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I'm forty and (not) loving it.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Random thoughts again

I had to endure a 2 hour meeting today, chaired by the Baung. It probably could have been finished within one hour but the problem with him is he's not capable of making decisions. Probably where he used to work at for the last 15 years of his life he was used to receiving orders, not making them..semuanya 'yes sir' je. Still, the meeting could have gone for another half an hour at least, had i not said, 'dah habis ke meeting??' and got up.

I can't keep blaming my hormones for my rudeness, outspokeness and lesbianess (ada such word ka?)...perhaps i have come to that age where i no longer give a toss what others may think of me....i would very much like to think that all those years at negara omputeh have contributed to my outspokeness...although i'm sure the hubby would much prefer that my rubbing shoulders with the mat and minah salehs have turned my nip*&*s pink.....

15 years ago such comment would have left me feeling hurt, dejected, insecure etc. Nowadays, i just throw the commentator a dirty look which says, 'hellooo! You're not so hot looking yourself! Grow some chest hair then we can talk'

I remembered how Encik Sri Siamang (the ex) used to make me feel bad about my weight and for goodness sake, i was 15 kgs lighter then. Nasib baiklah tak bertambah2 mengadanya mintak pink nip*&^s or rambut lurus macam sesetengah orang tu. Anyway, i used to feel so bad when i ate anything...i became very paranoid to the extent that i would scrutinise each and every food packaging for its calorific content etc. Then i stopped taking anything fried (the agony of having to miss out on curry & chips from the stall at Piccadily Bus Station) or adding any sugar to my food or drinks. Yes, i managed to shed a few more kilos but i was downright miserable. Ye lah, takut lah kan kalu terlebih 0.005 gram nanti kang kasih berubah arah pulak kan? In the end i didn't get to keep him pun and my self esteem went from zero to negative infinity. Moral of the story is, a guy who is worthy of your love shouldn't be bothered that you weigh as much as Kate Moss or Mak si Tenang.

The journey of self-discovery took a couple of years while i went away to complete my Masters. Masa tu takde la sangat nak studynya...main intention was to membawa hati yang lara. I had a complete 'makeover'...daripada memakai baju2 yang mengikut peredaran zaman muda-mudi and rambut yang mengurai serta kaler2, i wanted to get away from the way i used to look..probably the way i had looked attracted the wrong kind of guy. Furthermore, it was more of a protection of the soul...mana le tau takut2 i ni hilang pedoman ke setelah kuciwa (piraa mabuk!) On my very first day to class, i put on the tudung...People who were my friends then saw me beyond the tudung. I must say that some were completely taken by surprise because i ni bukan la set2 yg letupkan keretapi, jalan tak pandang orang or one who preaches about the impending doomsday..i even had coke at the Mat Saleh's popular meeting place after work more times than i could count. (I have taken more than one hour to complete this entry and i pun tak tau dah apa kesudahannya i nak point out kat sini).

Suffice it to say, these days kalau ada la sesapa yg nak buat komen2 yang menyakitkan hati dan tak sedar diri itu pada i, the least i'd do is to give you a look of disdain but i would get a lot more satisfaction dgn berdoa supaya mulut you ditumbuhi ulcers yang pedih (or paling kurang pun bulu2 yg tak diingini di belakang badan..(slowly resembling a siamang)

Monday, December 24, 2007

God's little creatures

I was bloghopping and came across this particular blog yang membuat entry on cats. I thought it was an entry to cherish those creatures tapi rupa-rupanya tak..it's about how it's so off putting and menggelikan bila ada kucing2 kat restoran. Nak makan pun tak larat. Well, here are some facts:Cats that are pets and well-looked after with full tummies and roof over their heads would not go begging. How often do you notice that these cats would be lying at a quiet corner somehwere dozing? This is what they would naturally do for nearly 20 hours/day. Only the hungry ones do. Compared to dogs, cats survive mainly on proteins..so imagine the stress on thier body having to meet up with that kind of dietary requirement. Instead of resting, they have to hunt or beg for scraps..this put a toll on their health. rarely would a stray cat live to exceed 5 years. So, spare a thought for these poor creatures the next time you venture into the markets, restaurants or gerai. Instead of shooing or worse kicking them away, spare some scraps..tak merugikan, pahala lagi dapat. If you don't like it, then don't come back to that place.

Anyway, here are some pictures from the early days.

Melly a.k.a Princess Boyot, walaupun masa ni tak boyot lagi She was about 1 i think. Masa tu ada fungal infection kat hidung dia..didn't stop me from kissing her nose though.

