So I got on blogger, and I had FIFTEEN NEW COMMENTS!!! OMG!! That is the most I *ever* gotten!! Thank you so, SO much. I feel so freakin loved!! I will for sure be commenting back on this ICLW..Let me do my intro, just in case your new around here. And please, stay awhile =) Im beaming right now!!
Mai/MrsJoyner/Moo-Age 27
Evan/DH/Hubs-Age 24 (yep, Im a cougar)
Marital Status
Married: 10-04-08
TTC History
--> 4 miscarriags in 10 months, Deceber 08, March 09, July 09, & August 09. I also miscarried a little girl in December 02, while I was in college, b/f I met DH.
--> My PCP is crazy. She was of absolutely no help while we were trying to conceive and FINALLY sent me to a maternal-fetal medicine specialist after the 4th miscarraige. The MFM immedietly sent me to a RE.
--> My RE is the great and wonderful Dr. R. She ran blood tests on me, and performed and HSG. The blood test showed that I have Factor V-Leiden (heterozygous) (which means that ONE blood test by my PCP after the first miscarriage would have most likely have allowed us to carry to term, awesome). I also had some pretty bad complications from the HSG (only me). I now take Aspirin 81, prenatal vitamins, and omnaprozale (I have a really bad ulcer on my stomach). Im thinking of maybe ordering some preseed for our next cycle.
--> I've always had wonky cycles. I stopped BCP's when we got engaged in September 07. It took almost 12 months for my cycle to regulate itself. It decided to do so on our honeymoon. That was pretty awesome.
--> For the last 3 months I haven't had AF on my own. I have had 3 forced cycles (prometrium).
--> We are doing one last natural cycle (yeah right) and if we don't conceive this month (which we won't, gotta love the optimism) then we start Clomid next month.
So welcome to my world. I use a ton of sarcasm & bad words. We are also particpating in the raising of a little girl named Moo-Moo. She is a former preschool student of mine & we are extremely close to her grandparents, who are raising her. Her dad is in jail & her mother overdosed & died in May 2007, right before her 2nd birthday. She is the light of our world. We also have a super bad, super spoiled Boxer dog named Allie. She is the greatest dog =)
Thank you again for all of the comments, and please stay awhile!!!