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I'm forty and (not) loving it.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Anak sapa ke ni?

Ada nampak alim cam mak dia tak? (mati la perasan)

Birthday girl stuffing her face with a cupcake.

Why ah?

Malaysians like to:
1. Spit
Tepi pavement nak spit, wind down tingkap kereta spit, duk makan kat gerai spit.Why cannot keep the spit where it belongs? In the mouth! Kalau tak spit kenapa? Boleh mati lemas ke?
2. Close the door in your face
Kenapa tak boleh pegangkan pintu utk org belakang? Baik lelaki or perempuan. Haram ke? Atau syok tengok org jadi mengong sekejap langgar pintu. (please take note especially guys out that..kan kengkadang pintu tu berat..cam pintu petrol station, apa salah pegangkan pintu sekejap..takkan cam tu pun bini nak marah??)
3. Masuk lift sebelum org kat dalam keluar
Let's think about it logically...kalau you tunggu org kat dalam keluar, kan you'll have more space. Takde la berlanggar bahu pun..the lift is going up and down only, it's not as if it can run away somewhere. If you miss this trip, tunggu je la lagi 2,3 minit.
4. Buang sampah
Everywhere else except into the bin. Mata juling ke?? Or tangan pengkor?
5. Speed up the car bila org indicate nak potong
Sometimes we have to potong depan you and the polite way to do it is to give signal dulu kan..therefore, kenapa lak nak kiasu and tang tu la dia nak speed 90km/hour dalam space yg dua jengkal tu? Buruk perangai betul!
6. Drive cam kura2 dekat lane yg kanan sekali or tengah
Pi la dok kat lane kiri kalau nak bawak kereta cam bersiar2 kat taman tasik.
7. Suka nak test rasa buah2 or kudap2 kat Carrefour, Giant or sewaktu dengannya.
Kan dah tulis terang2 kat situ, no testing..kalo makan jugak, maknanya haram la (wuiyo..ceramah agama lak kita pagi ni). Kalo nak test jugak, pergi kedai runcit la or gerai buah tepi jalan.
I think i shall stop mengomel here..banyak lagi i nak complain ni tapi i rasa i dah hilang kejelitaan i pasal mulut asyik dok terjuih2 marah.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Surat kepada Kate

Ke hadapan Kate yang diingati,

makcik tumpang sedih dan meluat mendengarkan boipren uols mengdump uols. Walaupun boipren uols berdarah biru diraja, tetapi hattanya dia masih siamang bertopengkan jantan. Makcik dah agak dah, bila berita romantik mengenai uols berdua hangat diperkatakan akhir tahun lepas siamang itu akan seperti cacing kepanasan...sebenarnya Kate, siamang itu baru 24 tahu..makcik tak rasa dia nak settle down lagi. Dia belum puas menyemaikan benih2 oatnya merata2. Kalau boleh dia nak setaraf dengan bapaknya yg bertelinga capang itu pada suatu masa dahulu. Lagi2 dia pun boleh tahan gak rupanya (walaupun a bit horsey looking-tapi kalau dia nak kat makcik, makcik pun nak..belonde you!).

Dan seperti ramai jantan2 siamang di luar sana, bila si pompuan dah mula nengok catalog kawin2 ni, the first thing they'd do is to mulalah mengcat merah pekan pada waktu malam. Saja je diaorg akan berkepit-kepitan dengan gadis-gadis genit penggali emas, janji si paparazzi ini akan nampak dan memuatkan gambar2 jengkel itu ke dalam tabloid....siamang itu tadi memang berharap uols akan nampak dan mengcontact dia utk mendapatkan kepastian dan itulah peluangnya utk berkata 'i'm not so sure..'..memang pun tak gentleman..it doesn't matter yg dia berdarah biru diraja dan mungkin berseluar dalamkan benang emas..lagaknya masih jugak cam siamang berseluar dalam cap crocodile. Pas tu dia akan come up with excuses yg kononnya susah la long distance relationship ni...ah ah..London ngan mana tu?? Idak le jauh benor. Ala..makcik dah masak sangat dengan perangai2 jengkel species siamang ni.

