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I'm forty and (not) loving it.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Down the memory lane

A research done recently shows that the lifespan of Msian women on average is about 74 years old if i'm not mistaken. At 34, i am nearly halfway through...when i was in my 20s i selalu dok terfikir anyone beyond 30 is so old mah! I like nothing better than to reminisce about the past with friends.

1 year ago
I was heavily pregant with little D..in fact dah macam nak meletup. I think i was my happiest when i was preganant with her even though with all the scare about her hydroceph because Mr Gig was the most attentive during this time. Tak sangka yg laki aku ni ada sepicing sensitivity in him. The sweetest moment was when at one time we were at the pasar tani selecting fruits and he actually inquired the seller whether the fruit we intended to buy boleh cause angin kat pompuan boyot sebelah dia. How sweet! Masa tu cakapla nak makan apa..mesti dapat punya..but he should thank his lucky stars that i tak le mengidam pelanduk beranak sulung or telur ikan tembakul ke...paling kuat pun was candy floss..at other times i was quite happy with doughnuts and pizza. Nak urut pun boleh je summon bila2 masa..sekarang nit i rasa kalau my urat simpul 8 pun tak sure lagi Mr Gig would unknot me readily.

5 years ago
It's the year i got married to Mr Gig. Tak sangka you! I thought i never would after i broke up with my chenta agung and became a serial dater (nasib baik bukan rapist) for sometime. In fact i had known MG from two years before but i was still doing my masters in the UK and he was here in Msia bergigoloan dgn pompuan lain (when later i found out, the two girls he was romantically linked with before were my ex-schoolmate and org sekampung and the other one was my cousin..ces! ). MG was a challenged to me...i have never met anyone so....duh! So infuriating! We communicate through email and of course his was few and far between. He was taking so long to commit..kalo bebudak sekolah panggil 'declare'..ni takde declare2..i was going to give up on him..nasib baik rupa cute, kalo tak dah lama i blah...i think i sort of threatened him into making a commitment. I told him i was going back to the UK to work. the response i got from him then was so mengejutkan the badak in me...he said'oo..senang le u. Bila you bosan sana, you balik sini, bila bosan sini, you balik sini,'' Eeeiii! tak larat mendengar bebelannya..i was hoping something like ,'don't go. Stay..' or 'you got me at hello..'ceh! Berangan la! Thank god, the proposal came through the post two weeks later..kalau tak dah calo ku balik ke UK.

10 years ago
I had just graduated from my 1st degree, masa ni kerja dgn institusi org sakit kat sana. Masa ni khusyuk bercinta dgn chenta agung..tapi si CA ku dah balik ke Msia. Di masa i dibuai mimpi2 indah menghitung hari ke satu masa di mana kan ku bertemu semula bersama chenta agung ku, di samping menkayakan British telecom dan Mercury (masa tu takde lagi jenis2 phonecard cam sekarang), dan membeli belah barang hantaran, chenta agung ku ghope2nya berfoya2 di Msia mengalahkan buaya darat yg baru mencecah puberty. His answer was, ' i'm not so sure about us...'. Wei! Cakap sebelum i melabur beratus ratus pound sterling boleh tak??

15 years ago
I was just starting my degree course....so glad to leave the Sixth form because that summer baru kena dump dgn boipren mat saleh ku yg bermata hijau ada tompok2 hazel (i still go weak in my knees bila teringatkan mata mamat ni). Parah gak la..ye la..cinta (monyet) pertama..the thing was, he was my friend first, then we became romantically involved, bila dah break, what i missed was his friendship. I kan gadis melayu yg masa tu masih penuh dgn ciri2 ketimuran (ah ah..lepas tu hancus!!)..so bila dah kena dump i pun bawakla hati yg lara ni..depa mat saleh ni ingat , ok, semalam aku dump ko, esok kita kawan balik cam dulu. Piraa mabuk!

Then, i thought masa uni i nak study habis2an..taknak berfoya2 ngan jantan lagi. Iyela tu..gatal tu tetap ada...

