About Me

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I'm forty and (not) loving it.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Moving to a new house

Dear all,

I think it's time i move to a new place.
I was hoping to remain anonymous except to a few trusted virtual friends. Unfortunately, this is not the case and somehow it sort of stifles my freedom of writing.
SoPiah suggested a name for the new blog..
So, i'm still in the blogsphere..you may find me or you may not :)

Selamat berpuasa.

Kalau ada jodoh kita berjumpa lagi.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Someone out of the blue said that Adele reminds him of me.
Terus terkenang lagu2 Adele yg macam she's singing for me, for us ..that have been through this..
My ship has sailed home but for those whose ships haven't, this song is for you.

□ kadang-kadang sedih, kadang-kadang gembira, kadang-kadang sewel.

Thursday, February 18, 2016


Salam uols..

I rasa ni yg paling panjang i menyepikan diri.
Banyak cerita tapi tak mana nak mula.

But first things first...
I baru tengok dalam fb message i ada some readers yg telah menjadi spy yg berjaya dan mentrack down i. Ada yg ada genuine questions regarding their kids' problems. I'm so sorry i terlepas pandang your messages, yg among Mat2 Black punya yg nak berkenalan tapi berpura2 jadi Mat Saleh.....bukan nyombong taknak balas. Since you already know who i am, please keep my identity 'biarlah rahsia' katanya..
I discover that the more people knew who i am, the more stifled i am in my writing...dah tak syok dah...to the extent that i have been contemplating of starting somewhere new..

Itu je...
Nanti bila senang i akan sambung tulis lagi.

(Harus ku dicarut Esah ini)

Thursday, November 12, 2015


Baby X: Mummy, honeymoon tu bulan kluar madu banyak2 ke?
Little D: Bukan laaaa! Bulan madu tu kita pi Istanbul....Paris....kita dok kat hotel.
Baby X: Dekat hotel tu dapat madu banyak2 ke mummy?
(Masih tak puas hati bec this girl likes her honey)
CK : Well...you may get your madu if you ask the hotel for i..
Little D: Bukan la Baby X! Bulan madu tu orang dok dalam hotel je dan buat gatal2. (Haaa????!) Macam dlm cerita Maaf Jika Aku Tak Sempurna tu....

Mati laaa...anak acik ni banyak sangat tengok drama Melayu...

Sent from my Samsung device

Monday, October 19, 2015

Selamat beramal

A few days ago, adalah i baca from FB, Dr Maza mendoakan kesejahteraan  Tan Sri Zeti yang sedang 'berjihad' memerangi you-know-what...
I suka tengok komen si polan2...dah boleh expect antara mereka ni mesti ada ustad ustazah jadian yg cannot see beyond tudung / no tudung.
So, adalah si polan ni membuat comment, something like buat apa mendoakan orang yg tak ikhlas pun dengan tuhannya. Ewah..kes itu pulak! It's like ko apa kena? Yg komen tu laki...it's like sakit betul mata dia tengok TSZ tu tak bertudung...macam bajet diri lebih suci pulak dpd TSZ yg tak bertudung tu.
So i really nak tau, kenapa ye? Selagi sorang tu tak bertudung, macam hina sangat sorang pompuan tu? It's like pompuan yg tak bertudung tu memang sah2 akan buat orang laki2 masuk neraka. What about lowering your gaze first? Dah terjaga sangat ke solat si polan tu? Ikhlas tanpa rasa terbeban...tunggu masuk waktu solat atas sejadah? Masuk waktu bekerja takde pi minum2 kopi ke...surf internet ke...(tulis blog ke...)...jaga kebajikan mak bapaknya..berbuat baik pada jiran...tak sakit hati orang..or takde layan tenet tengok gambar pompuan vogel ke....

Pasal ustad ustazah jadian ni jugak le puteri sultan johor tu tutup IG account dia.
Yg had ustazah jadian ni pulak..kenapa susah hati sangat awak bila nampak pompuan lain tak bertudung? Betul2 ke uols ikhlas masa menegur tu ataupun ada sikit perasaan tak puas hati that the woman has the audacity to not cover her aurat? Janganlah pulak cakap i ni yahudi ke eahabi ke ye...i tak pernah menidakkan yg menutup aurat tu is wajib but at the same time, dah you bertutup aurat, jagalah jugak tingkah laku adab  tu. Because..bila pakai tudung tu, lima batu dah orang tahu you tu muslim.

