Showing posts with label Pakatan Rakyat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pakatan Rakyat. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Making sense of the Madness

I know.. I have been a bad bad boy.. have not been writing for some time. Maybe I have been procrastinating but to be honest, I really have to much to say until that I am lost for words.. really. Looking at the action in Perak in the last few days left me.... speechless.

First they drag Sivakumar out... my.. hardly befit the word CIVILIZED. I mean, of course with all the help of the supposedly impartial civil servants, they manage to evict Sivakumar from his seat.. literally and put on Ganeson as their speaker, so the BN proclaim that they have rightfully taken over power... in between, Hee aka The Biatch... told lies after lies.. I wonder if its symptomatic of flu caught on by frogs hogging over to BN. First she said, she pointed the hotel card card and not pepper spray... then when she was caught red handed, she has the audacity to say it was not hers... and that its really surprising that she could have conveniently mistaken the hotel key holder for a pepper spray, yet hold the pepper spray as a pepper spray should have been held... hmmm...

Want more joke on what this biatch said? Read The Star .. here.

IPOH: Yet another version has emerged of the so-called pepper spray incident during the Perak State Assembly that involves Jelapang assemblyman Hee Yit Foong.

This time she insisted that someone else had thrown the pepper spray and a hardcover edition of the standing orders at her during the fracas at last Thursday’s assembly.

“I thought it was a key ring but when I realised what it was, I was scared.

“I was shocked because this was not something that everyone could bring in (past the tight security). Only when the assembly was over did I dare leave the hall,” she said at a chaotic press conference at the state secretariat here yesterday.

When caught with her pants down.. I mean skirt down.. she told another story.. now WHO DA LIAR????

Now after all that, Zambry was declared the squatter MB.. and Nizar has been reinstated... Have you ever wondered why Justice Abdul Aziz is not a Tan Sri or Datuk or what not?

Today, the drama is set to unfold... now BN will appeal.. they will put a "friendlier" judge? All remain to be seen.. most of Federal Court judges are.... friendly tho...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Spin after Spin

Wonder how many of you watched the TV after the election results were announced at about 10pm last night? Well, I just scan through the channels, favoured amongst which I watch 501.. not Levi jeans la... Astro Awani, 502 Bernama TV and 101... the ULTIMATE.

The spin and excuses came in fast and furious, but I must congratulate Awani for being the LEAST bias.. although they came up with alot of reasons chief amongst which was highlighted by DPM Muhyidin Yassin which was quoted in the Star today. "Maybe they are not used to the new leadership."

Hmm... trying to blame SPR? Lets see, if the election were to be held right in the midst of their Umno election.... See, SPR, I am sure you are happy being the lackey of BN and take the blame and big fat cheques for it. The spinning has just gotten more and more vicious, isnt it?

Lets start with Bernama TV, a caller from Pahang called and gave his honest opinion... chief amongst which he said, the voters at Bukit Gantang was clever but less smart.. in his words, Pandai tapi kurang cerdik.. now, this guy hails from Pahang and the state of you know who telling people of Bukit Gantang that they are stupid to fall for the talk of Pakatan. He went on to say that Malays must unite under Umno as ONLY Umno can champion the cause of Malays... now.. where did I hear that before. I switched over to TV1.. the "Premier BN Organ".. and they lived up to their name... the moderator asked the guest what does he make of BN's defeat at Bukit Gantang.. and lo and behold he rattled at machine gun pace the following: (Let me just give the gist of what he said in point form) mind you, he said all these in under 2 minutes:

1. Bukit Gantang does not represent the voice of Perak.
2. Nizar fished in murky waters and garnered sympathy votes.
3. Pakatan played news that is nice to the ears... I really wonder if Instant noodles isn't better news?
4. Its an isolated case where Pakatan fielded a giant while BN fielded a minnow and the increased majority isn't impressive.
5. People still do not understand the new administration as the by election was held right after Umno election so they were not prepared.

I switched back to Awani right after hearing all those excuses.

I would not comment much but suffice to say, BN can ignore the signals of the two bukits at their own peril. You decide if those "analyst view" in your opinion is accurate. But for me, I hope BN believes him 100%. After all, they won Batang Ai, didn't they? With bigger majority! That is a BIG endorsement for BN and people in Peninsular as noted by the caller to BRTV, is not as bright and smart as those in Pahang.. particularly in the Pekan constituency where they are all clever, smart and enlightened because they voted BN!

While as long as we are more developed and progressive than the caller, I would not mind be called less smart... call me anything! Coz I will have the final laugh.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tale of Two Bukits and One Sungai

Well, I do not wish to title my blog entry as two bukits and one batang... sounds too corny... but at point of writing, PKR has already conceeded defeat at Batang Ai where unofficial results show that BN has won the seat with increased majority...

I wonder if Najib is jumping for joy with this win? With vast machinery and money, BN has certainly manage to hold the Ibans ransom for their votes but then again, I would not take the glory away from them. BN won N29 Batang Ai. That would mean that Pakatan must now relook at their approach to East Malaysia. Many would argue that lack of big guns from Pakatan caused the loss but, the question is, would it make a difference? On the hindsight.. maybe.. but then again.. there are lessons to be learnt here and Pakatan could well do with a defeat to bring them down to earth and make a more concerted effort to win over the Dayaks and Kadazandusuns of East Malaysia.

But, I really wonder if Najib is really happy with what is going on in Perak and Kedah?

At time of writing, it looks like the RIGHTFUL MENTERI BESAR of Perak is giving BN's candidate Mr. Okay a roasting..... previously, PAS won this seat through the late Roslan Shaharom by 1566 votes, at current moment, PAS is leading with 2377 votes!

PAS:11375 BN:8998 IND:29 SPOILT: 137

While in Kedah it was reported by Malaysiakini

7.13pm Bukit Selambau Unofficial results After counting five out of 22 polling centres, PKR's Manikumar is leading by 990 votes.