20 years ago
Sat for SRP and with results yg semuanya tiang (bangga! Gua boleh tahan jugak pandainya masa tu...! But masa tu je la), i was offered a place at this all-girls boarding school. My father yg terkinja2 nak sangat i pergi situ, harapkan anaknya ni jadi 'lady'lah kononnya. Shit! I really hated that place. I couldn't stand those stand-offish girls yg perasan bagus tapi sebenarnya no substance at all! You either have to be pretty, royalty or anak dato/tan sri..if not you're nobody. Get real! I became quite fat when i was there...my love-hate relationship with doughnuts began at that time...petang2 bila org pergi prep and then sports, i dok terbongkang kat dorm, still in my uniform sampai maghrib..bila org stay up to study i would brave the 'hantus' and masuk tido sorang2 kat dorm...agaknya hantu kat situ pun tak koser nak mengacau minah weird sekor ni..

Brain drain

Just now, my colleague came into my office while i was not around and wanted to use my computer and terpampanglah blog ku di screen..so mamat tu mengaku kat i dia dah baca blog ku...i rasa macam diriku telah dicabul (kat mana tak tau la) because in the prim and proper work life i have to lead, to always be professional, the blog is my escapism. So HMH, if you are reading and continue to be reading my blog from now onwards (cewah perasan!), keep your mouth shut or i shall beat up your arse.

I took leave from work yesterday..actually i was feeling more horrible today compared to yesterday but apakan day, no such thing as work from home here , nak tak nak terpaksa menunjukkan muka sekali sekala bagaikan matahari menjenguk di KL yg penuh jerebu ini. Getting to work every morning is a pain because it'll take me 40 mins if i were to leave at 6.30am and kalau terlambat sikit, dok la dalam jam for at least an hour...really can't be arsed on some days..

I think i'm no more enjoying or enthusistic about work as i used to when i first came back from my masters 5 years ago. It's time i go on sabbatical or decide to do Phd (matila aku, nanti akan jadi postgrad bermerc dan penuh ngan barang carboot seperti yg selalu ku kutuk)...but i have this dilemma: Mr Gig is all for it, in fact misi dan visi dia dalam hidup is to mengaccompany his wife to some place yg nyaman dan 4 musim dan dia dok kat rumah jadi kangkang king (sorry Bella, pinjam ko nye istilah) atau successful feline breeder....i pun teringin gak nak membesarkan little D dengan vision dia ber rosy cheeks, cakap omputeh sokseksoksek berlari2an di kelilingi lembu frisian atau paling kurang pun di celah-celah biri2 yang bulu bergumpal kusut tu....

Tapi, sebagai ibu juga kepada anak2 yg berbulu ni yakni 3 ekor yg pemalas dan kuat makan tu...angan-angan i nak bawak diaorg bersama ke negara Hobbit tu terhenti disebabkan diaorg kena go through kuarantin that will take them probably 3-6months. The separation will definitely kill Monty although princess boyot mungkin tak kisah sebab she couldn't care less about anything except to keep the kitty biscuits coming...jadi angan2an itu terhenti saja sampai la i can find a better alternative to suit everybody i.e. MG and the furry kids...

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Hi uols peminat-peminat setia makcik,

I'm feeling rather under the weather today...tak tau kenapa..no runny nose but throat rasa cam aku dah tertelan katak. I cakap kat Mr Gig tadi bahawasanya cam ni la aku rasa masa mengandungkan little D dulu...ada kemungkinan ke ia berlaku sekali lagi. Mr Gig jawab 'gila ke??!'. Sepanjang hari ni makcik duk bergulung dlm selimut masam kat office, nasib baik kerja tak banyak.

Anyway, kepada Hajah Esah dan Bellabedot, terimakasih kerana sudi meluangkan masa uols yg busy lagi exciting tu utk call makcik yg uzur serta kurang pendengaran sikit ni...makcik segan serta malu2 kucing bila bercakapan dengan uols. Jadi mintak mahap banyak2 kalo suara cam bunyi org terkezut beruk dan bangun tido je (memang ye pun Bella). Hopefully i'll be my usual self when i recover from whatever bug ni (matila perasan aku! Macam usual self tu interesting sangat.)