Tapi percayalah cakap makcik uols, yg dia tak akan dapat melupakan cinta (walaupun mungkin jenis monyet) pertama dia....mungkin bila uols dah happy kononnya, beranak pinak, dia akan datang semula dan berkata, 'sebenarnya, i never stop lap-ing you'..ah ah..dia nak jadi cam bapak dia gak...and uols masa tu akan berasa gundah gulana thinking that dia chenta agung uols, tapi jangan terpedaya (cam kawan Makcik, si Esah ni, haritu nyaris2 terpedaya)..siamang never lose their hairiness...walaupun siamang ni hensem la gak (sekali lagi makcik akan ulangi) dan banyak duit dan mungkin uols dapat jadi queen satu hari nanti..

OK lah Kate, di sini saja makcik dapat mengomel kerana boss makcik dah jeling2 suruh buat kerja halal di waktu kerja ini...take care dan jangan difikirkan sangat.

p/s apa ke jadahnya uols tak masuk kerja lepas phone conversation kena dump dgn si siamang tu? Ada la harga diri sikit. Uols nangis teruk2 sampai boleh jadi kassim selamat pun bukannya dia nak balik kat uols.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Monday Blues

Today is Tuesday but i'm still having a hangover from my Monday blues. It could also be that time of the month but i refused to put the blame on my being a woman and how the body system works biologically. I have decided that my existing problems are caused by men. (And to smug men out there who may happen to come across this entry and thinking 'she's not getting it'..well wouldn't you like to know?)..it's no surprise that some women prefer to be with their own kind because men can be at times annoying..and what's more infuriating is how they refused to budge from their stupidity.
1. I'm bloody pissed off with this guy at work..(and i'm sure being the nosy parker that he is, sometimes infringing on my privacy, he may be reading as i write). I came to him with a problem regarding another friend of ours. I told him that if i regard someone as my friend, this surpasses the expectation i may have from acquaintances or colleagues. I expect loyalty from my friends. Well this so called guy friend went on and on about there's no loyalty in this world etc. I said, please concentrate, i'm talking about me here. To which he replied, yes, it's always about you, so selfish. I asked, what's your problem? Of course we expect loyalty among friends, families, spouses etc. He said, he can't or he won't even expect loyalty from his wife.
I think i can understand where he's coming from....this guy who's even younger than i am, is experiencing premature mid-life crisis. He seems to like people to speculate or talk about him that he may/may not having a girlfriend..may be not to that extent of having a serious extramarital affair but to want others to see him as being a 'player' or still desirable to women despite midline spread or receding hairline. So why he said no one can expect any loyalty from anyone, i suspect is only to justify his lousy actions regarding his not so subtle aspirations.
2. I have been trying to get these two guys from the Computer Support dept to install the SPSS package to my work computer but sampai la ni tak dapat! They seem to be busy tah kat dept mana tah and nak mintak diaorg datang to my office is like menunggu Anuar Zain datang pinang i. And in the meantime i can't get on with what i'm supposed to be doing.
3. Of course this is not a man..it's my mother. I got to know from my cousin who is very closed to me and who reports mostly what my mum is up to, to me. I'm an excuseholic..i'm not a good dutiful daughter who'd call the mum every few days if not daily. I come up with all sorts of excuses to myself when in actual fact i hate to admit that i don't enjoy talking on the phone to my mother. The fact being my mum has undergone religious transformation and the phone conversation is never without nasihat, bebelan etc. which make me all more defiant. Anyway, my mum thought that i should have made a big bash of little D's birthday...better if we actually held the party kat padang kanak2 kat depan rumah because it's the only way 'to get to know the neighbours'. It irks me that instead of saying it to my face when i informed her of little D's proposed cupcake eating contest (between the 4 of us only), she had to tell my cousin of what she thinks about it. My defense is that:
a) Little D is too young to appreciate a bash with unfamiliar faces..mesti dia akan bergayut kat aku je.
b) Buat apa bazir duit to just be popular among the neighbours...bukannya aku banyak duit pun.
c) Now ni musim hujan, camna nak buat kat tengah padang.
d) Kalo buat tengah padang nanti kang ada pulak org kata nak menunjuk.
e) Nak buat kat rumah, kerusi nak duduk ada 4 bijik je and carpet 1.
f) I like my privacy..i like the fact that i can smile or sembang with immediate neighbours but i don't expect much or i don't aspire to be the 'neighbourhood goddess'. The more aloof i seem to be the better because i prefer people not to know what i do (more importantly) and sapa pompuan tembam dgn rambut kusut masai main dgn kucing kat luar rumah tu petang2.
g) Mum, i don't need excuses..i will do as i please.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Ingat tak lagu 'tell me said..the elephant...tell me why this has to be..'