Previously, V Arumugam who was an independent but with a huge dose of help from Pakatan, won the seat with 2362 majority...

And going by the result coming in.... me think Najib got DUMPED....

Lets see if I have to eat humble pie...

Update 9.00pm...

Guess not... Pakatan won both the seats with increased majority... well at least the unofficial.

8.58pm Manikumar wins Bukit Selambau

With all 22 polling boxes counted, Manikumar retained the seat for PKR by winning with a 2,396-vote majority, a slightly higher margin than in the 2008 general elections.

8.50pm UNOFFICIAL PAS wins Bukit Gantang PAS 20,021, BN 17,076, Independent 56. Majority 2,945.

Well, I would like to see how the 13 independents fare in the election... wonder any of them got the BIG FAT ZERO?

By the way, this result baffles me...

8.10pm from BS - Tmn Ria Jaya to PKR by majority of 941.

From one polling station 941!!! The folks there must be really pissed with BN.

With 13 in the fray and a weekday, BN must surely fancy their chances but my learned Malaysians at Bukit Selambau and Bukit Gantang has spoken and shown us the way!


By the way, the source of all the above are from:

1. Malaysiakini
2. Zorro Unmasked
3. People's Parliament

Thank you to all Barisan Rakyat Bloggers for making this possible.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Triple By-Election

Tomorrow... a referendum of sorts will take place at N29, Batang Ai (Sarawak), N25, Bukit Selambau (Kedah) and P59 Bukit Gantang (Perak). Whether enough instant noodles being dished out for BN to wrest the two bukits remain unknown. Whether BN has done enough to keep Batang Ai... well many observers noted that they have.

Certainly the by-elections in Peninsular has robbed Batang Ai off many big guns from campaigning for Jawah Gerang. And that seems to be the gripe that PKR is not serious in Sarawak. My source indicated that BN has air-dropped enough goodies to keep the Ibans with BN this time round but the mood amongst the people are changing.. but just not enough. They are not angry enough to vote a tree stump... thats what he said when I asked him if they are willing to vote anyone aside from the dacing. Maybe that sums up the uphill battle that PKR is pitching in Sarawak.

Back in peninsular, I asked my friend up in Bukit Selambau if the new PM and his feel good announcements have swayed voters. He noted that while some are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, many do not trust him to do the right thing. I guess, the feeling is mutual. He has to do more than just release 13 from ISA and revoke the ban on Harakah and Suara Keadilan to prove his point. Although MSM went on the overdrive to potray Najib as the man for change, his visit to Brickfields, Petaling Street and a chinese newspaper hardly tells you anything except that its a publicity stunt. Malaysians are mature enough not to fall for such skimpy and weak public relations stunts anymore.

My buddy up in Taiping was asking me why did they send the expired old fart up to campaign for BN? And when I asked him if things are going BN's way, he seem to indicate that there are uncertainty in the Malay voters... many seem bought over by BN's Nizar is a DAP stooge story and that tilted the delicate balance for tomorrow.

However, I remain hopeful that Malaysians WILL do the RIGHT THING.


My learned Malaysians in Bukit Selambau, Bukit Gantang and Batang Ai. Tomorrow, you bear the hopes of the nation on your shoulders to vote for CHANGE. To vote for a more audible voice in the country. We have done half the work back in March 08... lets continue the change! Malaysia needs to change if it is to exist for our children. Let us work as Malaysians.. let us VOTE as Malaysians... Let us vote PAKATAN RAKYAT!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Saint we do NOT trust...

The Saint.. who signed the release of 13 ISA detainees.. two of them from Hindraf but yet to see any bayang of them leaving KDC today... news has it that they need to settle the paperwork. Guess, it must be a few volumes of paperwork that need to be settled before they can walk out of KDC (Kamunting Detention Camp).

The Saint with his big big 1Malaysia speech yesterday failed to galvanize the people to trust him.. at least not tonight from Dewan Hock Seng in Kedah where Anwar announced that 6000 PPP frogs are leaping over to PKR after they dissolve 6 divisions and 62 branches... obviously they do not think highly of Najib and his "vision".

Top on the list that defected tonight was PPP's Vice President V Nadarajan... will this swing the momentum over to Pakatan in Bukit Selambau? Or can the old man who will "turun padang" tomorrow add a new twist to the turn.

Maybe the "shocking news" isn't the kind of shock that we were expecting but nevertheless, 6000 is a huge huge number considering the fact that the MSM (Mainstream Media) played the defiance of Kalaivanar and 500 members as if that the whole PKR in Kedah has resigned en-bloc to join BN.

To many who thought that the news is not big... think again... if 500 is such newsworthy item on MSM for so many days... don't you think 6000 deserves more?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

And I thought this was HARAM!

They have such strict codes for TV programs.. everywhere must cover.. but read here.. Garb in miniskirt and fishnet stokings... with Dacing background.. and all these while we were led to believe that they are really people with high religious morals.. well, once in a while in desperation, one is however allowed to turn to the most despicable and crooked means of garnering support.

And guess who is the leader that is "enjoying" the show?

Malaysiakini has this to report:

Among the top leaders enjoying the show was Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, the newly-elected Umno vice-president and Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department in-charge of Islamic affairs.

Also present were Gerakan deputy president Chang Ko Youn and BN candidate Ismail Saffian.

So, I guess if to win an election, they can do the most Haram-est of actions? ah?

Read on, it says this:

Food and hot women are not something new in BN by-election campaigns.

At last year's Permatang Pauh battle, MCA organised a series of free dinners across towns which featured lucky draws and scintillating dance performances by beautiful girls.

It was also reported that PPP had held a similar dinner on Tuesday for 50 tables, which included even sexier singers.

Why was I never present when such shows are on? Well, I do not think my wife will allow me the pleasure of watching it anyway.. :).

Back to the topic... not to be outdone, PPP goes a step further.. :).