So mungkin i tune out for a few days, but keep your calls and sms coming!! (lagi sekali perasan cam ramai peminat).

p/s Bella, next week would be good, jgn lupa masukkan agenda ini dalam diari kangkangan you.

Monday, March 26, 2007

If you lay me down to sleep...

Little D and i tried something new last night..we banished ourselves from the double bed onto the floor to avoid more kid-flying incident (3 is definitely enough!).Despite having two semi thick duvets, my back still hurts from last night not including my nose - little D mentang2 she has more space to berlasak, she headbutt me on my nose bridge. Mr gig bersenang lenang atas katil sorang2 macam king (of Swaziland menunggu gundiknya), idak le dia nak berasak2 dgn we all kat bawah ni..hummph! Talk about cinta sejati!

I woke up quite late, talking about Monday blues, kul 9 pagi baru nak drive pergi kerja...cam bapak punya company je. Dah la tu bawak keta cam ala2 bersiar kat taman tasik titiwangsa ...i must say, ever since i've become a mother, i have stopped this habit of overtaking every car i come across infront of me..either that or the 3 accidents have made me slightly paranoid.

Anyway, sambil drive lenggang lengguk and mendengar stesen radio i dok terfikir, if i were to pass on, what is it i want to get off my chest or do..definitely:

1. I would tell Mr Gig that despite my interim moaning of how i impikan to marry a mat saleh i would still choose him if i have to marry all over again...mungkin ke i ni am a sucker for punishment or it may be hard to find someone that can tolerate my carut mencarut, my adverse dislike to mandi during weekends (oops dah ter-air dah my dirty linen in public), and one who would readily feed me yg appetitenya mengalahkan a camp of refugees.

But i would also tell him, in the event of my demise, he would inherit the insurance money yg sebanyak taik idung tu..but should he use it to meminang anak dara with pert b***s, and nip*** pointing upwards and pinkish (as he would constantly verbally remind me of his angan2), i would definitely come back as hantu jerangkung (i shall emphasise and not the cute casper type)and scare the shit out of him.

2. I would remind my best friend at work to kawin je ngan Mr Gig for the welfare of little D. This friend of mine hasn't got any bad bones in her at all. Btw, Mr Gig pernah mimpikan dia in blue nightie.,..apa ke jadahnya??

3. I would write to the singing diva who not so long ago married a Datuk old enough to be her dad even though she potrayed herself as pompuan melayu terakhir,at the end of the day,she is no different from any of us yg kononnya pompuan materialistik ini.

4. I would laugh at my ex's face yg dulunya sangat mengagung2kan diva tu tadi....dan jugak like batteries, size does matter! (ish..mana aku tau ni??? Pura2 buat muka innocent)

5. Dan jugak kat Mr Gig yang fancied the diva last time..ada ke Mr Gig pernah kata si diva tu has good fashion sense???? Yeah...as good as those rowdy, selebek, jumper panjang ke lutut new-age traveller of Glastonbury dari zaman i A-Levels kat situ dulu.

6. I would tell my closest cousin yg selama ni i dok heran bila dia makan nasik there'll be some nasik terlekat kat bibir dia...every time! I mean, she's a GM wife and all that...takkan laki tak nah tegur kut??

7. And my other cousin that bila decorate her house ala2 inggeris dengan bangganya...i rasa yg floral2 ni dah lama kena chuck out dah...they call it chintz ye Han?? So, 80's! Lepas tu mana ada org dah yg buat duvet cover sepesen dengan cushion and curtain??? Eiii..jahatnya aku ni mengomel...tapi kasi can la..kan i dah nak mati ni...

8. Cakap kat stewardess2 airline national kita that it's allright you can greet me good morning tak yah nak bagi salam just because i pakai tudung...in fact i lebih org putih dari uols , you know..! and tell me memang pesen eye shadow biru and ala2 dari 5 batu jauh dah nampak masih in lagi ke?? (ada ke bekas2 org yg pernah bekerja dlm aeroplane nak terangkan kat i pasal misteri eye shadow biru ni?? Matila aku tengah high & mighty mode ni)

9. And to stewardess airline yg menawarkan tambang murah tu dan mungil2 begitu (really love this mungil word!), i know skirt you all mesti ketat, tapi pakai la G-string!!! VPL is soooooo off-putting!

