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Showing posts with label decluttering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label decluttering. Show all posts

Sep 1, 2016

Culling My Fabric Stash for National Sewing Month!

Readers, you probably have heard that September is National Sewing Month.

To celebrate, I decided to spend a few hours doing an inventory of my fabric stash and getting rid of stuff I'm unlikely to ever sew with.  As you can see up top, I had four bags' worth of discards.  Off to the thrift store they went; we kept the dog.

Jan 13, 2016

Decluttering 2016 -- Keep or Toss?

Readers, as you know, the ongoing challenge of preventing my stuff from overwhelming my apartment and its inhabitants has been a theme here at MPB since the beginning.

Apr 9, 2015

New Pattern, New Fabric, New DECLUTTERING!

I can't remember whether I showed you this beautiful gray cotton lawn I picked up last month at Elliot Berman.

Feb 3, 2015

Home Again and Getting Organized!

It's always fun to go on an adventure and what better place than the Costa Rican rainforest?

Sep 30, 2014

Two sewing machines gone, two more heading out.

This morning as I sipped my coffee and glanced at the sewing table in the corner of my kitchen, I had an epiphany: 

Sep 10, 2014

FIVE TIPS for Downsizing Your Fabric Stash (or anything else)

Digging out the bedroom: there's a bed under there somewhere!

Despite my having written many posts about decluttering, one of the areas I've never tackled is my fabric stash.

Mar 3, 2013

Getting Others to Clean My Clutter!

Readers, remember that famous scene in Mark Twain's classic, "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer," when Tom's Aunt Polly wants Tom to whitewash the picket fence and clever Tom gets the other neighborhood boys to do it by pretending it's the most fun thing in the world?

OMG, that's what I did yesterday with friend and fellow blogger, Suzanne, and she totally fell for it!

Feb 17, 2013

FINISHED SHIRT + Name That Clutter!

Whoopee -- I finished my shirt, Vogue 8889!

Oct 8, 2011

Peter's Saturday "Ditch 'n B*tch"

Friends, today I'd like to take a break from sewing men's boxer shorts and return to something we all can relate to: The Daily Ditch!

Please don't think I wasn't ditching this week during the sew-along, because I was.  And would you believe there is still more ditching to come?  Decluttering my apartment is very much like digging a subway in Rome: you unearth ancient Roman ruins, only to find Etruscan ruins underneath, and then you're digging up dinosaur bones and pieces of Fred Flintstone's old car.

Sep 30, 2011

Self-sewn Trash

I'm on a roll, readers, oh, am I on a roll!

Yesterday I asked you about the challenge of ditching home-sewn garments, as opposed to throwing away ready-to-wear.  Well, I've discovered that it's not that hard.  There are three key questions one must ask oneself:

Sep 28, 2011

"Out with the Old, In with the New" + CONTEST!

Readers, I'm not a fan of dogmatic people, and I would hate to come across as one.  My Daily Ditch© method of personal transformation does create miracles, but it's important to allow a few things into your life, too -- otherwise, you'll have nothing left to ditch.  Think about it.

Sep 26, 2011

Happiness is a Clean Sewing Table

This may not look like anything to brag about to you, neat readers, but for me this is as good as it gets.  I can actually see the table under my sewing machines!

Sep 13, 2011

Tuesday Tidbits

Friends, if this image looks just like one I posted yesterday, it's because I never got started on my skirt alteration project -- I was paralyzed with anxiety after reading your comments, with predictions of time required ranging anywhere from 20 minutes to 3-4 days.  Whom to believe?  No, I think I'll just put this one on the back burner for a while.  Anyway, I won't see Stephanie for a week.  

May 14, 2011

Jeans Sew-Along 10.5 -- Rivets FAIL + Gifts Galore!

Friends, contrary to popular opinion, I am just a person.  Like you, I have my highs and my lows, my successes and my failures.  In the latter camp must go jeans rivets.  Try as I might I simply cannot manage to attach them correctly.  I can poke the hole in the fabric all right, it's everything else.

Apr 6, 2011

Scary girdles and other new acquisitions


Mar 26, 2011

In other news...

Friends, do you ever have rescue fantasies?  I do -- in fact, I'm having one right now.  I bring this up because yesterday, out of nowhere, I was rescued and let me tell you, readers, it felt wonderful.  (Don't let them tell you otherwise.)

Jan 21, 2011

MPB SNOW DAY SPECIAL --100% men's shirt free!

Friends, as you can see, we had another big snow dump yesterday.  It kind of makes me want to crawl back into bed and it definitely makes me want to take a break from talking about shirts.  We all need a rest now and then, no?  (But since you asked, somebody please remind me to talk about pattern tracing paper -- maybe you can recommend some?)

Dec 3, 2010

Positively the LAST decluttering post

Brace yourself, friends, my notable Necchi is no more.  She won't be picked up till next week but I have a deposit.  How exciting is that?  Five sewing machines sold in four days.  Let's all take a deep breath.

Dec 2, 2010

Decluttering downsides

I know this is getting a little wearisome for some of you, but rest assured, the decluttering is winding down.

Yesterday I bid good-bye to my Brother LS2125, now owned by former Floridian Melissa.  So touched was I by her excitement, I threw in a vintage McCall's hardcover sewing book for free.  Melissa seemed delighted.

Dec 1, 2010

More DECLUTTERING delight!

Meet Marcia (name changed to protect her from envious MPB stalkers), the proud new owner of my beloved Singer Genie.  Please don't hate her.  The machine was actually a gift to Marcia from a friend (an MPB reader, no less) and Marcia came to pick it up not even knowing what it would be.  I could have given her my old razor with no questions asked.
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