Well, Zahid must be enjoying himself immensely as he said this:

When pressed on whether such performances would translate into votes for BN, Ahmad Zahid said that they were a "part of the Chinese tradition."

"In my constituency, we did not win by holding such performances. However, we also respect Chinese customs. In fact, we should respect the customs of all races.

KONON! Respect customs of all races... are you saying then that Chinese tradition is to have skimpily dressed women singing on stage? What the fuck are you talking about customs? If you respect customs then for a start, stop stealing dead bodies from families!

RETARD! Chinese tradition... What the fuck do you know about Chinese custom... or are you merely talking about MCA contractors custom?

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

An Interview with Ismail Safian - Mr. Its OKAY!

To those uninitiated... Ismail Safian is BN's candidate for P59 Bukit Gantang. He will be facing Pakatan's Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin in the by election. I cannot help but put the full interview up here... gleaned from


Lets explore his entire interview...

Q: You will focus on the Chinese areas first before the Malay areas?

Ismail: Ya, ya. A part of my strategy.

Gosh... which idiot will have a strategy to alienate a particular area?

Q: How is the feedback from the community?

Ismail: It’s good, it’s good. It’s been a good response. They’ve been very supportive and I hope it’ll translate into votes on polling day.

Q: What is your main message to voters?

Ismail: Okay, I want to help them, help solve the problems they face, if I can be chosen to be their MP because I’m the government candidate. Certainly I’d be able to help them.

Q: What’s the main issue for non-Malay voters that they’ve told you?

Ismail: Okay, in 2004, they voted for the government, for Barisan Nasional. But in 2008, they shifted and voted for Pakatan Rakyat. But I think they’ve realised they’ve not gotten any returns from that so I think they will return to support the Barisan Nasional. Okay, okay.

This guy.. thinks that 2004 - BN, 2008 - PAS... by-election BN... what kind of mentality is this? And.. he want to help solve problems because??? He is a government candidate.. macamla.. others cannot help solve problem... and what makes you think he can solve problems? When he cannot even understand a simple question and give a simple answer? Orang tanya lain.. dia jawab lain pulak... What's the main issue for non-Malay voters that they have told you? He replied.. I think they realized.. maybe he is too chicken to say that they did not tell him anything or rather ask him to fly kite...

Q: How confident do you feel?

Ismail: I’m confident.

Q: You’re facing a former mentri besar?

Ismail: It’s okay. I’m a local. I was born and grew up here. I’ve got many friends, many acquaintances. I think it’s an advantage.

Q: Do you consider yourself the underdog?

Ismail: It’s okay, it’s okay. It’s good.

And he is not even answering the question.... do you consider yourself an underdog? and he says its OKAY..... and to the question of HOW confident.. he gave an answer to a question that asked him IS HE confident... and to question that You are facing a Menteri Besar.. he says its okay coz he is local... baffling.. baffling...

Q: There have been claims you’re too dependent on Barisan leaders.

Ismail: We work together as a team so there’s nothing wrong for me to walk with MCA, Gerakan to get closer to the Chinese community. That’s the spirit we have in Barisan Nasional. They are Pakatan Rakyat. They don’t have that unity in Pakatan Rakyat. They only exist during elections.

Q: What’s the biggest challenge in going down on the campaign trail? The weather?

Ismail: Ya, ya. The weather is a big problem. Daytime, rain. And also sometimes at night, it’s raining. But it’s okay, it’s okay. I have no problem.

Q: Any changes in your campaigning schedule because of it?

Ismail: Of course there’ll be some changes in the strategy just to fit with the weather.

This guy.... ish.. ish.. ish... the weather???? What the FUCK? Country's economy is in tatters.. jobs are being LOST.. and his biggest challenge is the weather????

If people of Bukit Gantang vote this man in... you can be assured of only ONE THING... "suffering". Coz this fler doesn't even know how to express his ideas if he has any that is.. let alone listen to your grouses? He cannot even understand a question and give a direct answer for goodness sake! He is CLUELESS... but I suggest you guys to subscribe to Malaysiakini and surf for the interview with Nizar.

So, people of Bukit Gantang... is this the man, Ismail Safian going to be your choice MP? Read the interview and laugh till you weep!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

When dark times get Darker...

In my previous rant, What would you expect of Najib... I guess, I underestimated this C4 Champ... indeed, with the start of this man's reign.. dark times can only get DARKER.

A hypothetical situation whereby I equated his coup in Perak could lead to a 2/3 majority in Parliament as he set about spending 60bil of our money to buy over his 2/3 majority.. I mean, after having successfully enticed 2 crooked and greedy PKR men as well as a DAP lady who is most obsessed with owning a Camry together with a "super frog" that goes both ways and singing different tunes on both occasions, I thought that he would start his reign with buying over MPs.. Never in my mind that this fler can be more cruel and filthy than the filthiest shit hole in the whole wide world.

Lets see lately what he has done:

1. Suara Keadilan and Harakah BANNED!
Here and here.

According to Botak, they were punished for spreading hatred against the government... gosh, botak.. oh botak... you spray these flers with chemical laced water and tear gas them at their events and you expect them to love you? Reap what you sow botak!

From malaysiakini.

Two opposition newsletters that have been banned for three months were punished for inciting hatred against the government, Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar said.

According to Syed Hamid, the party organs had threatened the stability of the multiracial nation, particularly with their reporting on a struggle for control of Perak, which erupted in January.

And threaten the stability... wonder which idiot carried out the coup-de-tat there?

Certainly it is to muzzle the information disemmination on the crucial events of Umno election as well as the impending 3 buy-election by BN la... botak.. you think we stupid meh?

2. If its not enough... they fired tear gas at a PKR rally in Bukit Selambau, a constituency where a by-election is about to be held...