10. And last but not least to ex-presenter yg kawin dengan adik politician yg baru dapat anak dan dah debab dengan gamaknya....tak payahla nak telan2 jamu, diet2 or pi slimming programme yg ridiculously expensive nak kurus....kan awak tu dok kat rumah je..? Apa kata you breastfeed la anak you tu..lagi senang to lose weight, furthermore anak pun dapat all the goodness of mother's milk..(ewah, makcik emotional lak ni..kalau uols nak tau, before makcik pregnant with little D, my weight was 74kg, then naik 82kg, then turun to 63kg! No jamu, no pantang nothing..but now ni dah cam nak tembam balik dah because i tgh gila baking.

OK la uols..takat ni ke makcik nak buat dosa mengumpat hari ni...

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Cuti-cuti Malaysia

Little D's tub

Progressed to hotel's bathtub

Then the swimming pool (with Mr Gig)

Little D with me

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I certainly hope i have 9 lives

I must be crazy! Punya la i type a long entry yesterday and then keluar title je! Ceh! Menjawab soalan mu it Han, if i were to have 9 lives, i'd like to be:

1. As thin as Kate Moss so that i can melantak and still not put on weight.
2. Bill Gates' gundik, richest man in the world so that i can have all the money..
3. Angelina Jolie, of course pasal dapat mengongket si Brad Pitt (do you look at his thighs in Troy? Sedap oo kalau tiap2 pagi, tengahari, malam kena hempap ngan thighs dia)
4. That woman on Channel 4 punya game show tu sapa hah? Deh lupa...yg pandai buat maths tu..aa..Carol Voderman, so people would be impressed with my Maths skills.
5. The late Princess Di because i'd get to dress up in gorgeous dress and then pura2 lari dari paparazzi.
6. Bridget jones, because walaupun dia tembam, si Mr Darcy still madly in love ngan dia ..(Okla Bella, stop verangan pasal ko ngan Kobau..tak kose aku! hehe)
7. Bridget Jones again because she never seemed to be short of like minded companions
8. Invisible so that i can sekodeng apa laki ku buat kat office..
9. Sydney Bristow because she can fly kick, beranak kat office without epidural and get to smooch that nerdy Vaughn.

And of course my actual 9 lives had nothing to do with my angan2an langsung, i certainly hope i have the Monty Melly kind of 9 lives...because i've used up 3 already..Uols, in less than 1.5 years, i have been involved in 3 accidents!

The latest one is last Monday while i was driving back from work and nearing the Sungai Besi tol plaza. I tekan brake because the car right infront stopped suddenly but because i was a good deal 10 metres away, i didn't hit it but the car behind me couldn't stop in time. Thank god it was only a Savvy and not an Alam Flora lorry like in the 1st accident. (the 2nd time, i was hit from the side right infront of UPM vet school). The car was not badly damaged but it's at the workshop now, hence i'm taking two days leave from work..eiii! Tak kose makcik nak naik public transport and berpeluh2 ketiak! So, kononnya i'm working from home la ni.

When i called up Mr Gig to tell him i am yet involved in another accident his response was only , 'la..!' Takde la nak tanya whether i was OK ke..agaknya all because i said everything's under control, the car can still move, no need tow truck etc. And he had dinner without me on top of it all, probably thinking i'd be late.

Then the next day he had to accompany me to the Jalan Bandar police station to make a report. Perhaps since this may not be my last one (considering that do you know of anyone who's car has been hit 3 times in less than 15 months? I don't think so..) i'd better hafal the jalan to get there by myself and not to impose on Mr Gig's already busy schedule (meeting memanjang ngalahkan kerja gomen lagi).