(Ni gambar si Amid, rescued from a theme park in Malacca. tengok la kurus melidi si Amid ni.)

I came across this blog www.remembersheena.blogspot.com and i'm sad. Kita kat Malaysia terlampau mengejar nak jadi negara maju..

We build tall buildings, highways, develop land for cultivation and housing.

We cut trees, even by the roadside in towns and cities, kononnya nak membesarkan jalan, atau takut dahan pokok jatuh timpa orang.

We flood hectares of jungle for reservoir, kononnya to overcome water shortages and to supply electricity, am i right?.

We flatten hills because kononnya takut tanah runtuh...

Truthfully, who benefits from all these?

Company yg dapat contract untuk tebang pokok or org yg keretanya diselamatkan dpd future dahan pokok patah? (how often does this happen i wonder)

At the moment we're still facing water shortages..why not take measures to clean and deepen the river yg penuh dengan sampah sarap?

Bukit yg diratakan selalunya i nampak utk bina rumah atau condo..

When i was living in USJ, i used to take the NKVE to work. I saw the gradual changes from green bukit bukau to banglo lots..mostly to cater for the upper crust of society..ye la..yg nak bergated community gitu. There are still displaced people, people without houses or can't afford to own one.

Now ni when i drive through Puchong to Putrjaya on the LDP, i see the same thing is happening..I selalu terfikir...where are the wild animals going to go?? From sebesar2 like monkeys, to squirrels, birds and sekecil2 like gonggok?

I'm sure the trees were there for hundreds of years and they get chopped down just like that.

The weather is getting hotter. I seem to recall that when i was younger, i had to sleep with the fan turned off because some nights it could get quite chilly. And mind you i lived in a rumah batu..

sekarang ni org kena tidur dalam aircond otherwise it'd be unbearable.Haze was unheard of then.

We also seem to think that we own the world therefore we can do whatever we like to god's other creatures. Just because animals can't talk we think they're dumb they don't have any feelings.

I don't know if i make any sense at all here but suffice it to say that most of the times, humans cruelty, greed and thoughtlessness to nature always make me wish that i don't live long enough to witness the destruction of this earth. Perhaps i'm a hypocrite because i'm sure i partly contribute this.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Look what the stork brought me II

Little D just a few minutes after being born. Muka kemek, mata sepet. Masa ni sorang pun we all tak nak mengaku dia ikut rupa i atau MG.

Then after i've emptied my bowels, they wheeled me to the labour room. Pain intensity scale from 1-10, i think masa tu dah about 7 kut. The first thing i made MG do when i was at the labour room was to ask the nurse mana si pakar bius nak bagi epidural ni??

MG informed me yg nurse cakap Dr's on the way. 15 mins later i sent MG out again, and lagi sekali he was told that the good dr is on his way. On normal days, i am not all that sane, ni tambah lagi sakit teramat sangat..me 'apa on the way? Hey! Hari ni Sunday la! Mana ada jem?? Cuba you tengok sikit, entah2 dia kat cafeteria tengah makan. I kerja kat sini la..! I know what the doctors get up to'. Tak pasal2 MG pulak yg kena lecture dgn i.