I have non-muslim friends yg bertanya kat i napa akak kat office weols ni yg bertudung labuh berstokin kaki tangan semua boleh marah kat orang jerit2? Yg sungguh melambangkan salah satu dpd sifat munafik ye...Yg adik k1k1 ketuk kereta uncle tu bukan pakai tudung ke?

Ok wait...i'm not going into that cliche statement i.e. tak semua orang bertudung itu baik and tak semua yg tak bertudung itu jahat. But apa yg i nak cakap ialah, kalau dah you decide to pakai tudung, uphold your 'sincerity' to Allah. Jagalah akhlak, jaga mulut..jangan kat belakang dikeji dek orang2 non-muslim. Lepas tu kalau ye pun sedih, terkilan sangat ada pompuan ni tak bertudung, doa je dalam hati supaya dia diberi kekuatan to don the tudung one day. Tak payahla nak buat statement kat fb bajet bagus.

And why i said kekuatan to pakai tudung is because from my personal experience, wearing the tudung for me at least means a change of lifestyle, something has got to give. For a start, pakaian..pastu dah membawa image sebagai seorang muslim takkan nak terkinja2 tak tentu pasal kan? Takkan pulak nak pi ladies night kat nightclub pulak lagi? Takkan nak lepak2 bilik budak2 jantan main terup lagi? This i'm talking masa kat obersea dulu. It's not the tudung ok...it's about berhijrah. Mungkin itu yg some of us tak ready lagi. So, kalau pun nak menarik orang2 ni, secara lembutlah...bukan sindir2 style pu&*%$#.

I remember masa i free hair dulu. Mintak maaf ye..pakaian i masih sopan..takde yg tayang dada, ketiak or kaki. Pakai pun skirt panjang or seluar ok. Kekanda i masa tu sibuk terjuih2 mulut menegur i because dia bajet suci setelah bertudung...tapi pi pasar pakai tshirt lengan pendek yang ikut bentuk badan. So i asked, what is this? Kalau nak buat benda, buat betul2..takde half half ye...Ish katanya, dia pelan2 la..sikit2...padahal yg i tegur masa tu dia dah beranak dua...dia start pakai masa kat uni...pelan2 apa tu?? Setan sangat tau! Sama jugak cam Setazah Besar yg suh i pakai because dia cakap dia malu kat kengkwannya...caittt!

So uols yg bajet2 suci sangat ni, renung2kan lah ye cakap Mufti Menk kat atas tu. I pun ada dengar kat radio IKIM yg Allah sayang sangat kat Rasullullah SAW not because of ibadahnya but because of his akhlak...so..jomlah kita jaga akhlak masing2 ye and belajar sikit cara2 diplomasi nak tarik orang ke arah kebaikan. And mulut serupa tah hapa2 is not one of them.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Kontraktor kelas S


Tonight i feel like writing..

Actually, a lot has happened since like forever..gua sungguh malas menulis sekarang ni..

For a start...rumah agam * i yg tak siap2 from like nearly 3 years ago. Mula2 beli rumah...we planned to live in it. Not for investment whatever. Our present house at that time was just to small for my growing kids..be it i like its location better. Dekat dgn kedai, public transport, petrol station and not overly sunyi. Nevertheless, we had to sell it in order to renovate the new one. The latter had cost us many arms and legs, left us with nothing at the end of the day. Our first agent was not aggresive enough..took her over one year plus and she still couldn't sell that house. The second one managed to sell it in just 3 days. By Jan, the new owner had received the keys to the house. We had to pay her rent since then until we were 'evicted' in May. Renovation rumah baru tak siap then (until now actually but at least i can see the end now). Was supposed to complete by March.