Melly and Monty wrestling for the toy mouse. Tahan 3 hari saja that toy mouse. One morning we found the mouse tottally skinned.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Random thoughts

I daren't not make an entry today because i know someone out there would be throwing tantrums if i don't. And i am a nice person and my usual self doesn't like to disappoint people. Tambahan lagi she has been thoughtful and generous enough to send me two huge parcels!!! Sorry babe, no gambar because malas! The first parcel from Esah jolie consisted of two packets of preserved figs, yummy. Tak dapat yg fresh punya pun tak pe. I have already planned to ask my mum to turn one into acar buah. (Women are always more sensitive than men, and that's a fact. I might be crying air mata darah wanting Mushroom Jack Fajitas from Chilis or even the simple roti canai or roti tisu and the hubby would just think that i am meroyan or mengada2. You don't need to explain to another woman how you badly one something (and in this case bukannya handbag, lipstick or kasut pun) and she'd be sending you that something pronto. This kind of gesture has made me seriously think that i should just become a lesbian..this could be my hormones talking or my experience of spending too long in an all girl's school. My colleagues just said this morning that i may have slightly more male hormones than normal women because i like to look and admire women's physique....my only saving grace is probably that i am till this day quite intrigued with certain's male appendage.

I didn't expect to be receiving another parcel..although si Esah did ring me up and the line wasn't clear and i think i heard her mumbled something about having to go to WH Smith and although MB1 is at least a foot shorter than her, she made the poor woman reached out a certain mag from the very top shelf. Other than a bounty of Bounty and Ripples and what have you, that mag was intended for Mr Gig, ye la, so that he doesn't feel left out of this percintaan 3 segi and to lay off those chocolates, kan? But Esah, i must tell you, I'm sure MG was very grateful for that mag albeit a little bit speechless and bashful. He didn't bury himself into it like i did, tak tau la..is there any difference between looking at porn at the click of the mouse and flicking through some pages?? Or he's a little bit shy at the thought of having his wife sharing it with him??? What is it with men? I supposed i could make this my next research project: Man and porn vs man, wife and porn.

I did ask a few of my colleagues, both male and female alike..do you share porn with your partner? Answers from the women:

1. Eii! No way. It's disgusting!
2. I won't share it with him..i'd rather look at it on my own.

Answers from the men:
All said, (after much cajoling and 'don't bullshit me' threats) yes, i look at porn.

1. But i don't share it with my wife because i don't want her mind to be messed up (prude!)
2. I would rather she thinks that i don't look at porn (ini macam pun ada).
3. She'd go berserk if she knows i do.

So, am I being too advanced?

Monday, December 17, 2007


Esah, this is for you..so that you can stop playing with fire and go back to playing with yourself (oops..by yourself i mean..hehe)

1)Name of a person who made you laugh last night
I thought hard for 5 mins, obviously no one.

2) What were you doing at 0800?
At the office, in the dark, applying make up. There was a power trip.

3) What were you doing 30mnts ago?
Attended a meeting but busy sms-ing friends at the same time.

4) What happened to you in 2006?

5) What was the last thing you said out loud?
I nak gi beyrak.

6) How many beverages did you have today?
1 small cup of coffee. Unlike some people my life doesn't depend on it..sebab tu senang bey bey and tak la grumpy memanjang kan???

7) What colour is your hairbrush?
A 2 inch fluorescent green, which used to be at least double the length.

8) What was the last thing you paid for?
Sunflower kuaci and panty liner from the guardian.

9) Where were you last night?
In front of the tv obviously.

10) What colour is your front door?
Some estet mari colour.

11) Where do you keep your change?

12) What's the weather like today?
Started to snow again..obviously not!

13) What's the best ice-cream flavour?
Nangka..kg.com sangat kan? They don't do it anymore.

14) What excites you?
Use to be pert bottoms, MG's G-string, now kuaci.

15) Do you want to cut your hair?
Only by a mute hairdresser, so no komen2 puaka dikeluarkan over the present state of my hair.

16) Are you over the age of 25?
I try not to be.

17) Do you talk a lot?
Only when i have to like if i'm out with a 'clam' for e.g. MG.

18) Do you watch the O.C?
What day is it on again? Has it got a lot off boobs and bikinis in it? Oops, sorry, that's Baywatch.

19) Do you know anyone named Steven?
Steven seagal.

20) Do you make up your own words?
Yes, the carut ones especially.

21) Are you a jealous person?
Insanely according to Encik Sri Siamang but not at all according to MG.

22) Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'A'
Surprisingly i don't know anyone whose name starts with the letter A.

23) Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'K'
Kumari can? Just made it up also.

24) Who's the first person on your received call list?
My desperate hoswipe cousin.

25) What does the last text message you received say?
U miss me? Muz kan ada - from my colleague when i tanya wei, apsal lambat dtg meeting ni??! Laki2 org kat sini semuanya M.B.A = married but available

26) Do you chew on your straw?
Yeah, and i pick my teeth with it also.