Now if you haven't yet noticed the heightened level of intimidation by BN on their political foes.. but we cannot fault them.. really.. Bukit Selambau (N25) is a state seat in Kedah with only 35,000 voters. Expecting a turnout of 80%, one could be looking at 28,000 voters at best.

Read this news from Malaysiakini

Volleys of tear gas were fired into the crowd minutes after Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim took the podium in a ceramah tonight at Bukit Selambau, Kedah.

ccording to eyewitnesses, the police fired tear gas and unleashed chemical-laced water on about 5,000 people who had gathered in an open field opposite the PKR election operation centre for the ceramah.

The ceramah, which kicked off at 9.30pm, was to feature a number speeches by top Pakatan Rakyat leaders including Anwar.

“After a 10-minute introduction, Anwar went up on stage and in less than a minute after he started speaking, the police fired tear gas and doused the people with water,” said Saiful Izham Ramli, who is Bukit Selambau PKR election director and party’s supreme council member.

Saiful said that no warning was given by the police. The crowd began to disperse soon after but at least 19 people were arrested.

They fired the teargas, before Anwar took the podium... and later it was also reported that no warning was given by the police. I mean, can you imagine their fear? 5000! 5000 people were at the ceramah.. certainly there cannot be more than 1000 outsiders.. rite? But for a constituency of 35000.. heck, 15% of population was out there wanting to listen to Anwar? Must be a records of sorts... now, I really wonder how many would turn up if Mr. C4 or Botak were to show up... maybe they can get the crowd if they were enticed with free dinner and an ang pow to go with it.. eh?

Level playing field BN.. if you have the guts.. why not fight the contest like a MAN! Stop using your puppets in the police and FRU to do your dirty job for you.

Those events.. my guess is that its just the tip of the iceberg of what Mr. Dark Times can do... within his party, he has exercised his power in reducing some potential powerbrokers to by-standers.. one racist Mohd Ali Rusty and another upcoming cahort of current PM, Norza.. probably dealt the death knell on Azalina and Khairy... it is a procession of all the coming PM's men come this Umno election. Do you have the guts to live through these dark times? Its just about to get darker... gee.. talking about taking a roller coaster ride in total darkness...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

No Liquor? No Problem.

It seems that Pakatan is having a problem... Alcohol Ban!

Wow... must be something serious... But on the flipside, I think its a wonderful proposal. For one, if you flip through your newspaper on a daily basis, one can see that there are many licenses issued for the sale of liquor to individuals... I do not think that they cannot sell, but, there must be a place and location to do all these businesses.

How many times you come across a drunkard while having your dinner or supper at a coffee shop? I have... many times... and with kids around, its definitely not a pretty sight. And, is it good for the economy??? Well, making such stuff easily available certainly makes some money for some people.. but at the end of the day... is it good? I think not except for those people that sells and make money out of it.

While I am not a drinker, I do drink occasionally. Not beer but I love a good whiskey or red wine. Certainly I do not like to do this in a coffee shop. A pub or club or bar would be nice but definitely not a coffee shop. So was PAS really wrong in proposing that? I think they have done reasonable homework to come up with this. If we go through the BM version HERE... there are exclusion clauses..

Bagaimanapun, tambah sumber-sumber, semakan semula ini tidak melibatkan premis lain seperti hotel, kelab malam, kedai ubat Cina, pasaraya besar dan jualan oleh pemborong.

To a certain extent, I like that ruling... it makes sense. Bad news for drinkers though... a good rule to help them kick the habit... make the roads safer for all... and with that in mind, I also hope that the state government do something about the Mat Cemerlangs...

Friday, October 10, 2008


Well, its been sometime since I last posted something on my blog but, work and other issues took up most of my time, but I hope I will be back for good! I mean writing and yacking here... :).

Happy am definitely not... not with the situation in the country... the news of Abdullah's flip flop was definitely consistent of him and talking about flip flop... he has "promised" "I WILL COMPLETE MY MISSION"statement where he says he will fulfill his promises on reforms... I was like.. heck, he has 5 years to deliver and he has failed.. now he want to do that in 5 months? That is after even his de-facto Law Minister Zaid Ibrahim quits on him? Another flip flop??? BETCHA!

If there is more to be dismayed, was news like Najib being hailed as The Man to do the job of reforming Umno, BN and The Man to take the coalition to newer heights... well, to me he could well be THE MAN to take them all to newer lows... Here, we have a man, who has C4 hanging all over his head... and the man, whose dad so famously did a "coup" on then PM, Tunku Abdul Rahman... now here is the man who is about to do the same to the current PM.

Now, if that is not bad enough, we also have news that the man with two Mohammed to his name, a man that cannot understand english and who tried to smuggle millions out of Australia has been nominated for No. 2? Does anyone for one moment think that Umno is ever capable of reforming itself? Do they even realize that reforms is not mere rhetorics and words? While, we have Umno trying hard to potray that by having a new captain is a miracle cure? True, Malaysians treat panadol as the cure all pill but do they know that panadol over a long period is detrimental for health? They have been taking panadol since Dr. M's days!

While Umno was busy posturing and "renewing themselves", we have Donald "The Duck" of MCA singing a tune of a progression.. somewhere in The Star today when he said he will go for MCA No2!.... A man who just months ago, compared Malaysia to Myanmar and Pakistan is speaking of reforms in MCA! Bravo! He is indeed going to benchmark regressive reforms to Myanmar and Pakistan! I do hope MCA will realize that Donald Lim is indeed the man to take MCA to newer LOWS!

Anyway, I have been away for sometime and I think it will take sometime for me to collect my thoughts and write about it.. there are alot more to write... just in my friend message me on this!
Prosecution in RPK's trial admitted to "doctoring!" and here. And, would you believe it, reading today's newspaper, a so called prosecution investigating officer noted that the explosive used was NOT C4! But it is somekind of plastic explosive! And he did not know how the explosive was placed on the woman's body... I mean, you are the bloody investigating officer.. and if you do not know what other plastic explosives are there and what explosive is being used.. then the heck, you are a STUPID investigating officer... and how can he conclude the investigation when he is clue-less as to how the murder was carried out? Stupid don't you think?