At the same time i moaned and groaned..the breathing exercise that i learned masa ante natal class semua dah keluar tingkap. Tambah pulak lagi dengan doa berkati2 yg org pesan and dah ditulis atas kertas semua kaput. Each time i groaned, MG said 'shhhh''.. Me, ' apa shh..shh! Org sakit la!' Tak kose i nak maintain vogue time2 cam tu. We came to the hospital that morning armed with a hanky and MG was to take on the duty of wiping my forehead when i sweat. Mula2 dia folded the hanky and put it on my forehead macam kita buat org demam. Dah la aku panas, dia letak lak kain atas forehead! When i told him to wipe, not to anchor that hanky to my forehead, mulalah dia wipe the whole of my face every few seconds sampai senget benget specs aku irregardless aku sempat nak sweat ke tak. Bukan ke nak kena?? Agaknya pompuan gila nak beranak memang bengkeng kut.

At about 1.30pm, after nearly 2hours berhempas pulas the pakar bius arrived. Dengan cerianya dia announce, 'hi! I'm Dr. M****..and i thought..shit! I have worked with him before and idak le kitaorg ni berkenan kat each other pulak. Memang i berdoa masa tu with my glasses and rambut kusut masai he'd not recognise who i was.. (nama i, i'm sure dia tak ingat)..anyway, at that time, he was godsend! Imagine on normal days i don't think i tergamak nak let anyone insert a needle through my vertebrae but masa tu, cucuklah kat mana je..it's much better than the pain of the contraction.

But then at first the epidural only worked on one side of my body. The other side masih boleh rasa the contraction. Then Dr. M*** asked me to tilt my body to the other side and wait for a few minutes for the drug to menerjah ke bahagian badan yg tak numb lagi tu. Then later.....it was heaven....kalo le rasa cam ni nak beranak, setiap bulan i volunteer nak beranak..the gynae reminded me to inform the nurse kalau i terasa cam ada benda nak keluar. Otherwise, i was to have a rest and she estimated that about 6pm baru i'd be fully dilated (ah ah..mengalahkan nak keluar anak kingkong). Then the gynae went to berfoya2 ngan anak dia gi swimming semua! I had expected that this beranak thing will take at least half a day, so i was fully prepared: i brought my Da Vinci Code to read. MG being a man and constantly suffers from spousal deafness, tak tahulah apa yg dia absorb from the antenatal class although i reminded him also to bring something to read. Newspaper pun takde because we all left the house quite early, tak sempat nak beli. In the end, dia yg pau my novel and aku disuruhnya tido...wah, dengan enaknya, i managed to catch up with my sleep, while waiting for my 'bundle' to appear. Not long after that, aku dengar MG yg kuat snorenya..ces!

Then at about 5pm, i was beginning to feel my contraction on one side again. Dah nak panik dah ingat ubat epidural dah habis. Habisla Makcik kerahkan laki makcik gi cari nurse..the nurse pun pi page the gynae yg dah balik dari bersuka ria ngan anak2 dia. Apparently something wrong with the position of the epidural needle..gynae cakap, you dah dekat nak beranak dah ni. Opening dah 8.5cm, tak yah la epidural lagi..she said, now we can start to teran. At that time in the labour room, there were MG, the gynae, nurse assisstant dia and two others yg tunggu nak ambik cord blood baby (i opted to have little D's cord blood frozen). There i was atas katil, feet in stirrups and terkangkang for all to see..(sempat pulak MG mengingatkan i pasal ni..dia pulak yg terhorny tak tentu pasal). With all those people chatting and with MG's hp asyik berbunyi sms masuk, gamaknya concerned relatives asking 'is she there yet?'...i tak leh concentrate nak teran!
And aku pulak conscious, teringat2 my friend yg teran sampai keluar taik sama...sungguh tak vogue! Therefore, i rasa i teran main2 je sampai my gynae told me to ease on the 'teran look' and actually do the work down there. Cis! Pas tu MG sibuk dengan camera mengfocus kat kangkangan aku..i asked him, apa buat kat bawah tu, mai la sini bagi i moral support. He said that he doesn't want to miss the moment when the baby's head keluar. Lagi sekali aku rasa yg laki aku nak kena ni..kalau baby dah nak keluar nanti, mesti la gynae panggil dia.

