Thursday, September 1, 2011

Fresh Sewing Day [August 2011]

Fresh Sewing Day Projects August 2011

Wow!  It feels awesome to see all these together don't you think?  These are all my projects I was working on in August.  Whew hew!  As always Lynne, great idea, great idea.  

Fresh Sewing Day

Linking up to Fresh Sewing Day at Lily's Quilts - please do visit and click on some other amazing blogs showing off their August duds!

- rebecca lynne

Small Blog Meet [September 2011]

I have recently become part of the Lily's Quilts fan club.  Lynne of Lily's Quilts is simply amazing don't you agree?  Love her!  Anyway, this is my first edition of Fresh Sewing Day and my second month joining the Small Blog Meet.  This post is specifically directed at the Small Blog Meet (another post to follow about the Fresh Sewing Day).  If you'd like to find out more details about the Small Blog Meet please visit Lily's Quilts Post here.

Small Blog Meet

About Me

I wrote a pretty formal introduction to who I am last time, so instead I am going to change it up a bit.  I am a Self-Employed Attorney (bleh) and SAHM (which I've always wanted to do anyway!) who recently made a vow to herself to return to her creative voice.  I took a formal *break* from art when I went to law school but looking back I was always creating something no matter what I was doing.  I just didn't categorize it as making art.  When I became pregnant with my first daughter I returned to quilting with the wisdom to follow my heart and not the rules I was taught in another life.

Miss V's Strip Quilt Valori Wells Center
Miss V's Strip Quilt
I started making rebecca lynne to fulfill my vow to return to my creative self.  I needed a place to document my projects, vent out the latest fabric lust makes my heart skip a beat, and find the love & support from a creative community.  Not that Mr. Making Rebecca Lynne doesn't try...but his feedback isn't always very deep.  Ha!

I only have 23 Followers so far, and to be honest more than a handful of that 23 are loyal friends & family members with no love of sewing at all!  Nonetheless, it is almost my 2 Month Blogoversary and while I don't have over 50 Followers (yet?) I feel that the few people who have found me are amazing and I have already created such wonderful relationships with them.  I hope it will be the same with you!

Thank you for visiting making rebecca lynne!  I'd love to visit your blog and learn more about you... Please leave me a comment below and I'll be sure to stop by and leave a note.  Oh!  And if anyone knows about any new Bees or Swaps or anything else that may be forming please let me know!!

- rebecca lynne

Fabric Wishlist: Kokka Ruby Star Spring

Ruby Star Spring by Melody Miller for Kokka

Here is my fabric lust for the day!  Am completely digging the Ruby Star Spring line by Melody Miller for Kokka. birthday just came and went...maybe Santa can help a sister out?  Perhaps I should leave a pic of this lying around for the Mr. to see...  In case anyone is wondering I especially love the Springtime Bee, Springtime Bloom, and Night Lite Bloom.

Available at Purl Soho, Miss Matatabi, Fabricworm, and Sew Mama Sew.  {Not Sponsors - Just lovely places I like to shop!}

- rebecca lynne