Am I dismayed? You tell me...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

History Repeating?

Dad did it... son doing it?

Najib mum on power transition plan

Umno emergency meet tomorrow

Son going one better than the dad? Dad waited one year.. son suppose to wait 2 years.... 2010 but..

To me its like... "Hell! Don't you have a country to run and the economy to manage? Got nothing better to do that to point finger at Pak Lah? So what if he wants to contest? So what if he does not get enough nominations? Can't you wait till then to decide?"

Hmm.. I am sounding much like Pak Lah himself.. Oct 13 not too long away wut.. why can't you all wait? Similarly... Umno assembly not too far away wut... why can't you all wait?

Sure, you will say that this matters much in Umno's life or death... Hey! Is Umno more important or the nation? Nitwits! Where are their priorities?

Monday, September 22, 2008

To ISA or Not To ISA...

That seemed to be the question on everyone's lips during a meeting between Palala, Botak and EyeGeePee... but our so called Top Sekret team that went snooping had this meeting transcribed and it is anything but... syioking...

Palala: Eh... botak... wat you think now? wan to ISA dia orang ka?
Botak: sape?? sape??
Palala: tu... you punya critic.. RPK... pas tu ada pulak I dengaq kata, tu pa nama... Sinchew punya reporter yang report pasai tu Ahmad... buat kita orang susah je...
Botak: hmmm... camna kita nak buat ah?
Palala: ISA boleh?
Botak: hmmmm...
Palala: Dei.. botak... hang kan menteri I? Kalo I dok tanya hang dok hmmm.. buat apa I suruh you jadi Menteri Dalam Negeri? Perabih duit aje...
Botak: Eh... Palala.. jangan camtu... nih.. apa.. decision you buat tapi I yang kena face dia orang tau...
(IGP dozing off......)
Botak: Okay la.. Palala... kita suruh polis hambat dia orang masuk lokap atas ISA!
IGP: huh??? What?? What??? What ISA?
Botak: tu la.. suruh you datang meeting you asyik nak tidoq jer... I say, we send RPK, sama itu Sinchew punya reporter masuk ISA... sama-sama hantaq itu apa nama Teresa Kok sekali.. dah lama I nak ISA sama dia... sejak itu nude squat sampai skarang... tapi kita hambat dia masuk sekali atas tuduhan Utusan hari tu..
IGP: Botak... ISA kan bawah tugas you?? Polis tak boleh guna ISA la...
Botak: Itu undang-undang kita yang buat.. I cakap polis.. polis la.. buat apa nak libat saya sama Palala.. you orang take the responsibility la..
IGP: Mana boleh la.. you orang buat, kita tangung nama busuk...
Botak: Hang cakap lagi? Sapa bayaq gaji?
IGP: (mumbles under his breath) rakyat la...
Botak: WHAT?????
IGP: err.. krajaan.. krajaan...
Palala: hmm.. if lidat then its good kan? we just say we are not involved.. its the police... muahahahaha....
Botak: Eh.. Palala.. I am smart too right...
Palala: boleh la.. sikit sikit...

So after that, the news were well documented, the nation agonizes over the blatant use of ISA which the government has gone to great lengths to explain why its needed and how the decision was made by the police alone... then came the release.. it was said by our "Top Sekret team" that the following then took place at the Backlanes of Putrajaya over teh tarik...

Palala: Looks like it backfired la.. the reporter, RPK, Teresa and itu kickdafella... looks like we kena kick.. walhal.. whats his problem?
Botak: Aiyo.. Palala.. you don't know ka? He hang to flag upside down...
Palala: Tu la.. you all make decision, never think... he got hang you upside down or not?
Botak: err.. no la.. but he hang the flag!!! he tunjuk kurang ajaq!!
Palala: to whom???
Botak: to you la! and our gomen!
Palala: Izit?? How come he never send err.. memorandum to me one? Now how?
Botak: I think ah.. since itu rakyat semua punya keji kat kita nih.. kita bebaskan mereka la.. hanya itu beban RPK kita ajaq dia lebih sikit...
Palala: so? what are you going to tell the rakyat?
IGP: Haih.. Palala, as if you tak tau si botak ni? He will blame us la... ask us to do this.. do that.. then he say he is not involved... semua polis... I nak hantaq polis kita cari Sharlinie semuer, dia cakap, tak payah.. hantaq polis pegi tangkap si RPK, Tan Hoon Cheng, Teresa sama Sheih.. pas tu, rakyat marah kat kita.. apa I boleh cakap? Si botak punya angkara.. kita tanggung....semuer polis tanggung.. apa nak buat?
Palala: Sigh.. nevermind la.. its all for the greater good... now we ask si Jeep to lower oil price.. people will soon forget that we still have RPK in ISA... they will celebrate Aidil-Fitri and all soon will be forgotten... thats the way we play our game now.. hopefully..
IGP: Camner pasal tu si-liwat?
Palala: I think... sampai masa kalo dia ada cukup katak... maybe I oso join in the lompat lompat la.. this ship... they have too many captain... I cakap pun tak guna, kapal cannot jalan... might as well lompat and at least as the backbencher I can tidoq lena sikit...
Botak: ??????? Eh.. Palala.. what are you saying?
Palala: Ooh.. forgive me.. I membebel only..

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Come On Abdullah

As Malaysians who love their country, they would want stability and progress for their country. They would want to ensure that there is certainty and that if there isn't one, they would endeavour to find a solution to it soonest possible.