After about 20 minutes main2 teran di samping sakit yg mula dtg balik tu, the baby's heart beat dah drop. Then my gynae said, i won't take the risk, we have to operate on you.' Yipeee!!! Kecil tapak tangan...makcik rela you! They had to put me under totally since the epidural not working anyway...sedar2 cam rasa tidur 5 minit je..little D arrived about 7.30pm..They wheeled me back to my room about 10.30pm and sampai2 je aku terus melantak bubur nasi and nasi goreng yg tah sapa2 bawak tanpa menuggu permission dari nurse samada aku boleh makan ke tak..itulah yg untungnya diaorg tau i kerja melawat kat situ..

For all MG's eagerness to tangkap gambar, i asked him why takde gambar baby time dia betul2 keluar dari perut. MG said geli, banyak darah.......laaa!

Look what the stork brought me 1

Little D turned one last Monday. We had some cupcakes with icing on top, of little girl and cat faces. Of course there was no big bash, being the ever practical me (kedekut me??), i didn't see the point since she's just too young to appreciate it all. We sat her on her chair, with party hat for picture taking purposes which i will download sometime later.
I can still recall one year ago, the day i had her. Right from the beginning, i knew i didn't want to have the baby the 'natural' way. Brave (or gila) friends and colleagues, termasuklah jantan2 tried to talk me into having it without epidural and tah apa2 lagi...one of the guys said, women have been having babies unassisted for thousands of years, it's a natural thing...don't you think that had god intended me to have this baby naturally, i would still be in a grass skirt and hiding myself behind some bushes waiting for the impending arrival of that blessed baby?
My mum had a c-section for all three of us, she has never experienced any labour pain, neither did my sister. Initially, had my gynae allowed me, i was going to opt for elective caesarean section pun...you know, set je date bila nak beranak, kemas beg and checkin kat hospital like people go on holiday gitu. But she told me, rasalah jugak labour pain tu...why anyone in the right mind would voluntarily torture oneself pun i tak faham sampai sekarang..
Anyway, i experienced some backache from the night before..i thought it was because i had been busy cleaning the house. Esoknya dah nak kena masuk hosp. to be induced since little D was a few days late. Then at about 6am, it started to feel macam nak berak taik keras and by 7.30am the pain or later i discovered it was actually the contraction was coming 7 minutes apart. Org nak pergi hospital dah and masa tu la Mr Gig sibuk nak cari camera, nak singgah kedai mamak makan roti canai etc. Woi! I tengah sakit ni!
Arrived at the O&G kecemasan, a Dr did the pelvic examination to check the 'opening' (macam nak tunggu kedai bukak) and i was only 2.5cm dilated..untuk pengetahuan yg tak berpengalaman di luar sana, kalau 'opening' 9-10cm baru boleh teran beranak. While i was waiting to be induced (lepas check opening), they wheeled in a lady and i dengar the nurse cakap, oh, akak ni openingnya dah 9cm..kena masuk labour room)..and aku yg baru 2.5cm tu pun rasa cam sakit period pain yg amat, akak tu setakat ngerang sikit2 je..fuiyooo..tabik! Then the Dr masukkan ubat through down there to induce me...sakit!!! It's like she was using a garden rake to shove the thing in..or dia yg berkuku panjang cam beruang?? (walaupun ada pakai gloves). Then the nurses told me, 'puan kami hantar ke bilik dulu, tunggu Prof. @@# (my gynae) sampai. Puan belum nak beranak lagi...'
Then when i was in my room, tengok tv, baca novel semua tak jalan dah. The pain intensified (atau aku punya pain threshold je yg rendah?) and i kept on sending MG out to ask the nurse for epidural. Which kena gelak ngan diaorg because they said bila i masuk labour room baru boleh bagi epidural. But they did inject me with pethidine, which didn't lessen the pain but buat i mengantuk. About 11am, my gynae sampai, she broke my water bag (air ketuban)..guna knitting needle ke?? The instrument looked like it and masukkan ubat for me to empty my bowels so that i tak terberak2 masa meneran. A few minutes after she did that, the contraction became stronger and more frequent.
to be continued..

