First of all, I would like to apologise to my customers who called me in the morning these few days.. whose calls were not picked up.. I have very limited time to bake, make fondant toppers, flowers and such.. So, please send me a text message or an email. I will reply to you the soonest I can. Talking about replying, I realised that my emails to my Yahoo customers did not go directly to their Inbox, but to their Spam instead. I yo yo lah stay up to reply mails, kononnya nak efficient.. rupa2nya masuk Spam.. oh well, we try the best we can to be super good.. Yang penting kita berusaha.. and then tawakkal.. and jangan lupa bersyukur... (peringatan untuk diri sendiri sebetulnya..)
I would like to start today's post with this Birthday cake, requested by Wendy. It is for her BF's dad who is so into clowns.. She is so creative in determining on how the clown cake to look like.. See the 6 clowns? It represents Roger's 60th birthday.. I just help materialize her cake.. Thanks Wendy for the order. Ooh.. The space in the middle is for her to place the 60 candles.
This Ultraman is a repeat design, but I just realised that it was never posted anywhere in my blog.. So, when I explain to my customers, they had a tough time imagining it. Anyways, I'm quite sure you know that there are many types of Ultraman.. My 3 y.o Iskandar is teaching me which is Gaia, Cosmos and etc.. So, if you know your son's favourite Ultraman, send me the pic, so I can follow the costume closely. Thanks much Intan for the order.
and sapa kata Upin & Ipin are for boys only.. My girls love Upin & Ipin.. Saira called to order Upin & Ipin for her 2 y.o Aisha.. I went a little bit over board over the flowers surrounding the cake.. yeah.. the dr told me I'm carrying a girl.. Probably that's why.. :-p
And saving the best for last.. A spaish bithday! Noreen called me to order a spa-ish bday cake for her two girls, Adilia and Airissa..(sedap nama.. ada harapan I kidnap nama ni..) . Sungguh beruntung budak2 sekarang.. Noreen brought them and their guests to Feffy's Kids Spa .. Read all about it here..
ooh,, and ini enter frame sekejap.. masuk under entry Birthday.. I ingat dia punya birthday, rupanya Zarina saja order for Tasha.. (Zarina selalu datang collect cakes.. and none for Tasha.. huk huk.. ni macam kes I .. bake cakes for ppl but none for my kids.. :-p) I yo yo la ingat bday Tasha sbb Zarina wanted a Hannah Montana theme.. with guitars and all.. and Zarina texted me the next day, kata Tasha tak nak share the cuppies with her friends at school! Haha.. A compliment to me, that is.. :-)