Malaysia has been mired in political uncertainty for the last 6 months but if one were to analyze the cause, it can be drilled down to the incompetent government that has been running the country. This has given rise to a legitimate claim by the opposition that the government is incapable of steering the country out of the racial divide and economic doldrums. We are neither sure if the opposition are more capable of doing it, but the fact that they have provided Malaysians now with a viable alternative and even if they did not win the last General Election, the prevailing sentiments is that after 6 months, many wanted to change their minds to give the opposition a chance. This was manifested by way of a claim by the opposition that they have enough to oust the current administration.

Lies! Lies! Lies! Cried the the administration. But look, the other side has given the administration AMPLE opportunities to call the bluff. And at all given opportunities the administration has refused to call the bluff. Most recently Anwar has thrown the biggest dare yet by asking the PM to call for an Emergency Sitting on the 23rd September. Naturally the chorus that comes out from PM was a vehement NO.

Understandable.. I mean who wants to call for a meeting to have his own arse whooped? On the other hand, you have been saying Anwar has been lying all these while and this is the most opportune time for you to call his bluff. Yet you chose to answer in the most irresponsible manner citing that the next sitting is 13th October which is 21 days away. Mr. PM, if one of your children say... "papa... grandpapa looks like he has a heart attack!" would you say, "Lets send him to hospital now?" or "No need la... he can wait for the new hospital to be opened in 3 weeks time!"?

Look, over the past 3 days, you, Mr. PM has 2 chances to call his bluff but on both occasions you told him to take a hike... Are you trying to buy 3 more weeks to weed out your hoppers? If you are like us, seriously in wanting to solve the issue and put it to rest as soon as possible you would not have replied in that manner. The fact that your DPM agreed to meet a dropout (nobody) at night at his home, I think the leader of the Opposition who won a landslide at the recent by-election deserved more attention than the dropout... don't you think so? Or are you saying you are less dedicated than the DPM in earnestly wanting to meet and solve your rakyats problems?

Astronomical Stakes...

On the poker table sits two men..... playing for the prize... the PMship of Malaysia.... the story so far... as far as I can see, they have now dealt the river and the final stakes are placed on the table.. the first that blinks may lose the game... in fact the game started as early as March 08 and its still... ongoing... sigh!!!

A: I will deny you 2/3.
B: Pigi la you... you think what? History show you farts won't get 1/3....
A: Ahhh.... now I will takeover the government... I already deny you 2/3
B: You liar! I got comfortable majority... you can never bribe my people..
A: First I will win a by election... to prove to you.. I am a man of my word..
B: Lets see if you can get a bigger majority... hehehe... we will nail you with sodomy...
A: Aha! I did get a bigger majority... now onward to Sept 16.. pirah... sodomy... looks like your man is the one that got sodomized...
(The rest behind B murmuring: He is lying... no way he can form the government... you jump ah? No la.. you ah?? No.. who say its me? Some indistinguishable murmurs amongst the supporters seem to unsettle B...)
A: Lets see... I have more than 31 now.. they sms me to confirm they wanna go with me...
B: Liar! Sept 16 came and went.. nothing oso! SMS oso can ah? I noe you can talak with SMS la.. but to hop with SMS.. comeon la A... you really la.. wanna tell lie oso dunno how to lie...
A: I sent you a letter to discuss smooth transfer... I want to meet you... I am SERIOUS.. dun think I play play..
B: Din get oso... you don't lie and I won't meet you! Give the names! Give me the NAMES!! Otherwise how you wan me to believe you?
A: Kanasai you... you think by avoiding that you can escape? And you think by giving you the names you meet me? Blah la u... After you harass these flers all how?
B: Aha! Now I got defence ministry and you are a threat to national security... and by the way, you lie you lie.. you lie...... why should I harass them?
A: Mafulat... you wanna threaten me with ISA? And how dare you tell me you won't harass them? Look at Ramlang.. Look at Bala... Look at Dr. Osman... if that is not harassment.. what is?
B: No... did I say I will arrest you under ISA? I say you are a threat oni ma... That is not harassment la.. come on... thats call threatening...
(Background.... gasping.....)
B: You liar! You don't have the numbers... stop lying!
A: Okay... Lets have a Parliament Session.. an emergency one... you chicken.. don't dare meet me one on one.. then we meet in Parliament... High Noon at OK Corral style.. you bring your kuncu-kuncu.. I bring mine.. then we see.. if need be I bring the Agong!
B: Why la wanna meet? Dowan to meet!The next seating not too far away wut.... why so kancheong? Cannot tahan liao ah? (Sounds like the final taunt of a desperate bluff?)

The story ends after so many seasons in yet another cliffhanger... seems like this is the longest poker game ever played folks... stay tuned for more updates on the new season.. and we wonder if the next one will be curtains for a long drawn saga... many are tired liao...

A Sore Loser....

Remember back in your school days... when you are still a young kid....

Well, I would not categorize all kids into this "sore loser" category, but I think before we learnt or understand the lesson of "sportsmanship", that in any game there are winners and losers and that losers irrespective must display the highest level of acceptance that he/she lost to the better player of the day and one who truly believed that he is still the best but, today is just not the day but, I will still have my day of glory someday.... We as kids would...

Sulk and pout when we lose something.. or when someone out there say, "I dowan fren you already!" We then go running the other side to solicit some friends and support and we turn back to the other side and pull a tongue out or make monkey faces to taunt them as if to say.. "Nah!! You think you are the only fren meh? See I got new fren liao..". Back then, we played what I tell my kids, playground politics... yeah, we learnt politics a long long time ago!

Then as we grow older, we learn that we must be more "gentleman" in facing a loss or defeat. Sometimes being a sport is something that we inculcate into ourselves over a period of time. But we still play the playground politics but we have taken it a notch further. The playground is now the office where the speed you climb the ladder and the fat bonusses depend greatly on how one play the game.. Well, I am not saying every office is of the same, but in many offices we see the game being played at ALL levels and all times... but still, we go back to the playground politics that we have mastered since young as and when we face rejection or setback from your so called backers, you tend to rant and sulk over the other end of the divide hoping to curry for some support... well these things happen.. I do not deny that these sort of events do play out in front of my own eyes sometimes in my very own department!