Well, what can i say? When i was in the UK, dulu ada rancangan ni regarding contractors from hell. What do u know...we had one. Ni semua kes nak bagi peluang pada bangsa sendiri. Track record according to MG was not bad. I had my doubts even from the beginning...nak start renovate pun bertangguh tangguh. Memula tu, pekerja ramai. Pastu tengok sorang dua org je...patut start kerja pukul 8, kul 11 baru sampai. Sebelum kul 4 dah chow. Btw, when we had to move out from our old house, we moved to one only about 100 m from our new one. So, i kan kerja flexi hours...so i dok sekodeng bila workers datang and balik.

I listened to MG rant about them. Ada wasap group with the contractors. At the beginning i staryed out of it..ya laa...MG dah biasa manage projects...takkan rumah weols dia tak boleh manage sendiri kan?

My dasar tak masuk campur changed when one morning i nampak wasap masuk siap dgn pic sekali. MG was politely asking the contractors what the hell his workers were doing mixing cement on timber flooring. Masa tu memang segala bulu on me naik tegak. Dah la mak masa tu tengah geram...kita sibuk mencari rumah sewa utk short term..call sana sini homestays and all. Mostly bumis la..they either don't return your calls..or their wives reply your wasap and bunyi nada wasap tu macam kita nak mengorat laki dia.

Anyway, back to the cement on timber thing, i actually wrote a long and sarcastic and nasty wasap to the contractors. If i were to get something similar from my boss i think i akan nangis 7 hari 7 malam. But of course, sebagai isteri mithali (kadang2), i asked for MG's permission dulu before i sound the contractors. Si setan tu tak jawab pun...the wasap group was quiet...after 2 weeks i tanya MG, uols dah tak berwasap ke? MG cakap err...the contractors created another group and excluded me. setan ke tak tu?

Anyway, that was just the beginning. MG was busy all the time. So i thought i'd better jadi lady boss jugak. I wasaped the guy..mintak dia jumpa at 630pm on A friday. I want him to go through with us apa yg dah siap, belum siap n bila nak siap. Berkejarlah i ni balik dari ofis and by 6.15 dah terpacak depan rumah baru. Tunggu sampai 6.35 tak de...6.45 baru setan tu called MG up and cakap tak jadi jumpa pasal dia kena ambik anak dia kat asrama somewhere up north. What????!@#$#@!

I dah melompat2 kat situ, so MG passed the phone over to me.You know what...i have never been thaaattttt angry! I meletup macam mesin gun...i langsung tak bagi dia cakap. All those pent up anger because of rumah tumpangan yg panas takde aircond, takleh bukak tingkap pasal takde grille, having to live out of boxes...cari benda tak jumpa...atok Monty yg trauma dgn new surroundings plus nanti kang nak kena pindah lagi...i guessed i laharkan semua masa tu. Then i passed the phone back to MG. When i called the setan tu tak professional bec cancel meeting last minute...dia pulak tuduh i yg tak professional bec main wasap je...apa salah call je dia katanya...wah wah wah...nak sangat dia tu i call dia 24/7 ye? He hasn't seen crazy yet..! Pastu MG macam cakap pelan2 dgn dia...dia macam mengadu n MG cam pujuk dia pulak. So we met the next day. I macam clerk mahkamah...siap catit sepanjang 2 jam nengok2 rumah tu..the guy just avoided eye contact with me. Professionallah sangat tu kan?

In the end..it was not worth it....setan tu punya attitude camtu jugak. No change at all. Taunya mintak duit, duit, duit. MG called them to the office..nak sack pun...but they didn't turn up...some of their building equipment ada tertinggal..including the cement mixer. What do you think happened to them? :)  Panggil atok datang...atok datang habis diangkutnya balik. Selamattttt...

Now we have a non-bumi dependable albeit cakap banyak laki bini cam Phua Chu Kang. Gembiranya hati i tengok ada perubahan day to day...

Anyway, bulan 11 ni kena evict pulak dari rumah tumpangan ni...what to do...hidup merempat camni lah. But at least..ok la...even though we are so broke now, tak tau nak cakap.

To the contractor setan tu..kalau ikut hati memang rasa nak name and shame je dia, biar bisnes terlungkup...but kesian anak bini dia yang tak bersalah..well, i hope he experiences ED**.