Monday, April 9, 2007

Meaning behind a love song - the Makcik Kiah way

On the way to work this morning, si janda Bobby sibuk nyanyi lagu kat bawah ni. I nak tujukan lagu ni kat orang yg tengah, pernah and tak habis2 frust bercinta. (Thank god someone tu dah nampak cahaya kebenaran dan tak mensia2kan zaman 30annya menantikan lagi jantan siamang itu)

All at once, I finally took a moment and I'm realizing that
Your not coming back

most of the times, pompuan ni selalu in a state of denial. Dia dah suspect lakinya dah lama main kayu tiga tapi until the jantan bungkus kain baju and blah baru the realisation hit them..gitule gamaknya yg dimaksudkan sini.

And it finally hit me all at once

mesti dia terkejut badak..!

All at once, I started counting teardrops and at least a million fell
My eyes began to swell,
And all my dreams were shattered all at once

Harap2 tak nangis sampai buta cam kasim selamat

Ever since I met you
You're the only love I've known

Obviously this woman is not a player..cinta tulus ikhlas gitu.

And I can't forget you
Though I must face it all alone

apa susah..cari jantan lain...! Mesti ada kat celah2 supermarket, tempat kerja, kelab-kelab, forum membela kucing, 7-eleven, internet, library...

All at once, I'm drifting on a lonely sea
Wishing you'd come back to me

A ah...mengikut pengalaman saya dan yg mereka yg terdekat dgn saya, jantan2 ni memang datang balik sekejap2 nak menggatal tapi bukan nak betul kat kita balik pun..amboi..jangan ada org terasa dah ye..
Menunggu that guy to come back macam anjang aki menunggu anaknya je..

And that's all that matters now

Tu la pompuan..all because of a guy..

All at once, I'm drifting on a lonely sea
Holding on to memories

Aiya...! What for! Takde pekdah nya..ingat zaman dolu2 pas tu sengih sorang2..

And it hurts me more than you know
So much more than it shows

He doesn't give a toss anymore la..

All at once,I looked around and found that you were with another love
In someone else's arms,

Exactly! Unless you're into 3-some (which i'm sure not many jantan would mind..-matila aku kena bambu kang)..

And all my dreams were shattered, all at once
All at once
The smile that used to greet me brightened someone else's day
She took your smile away
And left me with just memories, all at once

Basically, most of us would have been through a heartbreak...kengkadang tu bukan sekali, 2,3 kali at least. Yes it's painful, yes it's going to take some time to heal, and no, we don't really stop thinking about that love but given time, the pain becomes less and we get over it.

When we think we're over him, the CA suddenly reappears and mula nak berjinak2 cam arnab..dtg sekejap, lari..pas tu datang balik..bila kita nak bela betul2, dia akan cakap, 'i don't want to commit la..i nak keep it open..' Then we get hurt all over again because we had thought maybe he's different the second time round. We want to think as if he had some viral infection / bug that clouded his previous judgement (and that was why he wanted a breakup in the first place) but actually not..once a siamang always a siamang..

So, pick yourself up, wipe away the tears, brush off the *dirt and move on.