So, lets take it a few levels higher, beyond the upper management and boardroom the high offices of our country, this game is still being played but then the stake rises to astronomical value. At the pinnacle of it is the outright power to rule Malaysia for the next 5 years. With it comes many many perks....

Now, I do not want to talk about who will rule the country but rather my fixation at a sore loser at the game of playground politics.

Remember when Zaid tendered his resignation, Abdullah told him to take two weeks leave and to that he replied that "I am not tired. I am disappointed." That statement encapsulates Zaid's disillusion with the hopelessness of the current administration in instituting the reforms mooted by the PM. Zaid went on to heap adulations but gave a damning verdict on the cabinet and probably singling himself out as a liability to the PM's efforts. But what did Pak Lah Say? "He can say whatever he wants." (Sorry I can't find the article but it was what I heard on Bernama TV the other night)

Then, when SAPP announced their decision to come out of BN... Pak Lah called them "nuisance" I mean, sure... SAPP has been a pain in the neck... but it would have been better for BN to sack them wouldn't it? That would keep your dignity that you ditch them.. rather than they ditch you... After all you have given them a show cause and they have dutifully replied but you have kept them in cold storage since... I think they deserve to evaluate their position and resign, which they did. So, for me, I guess, the best is to accept their resignation and move on. Is there any need to snitch at them?

Sounds pretty much like a sore loser... ain't it? Where is the dignified gentlemanly conduct of a man who sits at the highest office in the land yet displaying the very characteristics of a sore loser of a game played by kids?

Update! more of sore loser statements!

Abdullah also brushed aside calls made by Mubarak's - association of ex-BN MPs and state assemblypersons - for him to quit immediately.

"It does not matter, let Mubarak say whatever, they are pensioners already," he said.

Gosh... coming out of a PM... first he said, Let Zaid say whatever he wants... Let Anwar say whatever he wants.. Let Mubarak say whatever they want... Next he will say, Let everyone do whatever they want...??????

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Musical chairs...

Malaysiakini headlined their breaking news as Najib takes over as finance minister.... could easily have suggested that something is lurking and Abdullah is relinquishing power... but wait... Abdullah will take over the Defense Ministry! These people are playing musical chairs!!! Najib also takes the cherry of being the Chairman of Khazanah Holdings...

So, will this mean that Abdullah's 2009 Budget be rendered obsolete? Will Malaysia see another budget being tabled? If not, then is Abdullah putting Najib to face the barrage of questions during the Budget debate scheduled after Aidil Fitri? Well, that is only the tip of the iceberg....

Now, Abdullah taking over C4 Ministry could be in one stroke of pen roll out the tanks and declare emergency? Is Abdullah giving up the money for raw force and power just to keep himself in power? Or is he taking over the ministry so that he can now solve the mystery of missing C4s? Or does he intend to........

Lets read between the lines here...

The prime minister also described Anwar as a "threat to the country's economy as well as possible threat to security".

Defence Ministry = Neutralizing the "threat"?

And the fear is real in this updated post where the PM has not discounted the "possibility" of having Anwar under ISA?

On another note lets read these few lines in tandem...

Abdullah also said that he may step down earlier than 2010 depending on Najib's performance.

"I will decide when I want to go... I will not be staying more than 2010," said Abdullah.

"If I should want to go earlier, that is flexible. That is the flexibility we have arranged," he said of the transition plan forged with Najib after disastrous March elections that triggered calls for him to quit.

"It depends on the progress of the role I am giving to Najib. Let's see what he can do. At the same time, I'm looking at things I need to do - reform measures, social measures to deal with the poor.

"Handing over is a process. We will study the process and as it goes along, we will decide accordingly."

However, both leaders nevertheless reaffirmed their commitment to the 2010 power transition plan.

So, I guess, this is the deal. It may be sooner.. but it depends how "good" Najib is in getting up to speed.... so if Najib is a good boy, it may be sooner... if he is a nottie boy... 2010 la...

Then he went on to say this piece.. I wonder if he is asking for an opinion?

"I will not indicate what plan I will take, what I do will be in the best interests of the people and the country," Abdullah said when asked what action he was going to take.

Does he know what is in the best interest of the country? I mean... when the whole nation literally went ballistic after the recent ISA arrests and he seem to know what is best when in one interview he said that ISA is a good law for the country... contrary to what Malaysians think... so do you believe that he will do everything in the BEST interest of the people and the country?


While BN rocked ... and by the way, SAPP pulled out of BN to remain independent (They had promised to make a decision some time back to have this meeting and announce it on 17/09 and they DID!)... for now... and Pakatan is not without their own problems where the simmering row between Tok Guru and their wayward Terengganu commissioner Mustafa Ali came to boil again.

So while the nation slip and tumble... the two political groups are trying to unseat, disrupt one another with whatever means possible... so, what do we rakyat do? Sit and watch..... and if you care to find out what Malaysian Joe thinks...

"Daulat Tuanku! Daulat Tuanku! Daulat Tuanku! Tuanku, dissolve the Parliament and hold fresh elections and once and for all settle the dispute... the winning party will be given the right to govern the country for the next 5 years. No doubt that BN won the last election, but by virtue of their inability to function as a government and chart the nation's fortunes over the last 6 months and compounded by their own internal bickering is proof enough that a fresh round of snap polls is required to settle the score."


In July I wrote about the on going Texas Hold Em that our politicians are playing in Show Hand.

That was 4th of July mind you... today 17th Sept 2008... and they are still playing the game... past the designated date of 16th September. The stakes are getting higher as Barisan kept upping the stake to call Anwar's bluff, but on every occasion, Anwar manage to up the stake and keep a straight face.

Lets see, since then....

