. (inspiration pun dari langsir Dania yang I beli last week tapi tak jahit lagi.. Kena buat TO DO LIST lagi sekali ni.. Baru seronok tengok the items got cancelled off the list..


.. Till then.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Birthdays, Clowns and Spa!

First of all, I would like to apologise to my customers who called me in the morning these few days.. whose calls were not picked up.. I have very limited time to bake, make fondant toppers, flowers and such.. So, please send me a text message or an email. I will reply to you the soonest I can. Talking about replying, I realised that my emails to my Yahoo customers did not go directly to their Inbox, but to their Spam instead. I yo yo lah stay up to reply mails, kononnya nak efficient.. rupa2nya masuk Spam.. oh well, we try the best we can to be super good.. Yang penting kita berusaha.. and then tawakkal.. and jangan lupa bersyukur... (peringatan untuk diri sendiri sebetulnya..) I would like to start today's post with this Birthday cake, requested by Wendy. It is for her BF's dad who is so into clowns.. She is so creative in determining on how the clown cake to look like.. See the 6 clowns? It represents Roger's 60th birthday.. I just help materialize her cake.. Thanks Wendy for the order. Ooh.. The space in the middle is for her to place the 60 candles.

This Ultraman is a repeat design, but I just realised that it was never posted anywhere in my blog.. So, when I explain to my customers, they had a tough time imagining it. Anyways, I'm quite sure you know that there are many types of Ultraman.. My 3 y.o Iskandar is teaching me which is Gaia, Cosmos and etc.. So, if you know your son's favourite Ultraman, send me the pic, so I can follow the costume closely. Thanks much Intan for the order.

and sapa kata Upin & Ipin are for boys only.. My girls love Upin & Ipin.. Saira called to order Upin & Ipin for her 2 y.o Aisha.. I went a little bit over board over the flowers surrounding the cake.. yeah.. the dr told me I'm carrying a girl.. Probably that's why.. :-p

And saving the best for last.. A spaish bithday! Noreen called me to order a spa-ish bday cake for her two girls, Adilia and Airissa..(sedap nama.. ada harapan I kidnap nama ni..) . Sungguh beruntung budak2 sekarang.. Noreen brought them and their guests to Feffy's Kids Spa .. Read all about it here..

ooh,, and ini enter frame sekejap.. masuk under entry Birthday.. I ingat dia punya birthday, rupanya Zarina saja order for Tasha.. (Zarina selalu datang collect cakes.. and none for Tasha.. huk huk.. ni macam kes I .. bake cakes for ppl but none for my kids.. :-p) I yo yo la ingat bday Tasha sbb Zarina wanted a Hannah Montana theme.. with guitars and all.. and Zarina texted me the next day, kata Tasha tak nak share the cuppies with her friends at school! Haha.. A compliment to me, that is.. :-)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Guitar cake and Mermaid

Sebenarnyakan, I have loads of previous pictures to show you guys.. but I am too excited to show you my latest masterpiece. These 2 cakes were ordered by Sya for her darling hubby, Syam and her eldest daughter, Betty. Sya told me that Syam is into guitar these days.. nope, not the guitar kapak one... but the electronic guitar! I guess, pretty soon Sya kena renovate la rumah tu - buat jamming studio.. Tomo hanya layak menyumbangkan suara saja.. tapi, Tomo tak rock la! He is such a jiwang Anuar Zain and B Marantika (I dunno how to spell his name.. ).. I usually go to Artisan.Cake.Craft to rent my shaped cake pan, and to my dismay, the guitar pan (yang macam I buat Hannah Montana's guitar tu) was no longer available. Then, I head towards ICCA.Section.14, but guitar pan was not for rental, only for sale.. only the famous shaped ones, like Barney, Tweety and the sorts are for rental.. and I am not sure if I want to purchase the pan that would cost me RM65.. bukan selalu orang order guitar So, I've to think out of the box. There are 2 ways that I could think of - 1) Bake a 2 kg cake and carve it to the shape of guitar, or 2) 1kg enough, and use cupcakes to make the handle (is it called handle?? ). Sya loved the 2nd idea.. And the best thing about Sya.. she let me do what I want.. Sure is one super-cool friend! She sent me a pic of Syam's guitar and I painstakingly followed it closely.. with hubby reminding me that it is just an impression of the guitar that is important.. tak payah 100% sama.. :-p Yo lah tu

And for 8 y.o Betty, Sya gave me this picca. This is the only doll yang cantik kat BWY.. Yang lain rambut panjang ala2 punk - purple and brown! Boleh?