I've also realised that i am perhaps a bit like Bree Van DeCamp on Desperate Housewives...my ability to keep calm and not go hysterical in times like this..even though i was 7 months pregnant during my first accident. I simply put on the hazard light, drive to the side of the road, call my car insurance company, call Mr Gig and then exchange details with the other driver. The second time one, the arab lady that hit me just couldn't stop crying..each time dia pandang i dia nak menangis...i rasa cam nak sepak je dia like they do in the movies..i asked her 'are you OK?'
Óf course i'm not!' then nangis2 lagi...laaa..org tanya kot ada yg dah patah leher ke, putus kaki ke...rileklah makcik! Nobody's hurt, malang tak berbau..nak buat camna lagi?

I have also realised that Mr gig is soooo taking it for granted that i can take care of myself...ever wonder ke that in our relationship i pulak yg jadi dominant...entah2 one day in the future i'd be sprouting a moustache and a willy baru ko tau!

So, there you go...i'm carless, no social life, haven't even had a shower this morning and all i can think of is i want to take a nap..kononnya cam i tengah berholidaylah ni.....mati makcik perasan ..tak sedar paper work tengah menimbun...!

Anyway, Han, bila ko touchdown in KL? I won't be around until Tuesday..i have my pareo and sun hat all ready for cuti2 Msia this weekend..kalau we three gorgeous girls meet up next Wednesday camna?

Taraa then..

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Yesterday, one of my private clients was a 4 year old child with cerebral palsy. He came in with his mum and grandparents. They thought that their insurance would cover his treatment but it actually didn't. Then i got into talking with the mum...she was young, not even 30 and a single parent. The boy has a 2-year old brother therefore i deduced that they have lost their dad not so long ago.Such courage i saw in this young mum...to not have a husband and at the same time being 'saddled' with a handicapped child....even though she's still young and i would if i were her friend to encourage her to look for love but in reality how many men out there would want to accept 'janda muda dengan anak cacat?' . It only happens on the Hallmark channel. I would very much like to see that i am proven wrong.

I decided that i could not possibly extort money from this woman...not that i am kind or have tons of cash stashed in the bank but because i have to have empathy for this woman for i'm afraid that if i do not, the devine power may intervene one day to bestow me the fate that has befallen this woman (nah hambik ko! that kind of thing la). I must say also that probably i wanted to reward her for being so brave, so cheerful reagrdless of....(sebab tu la i emotional pasal adik you tu Bella). I couldn't waive off my fee totally because the boss and pakar yg buat org tidur will take 60% of whatever i charge...so guys, i know usually you'll get 5X more than this, kengkadang kita kena gak buat amal jariah...so, jgn la pikir sangat pasal golf membership tu, nak beli rumah kali ke 4 ke, nak bayar maintenance keta BMW you tu ke or nak pinang anak dara .....

OK, duty calls, Selamat Hari Wanita.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Secret aspiration of a kept-woman wannabe

I haven't been updating for quite sometime although i do go blog hopping religously. Too much paper work to be done and i am not one who likes doing them, sitting, staring at the computer...kalau nak sit and stare baik blog hopping ke....check out recipes ke......surf www.*&^&**&^(robertslair.com) hehee...

Mr Gig, Yoda and I were supposed to bercuti2 Malaysia last weekend but Mr Gig jadi pemvawa virus and infected the whole of no. 31 with cold. Ceh! I baru termimpi2 nak dok kat tepi pantai sambil bersip cocktail yg dlm nenas and ada payung kecik tu (cam Fantasy Island)....sambil memakai shades ku yg membuatkan aku ala2 victoria beckham (albeit tembam version) and sambil pareo ku terselak2 ditiup angin sepoi2 bahasa....(memang makcik ni tak sedar diri...tudung kat kepala tu nak letak kat mana?) A ah, and teringin nak tertido kat tepi pantai tu without any care in the world i.e. tak ketakutan diriku dirog oleh tah mana2 imigran atau disampuk oleh hantu laut...Thank god the travel agent cakap the hotel reservation can be postponed, hopefully we'll be able to go in two weeks time.