*dirt=si siamang ittew

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Ceramah pagi Sabtu

It’s 11am already and like any other Saturdays before, I always start off with making plans to make my weekend full of activities (I know what you’re thinking Esah Jolie oi..not the behind closed doors kind). Before Mr Gig left for his part time job teaching at one of the private colleges I informed him that I may be going out later in the afternoon: to look for bits and bobs but basically nothing important….going out is a chore for me. I worry that I may be turning into a very boring 30 something person…I dislike the preparation I have to make to go out…for a start, taking a shower (I’m sure you can guess that at this very moment I haven’t, although I have just bathed Princess Boyot), iron baju, pakai contact lens, and all the other bits and bobs to the face. The option of going out in just jeans (which I don’t own at all..do they make it in my but size???) and tshirt although it appeals to me (because aku selalu ingat aku ni 20kgs lighter than my actual weight) I am not brave enough to spot that look or to go just in my glassess..aku tak cute like some people tu..mengertik?? Is it because I am a married woman that I would rather go out with dearest darling hubby (dah nak termun. dah ni)? No, daripada zaman anak dara (yg tak berapa dara) tu pun, I hardly go out…if I’m back in Msia for holiday, dalam sebulan probably I bagi salam kat matahari dua kali je kut…In my relationship, MG’s the one that likes merendek to shopping complexes..i go along with him when he nags me. At other times, I’m quite happy staying in, surfing the tv channels, read, sleep (utmost favourite) or baking (so simple to make doughnuts). I guess I’m just one boring person….

I had to chop off some of Princess Boyot’s hair while bathing her just now. After being spayed, her hair/fur had almost doubled from the original length. Her temper is worse than the Taming of the shrew woman therefore sending her for grooming is not an option. Feline makes good company (Bella anytime you want to have a feline encounter, can always come over to my place). Bila my friends or neighbours tengok my cats, diaorg pun teringin nak bela sekor dua and this always agitates me..you know why??? Unless one knows the responsibility and commitment that are involved in taking care of them and prepare to face it..it’s not for everyone..kalau tak menderitalah kucing tu nanti.

For a start, the financial implication. Cats need good food…I’m afraid cat food brand commercial kat tv tu is mostly not good enough. Like us, kita mesti makan benda yg berzat that has all the carbs, proteins, vitamins etc. We won’t be healthy kalau makan junk food je kan? Cat food brand kat tv tu can be likened to cat junkfood. Tak cukup berzat. Good premium cat food costs about RM70 per 4 kg bag, that for my family, lasts about one month. Than the cats have to be kept indoors..without being caged much better. Kalau kat luar nanti kena langgar, catnap etc. Dah dok kat dalam rumah, you must provide some sort of ‘gym’ for them supaya they don’t get bored. $$ lagi. They need annual vaccinations, vitamins, deworming and have to be brought to the vet kalau sakit. Since dah dok kat rumah, kena provide litter (toilet) pulak. Their litter costs me about RM50 monthly.

Time wise, someone has to clean their toilet at least once a day. Pas tu rambut yg cam pontianak kusut masai tu kena sikat, telinga kena cuci kalau tak ear mites bersarang…dulu masa takde little D, gigi diaorg pun I berus (because I tak tahan dengar bebelan the vet complaining about their inflammed gums..if only he knew what I do for a living hehe..)..termasuklah trim kuku diaorg (ni extra la). Since they are indoor cats, once a day they have to be taken out to play..supervised walks…Princess Boyot kena pakai harness pasal she has the tendency to go wandering pas tu tak tau balik. Monty can go out on his own because he’s too scared to venture far. Ugi sampai luar pintu je..pun penakut jugak.
Healthy cats can live up to 15-18 years…so unless one is prepared to take care of them in sickness and in health….sometimes I see people yg takde anak ambik bela kucing..bila wife pregnant mulalah mengelabah nak buang kucing or bagi kat orang..takut kucing tu bawak penyakit kat pregnant woman. Yes they may but it’s not absolute contraindication, there are precautions one may take. When you take care of cats, they see you as their surrogate mum..of course they get upset bila kena berpisah, wouldn’t we, if we are separated from our family? Cats have been found to have IQ level budak umur 2,3 tahun, so don’t think that they are dumb.

Moral of the ceramah Makcik Kiah Kidman pagi ni:
1.Cats are for life, not prepared to pledge yours, then don’t keep one.
2.One must be able to afford the time and $$. Nasi gaul dgn ikan goreng just won’t do.
3.They must be spayed or neutered supaya takde anak2 kucing yg terbiar nanti dan menambahkan populasi stray cats.
4. They need love (don’t we all?) so providing food and shelter only won’t do.
Ada apa2 soalan??