*Rumah agam hanyalah gelaran..
**Erectile dysfunction

Monday, September 7, 2015

We found her!

Assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera ..terasa pulak nak wish proper for a change.

With regards to my earlier post, the one on Ugi, thank you everyone for your concern. Dils, Budak Kg, Hariaty, Jeet, Hernie & CN to name a few.

After 5 nights, Ugi was found, safe and sound. Albeit a little thin and very hungry.  Kalau dia sakit and pergi depan mata macam mak dia Princess Boyot dulu, it would have been different. But this, not knowing were she was but knew she wouldn't know how or where to find food.

On that Thursday night, she must have slipped out through the front door. Well, she did this all the time...but we were always fully aware that she's out and would wait for another 5 or 10 minutes. Then dia akan mengiau or cakar pintu wanting to be let in. She's a scaredy cat, so takkan nak mduduk lama2 kat luar rumah. Keluar pun because nak makan rumput. Since rumah ni takde grill pintu or tingkap, we dare not leave any of the windows open for the cats to come in or go out as they please. Anyway, on the night, we didn't realise she had gotten out. All of us had gone upstairs to retire. Ugi is a quiet kind of cat as opposed to the other one who is vocal and would make his presence known...i thought she was in the kid's bedroom that night. The next morning, the maid rang up while i was at the office informing me that she hasn't seen Ugi at all since the night before. Dah cari2 sekeliling rumah. I balik kerja terus pusing2 keliling taman cari dia. Malam keluar lagi sambil goncang2 botol kibbles.

The next day and the next ++ routinenya bangun pagi cari dia dulu. Maid pi tanya2 workers alam flora and maid2 yg lain to keep a lookout for her. During that time terfikir2 kat mana dia menyorok...mesti dia takut...apa dia makan...apa dia minum...ataupun dah jadi arwah kena gigit dgn stray dogs. Lagipun rumah kami takde pagar...it's very exposed. Takde tempat yg dia boleh menyorok pun. I prayed to god, kalau dia mati sekalipun, i nak tengok body dia. The worse thing is not knowing..

On Monday masuk office, salah gunakan peralatan office pi print fliers 'kucing hilang' banyak2. And the next day, awal2 pagi lagi the maid pi masukkan dlm letter box neighbours. One hour after that ada orang call hp i...tak dapat i dia call MG. A neighbour's maid from a house that's about 100m away from hours jumpa Ugi menyorok belakang compressor aircond depa. Nak ditarik keluar dia marah2. I was on my way to a meeting but dah ready nak abandon meeting and balik rumah nak ambik anak bulu tu. Well, she's family. Anak i. Kalau my boss nak agro pada i masa tu pun, agrolah. Couldn't care less anymore. Sib baik 15 mins after that the maid called and said she managed to fish Ugi out from behind the compressor using her food as bait.

All was well. She lost a bit of weight. Asyik tido je satu hari tu. Mesti tired having to be on guard all the time while she was lost.

That night, another neighbour came to the house to inform us that they have just checked their mailbox and found the flier. Ugi came to their house very early that morning and they were so sorry they put her out not knowing that she was ours. And this neighbour was just 2 houses down the road. They were very relieved to be told that Ugu has been found safe and sound.

Pengajaran dari kisah Ugi:
1. Always, always do a headcount of your furkids. Jangan jadi macam weols, kalau tak jumpa hari tu memang akan menyesal seumur hidup.
2. Always make and distribute fliers if they go missing. Then neighbours etc, will know that should your furkid appear at their homes, he's not just making a social call. He's lost and someone out there is looking for him.
3. Pakaikan collar paling kurang pun. Ugi hasn't got one because she has just refused, in the past. So bila terlepas tu orang ingat dia macam stray cat je..dah la body pun selim je as opposed to the fatty.
4. Ugi has no sense of direction like her late mum. She managed to zig zag from one neighbour's house to another and missing ours. Duh!

Anyway, so happy that she's back. Berkat doa orang2 yang mendoakannya..termasuklah atuk and opah yg sungguh concerned, tepon cucu and maid hari2 tanya dah jumpa ke belum.