Showing posts with label Collectible expo t shirt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Collectible expo t shirt. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

AZ Tattoo Expo starts in 1 day! Have you booked your appointment yet?
Declutter Your Beauty Products

It's time for a little spring cleaning. Here's how to freshen up your beauty products for the season

De-Clutter Your Beauty Products

This is a makeup tips article

Are you ready to clean out your beauty bag for spring? Well, you might want to think twice before you ditch the dark eyeshadows or bronzers you've used all winter. We've got expert tricks for repurposing your products and tips for what to add to your collection. See how to clean out your makeup bag now.

See the tips

Dear Gorgeous,
Tis a sad day around here at Makeup University.
I was out at the Urban Art III shop on Main St. in Mesa Arizona to do a PSA for the upcoming AZ Tattoo Expo.

Shop owner Sage O'Connell was not able to make it at the last minute to record a service announcement about all the exciting events going on.

So this fine gentleman from Hesperia California who is a guest artist at the shop and attending the AZ Tattoo Expo stepped up and in to fill Sage's video shoes.

Big Gus volunteered to help me with the video and he also designed the collectible tshirt that is sold at the expo. Be sure and buy your expo tshirt first thing because they sell out fast!

Now, here's the reason for tears: Big Gus was busy and just had moments in between clients. We rehearsed once and then recorded one take. That's all it took! Gold in the can on the first take.

I have NEVER lost footage in my camera. Ever. Until today. That wee 60 second clip full of pure comedic gold is gone. I do not know how-but it happened. The original file got deleted on accident some how and the recycle bin was not enable on the camera so delete means delete!

All I have from today is this one photo because it was taken by accident.

So-take my word for it, visit to buy your ticket online, get directions, find out where to park, look up the artists you want to book ink with and then wash your car and get ready to have some pin striping applied by master striper Bug of Bugs Auto Art.

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!