P/S Esah Jolie, hamboi ko main lagi menyindir aku kat blog ko ye….tapi takpe, makcik maafkan. Ingatkan nak tulis pasal topic chenta dan relationship (pasal jantan la, apalagi) tapi tersasul pasal penjagaan kucing pulak. Stay tune, chenta dan relationship shall be topic ceramah ke-2 (I feel sooo like Oprah).

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Don't mess with my doughnuts

This's my third (week) attempt at not eating so much, to just makan cam orang lain..it's already Thursday and i've failed miserably. I always start off quite beautifully as i leave for work usually but come the traffic jam or vavi drivers, i get pretty upset or fed up that i'd be stopping at the nearest petrol station and borong chocolates yg diaorg ada. Unstable kan i ni? Then in the evening when Mr Gig went for some shopping at Carrefour, he'd be bringing a big bar of chocolate back and the two of us would hide that thing in the fridge because taknak my maid nampak ...if not we're obliged to let her share our loot...but aku la yg maha selfish tu..aku cakap kat MG, tak yah la share ngan dia...kan i bagi dia pocket money (on top of hers salary), kalo dia nak dia boleh beli sendiri. Jahatkan aku??? then, bila maid dah naik tido, we'd be stuffing our faces, senyap je masa makan, savouring every bite and i tell myself, there's always tomorrow....

Then MG will tell me..yang, jangan makan banyak lagi, you dah gemuk..
Hamboi! Cam dia tak gemuk! Then, stop feeding me la!

Speaking of my maid...well, she's not the most perfect one but OK la..she looks after the baby well although benda2 lain tu tutup mata je la. When we got to know that she's from Padang, we all dah terbayang2 sambal ijo, dendeng daging etc. etc. But my maid ni, buat telur dadar pun jadi scrambled egg..hancus! And...of course there's no restriction..she can have anything from the fridge or larder but man man la...she always thinks that kalo MG and I makan sepacket chipsmore tu, she's also entitled to makan sepacket..i'm allright on most days but esah jolie, apa perasaan ko bila mak badak pau ko punya asaman ke, cadbury ko ke..kengkadang sampai habis???? Memang my maid ni high taste..nasik tak berapa nak makan..tapi bagi la bebenda cam chocs ke, cakes ke...i'm only very sensitive when it comes to my doughnuts, so kalo dia makan my share, itu yg kengkadang aku tersentap tu..kitaorg minum teh o je..dia milo...jangan ko main2!

(I have another 10 minutes before i have to make my way to the other place i work utk berjumpa dgn kekanak riang petang ni)

I have given up hope in raising Monty the cat into a macho one. He's 3 this year, kalo ikutkan umur manusia, he'd be 21 i think..old enough to vote. Before we had little D, he was the baby..tiap2 malam, a few times he'd be jumping into bed with us begging to be massaged. He likes jumping onto MG's tummy (pasal more cushy kut) so mamat tu suffered from sleep depravation mengalahkan cam ada anak kecik. Then when little D arrived, he's banished from bed...he was very confused at that time..he must have been saying, why la cannot now?? Mesti pasal si Yoda (little D) tu..at times he would sneaked into bed hiding under my blanket since i'm too soft hearted to kick him out ..now that little D is approaching 1 year old and i don't see any mega symptoms that she's allergic to her furry siblings, i'm slowly allowing Monty back into bed. Cey...mula2 buat tak nampak/rasa dia bawah blanket, pas tu kuit2 sikit ngan kaki...and last night konpem Monty knew he's been accepted back : he jumped onto MG's tummy begging for massage and MG pun tak sampai hati nak tolak dia dari katil..(jangan yg dua ekor tu pun nak join sama..mana muat katil mah!)

Tata, gotta go..

(Bella, ko hang on di situ yah..aku tak lupa pasal lunch date kita..cuma tersibuk sikit 2, 3 menjak ni..end of academic year mah!)