Had a so-so weekend...poket ku dah kering because last week, i sent my car in for inspection disebabkan oleh ada bunyi cam helicopter keluar dari bahagian tayar. Ok, bukak sini, ganti sana all in all cost me more than 1k....Mr Gig was annoyed at me bec he said i didn't consult him and and he thought i had been taken for a ride by the workshop...ok..i know not many women would want / or have to bawak keta diaorg gi service...but for me, dah macam terbiasa. I was on my own a while before i met Mr Gig so i'm quite used to doing this thing by myself. My father has drummed in daripada i kecik lagi to take care of our cars..jgn biarkan benda2 kecik yg rosak melarat jadi besar etc. So, where the car is concerned, i'm quite impatient. I can't wait for Mr Gig to bawakkan because he's only free on Sundays...lagipun he isn't really bothered that much about cars (unlike most men i know)...i think kalau keta dia tu, ekzos jatuh atas jalan baru dia bawak gi workshop kut. And for me who has to travel far to work everyday, it bothers me so much because i certainly do not want to be mentioned on air as someone who causes the jam on so so highway for that morning.

Bermasam mukalah kami sepanjang weekend because Mr Gig was not too happy with me probably because...1) As a nonetheless typical malay man, i think he felt 'unrespected' as a wife i didn't consult him on this 2) He thought i had been taken for a ride but i cakap i don't think so, in fact i quite like the 'pomen' and had contemplated of proposing to him to become my toyboy so in the future no need to think about car problems anymore 3) 1k++is a lot of money and how come i tak rasa membazir pun?? (Dah tu nak buat camna?? Lagipun, kalau komplen sangat, bayar kan la!)

I can't be held at fault for being independent...Actually, believe it or not i'm the youngest in my family and until i was 15 i still could fit nicely in my father's lap. I supposed, going away to boarding school, then going overseas at 18, terpaksa survive kat public school yg takde Msians and penuh ngan anak omputeh yg kaya tapi bodoh cam vavi, pas tu gi lak Uni and once again takde Msians dlm class i...i supposed i just had to survive. I am also so used to taking care of my own finances and terbawak2 in my marriage now.

Sebenarnya, i termimpi2 jugak nak jadi pompuan yg kerja mengabiskan duit laki, berfoya2 without having to pick up the tabs and dengar cakap laki (the latter part tu yg tak berapa sanggup tu)...(tapi padan muka gak dgn Mr Gig yg dulunya ciri2 wanita idaman ialah yg independent..haa! Ambik ko!). So, uols, i ni aspire to be one kept-woman, agak2nya boleh tak?

"Witty, intelligent and curvy (gedebab yg ianya) thirtysomething who loves nothing more than night in by the fire (ni banyak sangat baca the lone heart ads masa kat UK dulu) long walks (Heathcliff of Wuthering Heights..oo..la..la) and pleasant conversation. Enjoys cooking, aromatherapy (nak hint aku ni suka memassage) and 'adventurous' (need i say more?). Only man who is emotionally mature, generous, intelligent, 'adventurous', good oral hygiene, no moustache, no penchant for Y-front briefs, healthy appetite and oh yes with thick wallet need apply.

P/S And oh yes, i come with baggage in the form of three furry lazy buggers (the human form tu kena share ngan bapak dia, so not solely mine). Oh yes, i also have voracious appetite for food and have to warn you that meals at restaurants should not be less than a three-course one. Yes, i do like to give massages but according to Mr Gig, the real one only last to about 2 minutes and pas tu dia cakap aku buat tah hapa2 tah mengikut hawa nafsuku. Did i say cooking? Actually buat kek je i pandai, kalo nak makan lauk pauk sorrryyy..Good oral hygiene is a must, kalau u floss, woweee..you're god's gift to montymelly kind. Y-fronts remind me of my father's spender, especially yg warna putih dan rupa cam cap crocodile. My man has to kuat makan, kalo set2 yg makan nasi 2X sebulan tu, tak yah la nak masuk meminang and lastly really want one with thick wallet..if not how to support my healthy appetite mah!


(Bell, Kobau ko ada misai ke? Waaa...dah pandai demand duit bawah bantal ye? 5 posen je? That cheap ah? Kalo Mr Gig, 5 inggit pun dia kasi tengok je..no touching!)