Supermx Share Is On The Move, Call Warrant Is Setting Up A Trap!

After the review out of 1Q2010 financial report on Monday, Supermx share price start really yesterday. The trading vol is high and Supermx call warrants is selling hot, however when you invest into call warrants check the premium first because the call warrant issuer can any time drop the premium to take they profit.
Yesterday Supermx-CB selling like hot cake with vary high vol, the premium is about 20% from mother share price, so for call warrants price to go up is unlikely because the issuer will use the good news to sale out they share in hand and drop the price by lower the premium to lock your money. Some more Supermx-CB will expire more early that Supermx-CA so make your best choice.
High vol of call warrant is equal to distributions share from issuer NOT accumulation!