27) Do you have curly hair?
Like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman on some days, like sundelbolong on most. What do you expect from a 2inch comb?.

28) Where's the next place you're going to?
Another meeting.

29) Who's the rudest person in your life?
Esah ju-On

30) What was the last thing you ate?
Karipap pap pap (dengar tu Esah)

31) Will you get married in the future?
Again?? If Anuar Zain asks me.

32) What's the best movie you've seen in the past 2 weeks?
The Holiday on astro.

33) Is there anyone you like right now?
Jude Law

34) When was the last time you did the dishes?
Last night. One plate.

35) Are you currently depressed?
No, i'm saving it up for post partum period.

36) Did you cry today?
Have not cried for 2 months kut.

37) Why did you answer and post this?
Because Esah has been on my back.

38) Tag 5 people who would do this survey.
I don't know that many and takkan la i nak seksa org tak tentu pasal cam si Esah kan, kan??

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Coffee break

One evening as always, Princess Boyot (Melly) asked to be let out into the garden. I saw the head of the boa constrictor jutting out from beneath the dead tree trunk. I let him take refuge there and so far he has proven to be a docile visitor. He did no harm to the birds that frequent our garden or to Monty who is always let out without any supervision.

PB trotted happily passed Mr Boa, well, she is bold or a little bit dizzy most of the times. Suddenly Mr. Boa decided to strike! In a flash PB was half in and half out of the boa's mouth. I tried pulling her out but the boa refused to let go. I had no choice but to reach out for the sabit and sliced him open from the mouth tailwards. I had a dead snake in my garden, blood splattered everywhere (sapa nak buat kari?). PB trotted off happily, cam takde apa2 je.

That was my dream a couple of nights ago..
1. Kasih ibu menjangkaui species.
2. Princess Boyot needs to lose some weight. I think she proved to be too much of a temptation to the usually docile boa.
3. Chase away any boas or slimy visitors from your garden because they can be unpredictable.

P/S Esah, don't get your knickers (and karipap) in a twist, i'll tend to the tag as soon as i have the time.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Siri bercakap dengan diri sendiri part II

As usual, i didn't have a shower before 2pm. That was after i bathed Monty and Princess Boyot and had an hour's snooze. The cats had not been bathed for a over a month since it rains almost daily. Ugi didn't get to have the royal bath as she was the cleanest among the three, probably because her fur is shorter and she hasn't discovered this fetish of rolling in the sand or dirt. Now the two are curling up into a ball somehwere feeling sorry for themselves like they always do after a bath.

A few friends of mine from primary school planned to meet up today. One of them rang me up and was very persistent about me joining them. I have not seen them in over 20 years. I left my hometown at 15 and to England 3 years later for 12 years. Most of them completed their education locally, some became flight attendants and moved to S'pore. I dread going. I already missed one of the gatherings about a month ago feigning sick. Can't possibly come up with the same excuse twice. The meeting place was supposed to be Bangsar...the last time i ventured into Bangsar was with Mr Gig when we were newlyweds and he voluntarily fed me with Haagen Dasz ice cream (this gesture of affection in feeding one's spouse fatty food is extinct now since the hubby thinks that the spouse doesn't need any unnecessary calories, and if she does pun, Nestle or Magnolia can do, kan?? Hish!).

Anyway, from 8am, i was racking my brains for excuses when the hp rang. the friend told me that it has been called of since a few couldn't make it. One of them was my friend who is 35 weeks pregnant. That put me to shame. If she did make the effort to meet up the last time why couldn't i be the same? Obviously being heavy was just an excuse, i am just socially inept after all.

2 Nights ago, we had to take little D to the A&E. Thank god the local hospital is only 5 mins away and staying in this place where there is hardly any traffic or night life at all, the A&E isn't like your general A&E. There was no blood or vomit anywhere hence we decided to go just there instead of rushing to a private medical centre which is about 15mins away and obviously would have cost more. little D started vomiting at about midnight and within one hour she did it over 6 times to the point i wasn't sure whether she actually fell asleep or lost consciousness. We were seen after 5mins, and after checking her up etc, they administered some iv fluids. We were there for an hour and she was oked to go home. She vomited twice more at home and then fell asleep till morning. The next day, she ate and drank like normal and i went off to work but the maid then told me that all day she bobo about 4-5 times, and it's the same today. Otherwise, she looks as fit as a fiddle. I took MC on Wed because i was throwing up and bobo all night long. The dr said it was abd case of wind. After it happened to little D, i am convinced that we both had tummy bug.

I can't get Chilli's Mushroom Jack Fajitas out of my mind.

It's my birthday today. MG asked what i would like for my birthday. I've thought long and hard about it...i can afford a lot of material things like make up, clothes, handbags..those i can't, i'm sure he can't either at this moment in time such as a camry or crv ...so how about kasih sayang abadi??