Anwar implicated in sodomy... Anwar won by bigger majority in P44 Permatang Pauh... BN send a team of 49 backbenchers on a pleasure trip to Taiwan... Anwar claimed to have sent a letter to PM to discuss the "smooth transition... PM claim the letter was non-existent.. the whole BN wants to know the list... Anwar says, "No can do... you will harrass them." PM says "BULLSHIT! Why should we harass them?"

Now... if we read closely... I remembered clearly, Anwar said that they sent a letter to PM to discuss about the country and the recent ISA arrest... to which the PM acknowledged receiving.. but its the second letter presumably was sent and not received... (That is a question)

Secondly, will BN harass the names in the list? I think we should look no further than the use of ISA on the famous 3 recently to answer that question... looking further back, we have the Dr. Osman from Pusrawi, Bala, the PI in Altantunya's case as well as the transfer of Imam Ramlang from National Mosque to justify the fear of releasing the list of names...

Why would BN be so anxious in wanting the list of names??? The answer is a no-brainer actually.. but BN does have a choice.. either to use the carrot or the stick on the list of names...

No doubt that Pakatan now says that they are not fixated on 16th Sept but I guess their credibility did take a knock when despite all the chest thumping and loud proclamation nothing happened and that BN is claiming a morale boosting victory when nothing occured, Pakatan must now show some dissenting voice, a few names that dare to come out and move across the divide immediately to prove to the people that all that talk is not empty... Pakatan MUST add the pressure... Pakatan MUST UP the stakes.... before BN gets bolder to call your bluff...

Well, the article earlier was written in a jiffy before lunch and it was after lunch that with a more comfy stomach... err.. to all that is puasa-ing my humble apologies, it was not my intent to tempt you guys on empty stomachs... now.. back to the story... Come to think of it....

PM, Abdullah has the ace that he could play yesterday. He could immediately say he would meet Anwar regardless of whether the letter was sent out or not. Then it would be up to Anwar if he has the balls and guts to meet Abdullah with the "list". But Abdullah chose not to meet him and so the bets goes on... Abdullah could have hit limit up and wait for Anwar to fold or call, but he chose not to... why? Is it a lingering fear within Abdullah that he may have more than 30 turncoats in his midst? Could it be that Abdullah is only carrying the Ace of Hearts and fearing that Anwar is holding the Ace of Spades? Why the delay Abdullah? Why the delay Anwar?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Zaid, A Misfit...

To Umno and BN that is... HERE

And that is probably why he insist that his resignation yesterday is FINAL. And his damning verdict on state of affairs.. HERE.

As an outsider and not a "registered" member of any of the opposition parties, We are inclined to believe that it will be a plus point, if Zaid were to join Pakatan and if... only IF Pakatan were to take power, We believe he will have a whole load of support in carrying out his planned judicial reforms.

It is sad, really for BN to be stuck in their feudalistic approach to modern day politics... It is sad, really that they have failed to react positively to the drubbing that they received in March. It is sad really, that BN now can longer provide Malaysians with a viable alternative. Hey.. wait a minute, We should not be sad... We should be happy that this BN ship is being ripped apart at its seams by the warlords who, instead of pulling a pail to bail out the ship are tugging at whatever bits left to climb to the top of the watchtower which inevitably will go under as well.

So Zaid, we applaud your decision to resign and to not reconsider your PM's plea for you to stay on. Indeed there is nothing more that you can do with the bunch of mofos there. We also believe that you have much more in you to be righteous and fair. We also call upon you to contribute to nation building with your talent and skills. We are sure your passion and skill will be needed.

So, with Anwar claiming that he has more than 31 MPs wanting to hop, all that is left to do is.... wait.

Related news to 916. HERE. HERE. HERE.

Clearest yet, Anwar in a Q&A published by Malaysiakini.. HERE.

Anwar's Sept 16, Press Statement in full as from malaysiakini .. HERE. But PM says that the takeover bid is a political lie. Err.. then may I suggest that the PM meets Anwar to call the bluff? Or rather he sits and wait till Pakatan goes to see the agong?

Chest Thumping?

In a Malaysia Day rally yesterday, there were more chest thumping activities than substance, where Anwar spoke of Pakatan having sufficient numbers to form the new government. While the expected exodus did not happen as many had expected, Anwar put a new twist on the whole saga.

Now it will be a few weeks from now.....

Well, again as in one of my comments, I did not expect anything to happen, but based on what Anwar had said, it may be a good thing. Some hints that he has given out...

"Tomorrow, we are ready. But the best time (for the takeover), I tell you, is when we meet the prime minister.

"A peaceful transition is paramount," he added, conceding that there will not be a change of government tomorrow as he had promised earlier.

Question: If the PM knows he will have his arse whooped... do you think he would want to meet up? Unless, the hoppers send a strong message. To this Anwar had earlier said at the rally that they are ready to form the government TODAY.

"We have the numbers but we want to meet with Abdullah, show him the evidence and work out a handover because we want a peaceful transition," he said to the jubilant cheers of the crowd.

Apparently the frogs are not yet ready to surface.

Then he further promise to reduce 70sen from fuel price...

Anwar also said that he would reduce fuel prices by 70 sen the very next day after forming the government.

What if the government reduce the fuel price by 70sen today? Does this mean if he were to take power he would further reduce by 70sen? He should have said the reduction from today's prices.. well maybe I am reading too much into the statement.

Anyway, could we be expecting more? Can Anwar prove me wrong that nothing is going to happen today? Heck, this is one time that I loved to be proven wrong!

This is what Anwar claim his new government will uphold.

"The Pakatan Rakyat government will uphold justice, a free judiciary, a free media and a professional police force," he said.

Datuk Seri, I hold you responsible for what you have promised. Do not let the rakyat down should you come to power. We have done everything within our democratic space and power with our votes to hopefully give Malaysia new hope for a new beginning. Please carry out your promises of the above and a promise to take Malaysia out of its current economic quagmire.