To Sya, thanks so much for the experience! Love u babe!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Speed Posting - Assorted designs

Today, while waiting for Mr Hubby to wake up for breakfast, I decided to post old pictures (stories sudah pastinya tak ingat dah.. serves me well huh!?). I have new pictures too.. Tapi, memory card reader entah ke mana and I need to charge my battery for my camera to get the pics there.. Tawakkal aje amik gambar pakai my handphone.. leceh nak edit and all. At the same time, I'm praying that my wifi will not give up on me.. so, I can work quickly and efficiently.

Here are some cakes ordered last year.. I think around July ke bila.. Just to feast your eyes and to let you know that I am still actively baking despite my big tummy yang I kena belajar adjust so that tak kena cream everytime I decorate :-p..

Ada yang request to have number cakes other than no 1, honestly, I do not have the tin to bake those.. The number 1 tu, I guna technique cut and well, paste.. LOL. I believe you can do that for other numbers, tapi, gue tak terer gitu.. So, for other numbers than 1, I would draw them. :-D.. aci tak? kalau customer kata, aci.. aci la.. Customer is always right, kan?

The Lego themed cuppies, rasanya lagi cantik dibuat guna fondant topper gitu.. baru nampak 3D effectnya. However, some customers prefer the cream ones, and I try the best I can to materialise the lego with cream. (gambar ni kecik la pulak.. nampak tak the dots?)

This Bob the Builder was ordered by Heida.. Heida is one talented baker tau... I like her creations!

And Mr Bean! Of course guna edible image lagi cun compared to my drawing.. But, since some prefers the cream, so ...

Mr Bean boleh la draw... tu pun the Mr Bean the cartoon.. the person, of course not.. same goes to disney princesses.. sungguhpun cartoon.. takut jadi hantu nanti.. :-D. BTW, I noticed kat kedai2 bakery pun dah ada ready made edible images for Princesses, Ben 10, Upin and Ipin, Spiderman.. So, if I am using the ready made ones, the price of the cake is a lot cheaper compared to the pre-ordered images..

Well, till then..

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Mocha Princess

When Kak Nisa from Sao Paolo emailed me that she wanted a mocha Princess cake with pink gown for her niece, Sham Fadzilatul Asma'(a.k.a Kak Chik), I discouraged her. Sbb, yang sedap with this mocha cake is the cream... Just thinking of it made me drool! Dengan kacang bipangnya...Gosh! But Kak Nisa insisted that her family kat Kota Damansara loves coffee cake.. Gown kaler brown pun, brown lah... So, Mama Charq Jedi pun yo yo la piped some pink so that bday gal suka... And these cuppies pun Mama Charq Jedi buat.. (gue punye kitchen tengah renovate kan time tuh..) I amik the edible images from Ellie deHeart. I was so happy that Ellie started this edible print business, cos I can collect them at her sister's place in Puchong (after she recently moved to Bangi too!). Since Ayu Loveliana moved to Bangi, I dah patah arah gitu.. As my customers kebanyakannya suka order last minute.. and eventhough Ellie told me to give her 3 working days... but she is so far capable to handle last minute orders too! Thanks Ellie! You're the best!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Adam's Stacked Clown

Siti sent an email with some pics of fondant stacked cakes... but she wanted them in cream... and design ikut suka... as long as can go along with the clown hired for the event... Bertuah Adam... And sebenarnya she wanted the No.1 cookie... but I'm not into cookies yet.. So, I suggested the No.1 candle.. Tapi tak de gambarnya kat sini... (macam over lak I, if I ask her to snap the pic with the No.1 candle..) dahla sarat mengandung... To Siti, Thanks much for your faith in me.. and all the best giving birth to the next one!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

No.1 cake for Areeqa

Areeqa's mommy, Kamariah, ordered this No.1 cake for Areeqa. Thanks Anisa for the kind word of mouth.. The clock showed 2 am when I realised that this was not decorated yet... and I had a couple more to be decorated, and a trip to Temerloh the next morning. Knowing very well that, if I push myself to finish up decorating, it would not be as nice as this and I would be upset with my work. So, I slept first and woke up at 5 to complete the rest.. hehehe... I was very happy when Juriah told me how ecstatic Kamariah was when she saw the cake.. And when I received a text message from Kamariah, I'm glad I slept... :-)...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Elsarine's Garden

I just love my new nozzle... See the grass! And when Jane described how she wanted 1-year old Elsarine's cake to be like, I was excited! More reasons to use the nozzle... And Jane also ordered Mickey Mouse edible images... which I stayed up till 3a.m. looking for the best pics of Mickey!


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