Monday, March 1, 2010

Oh Dude

I am so freakin sick. I was totally gonna do an update, but I cannot breathe. I feel like if I close my mouth, Im gonna suffocate. My boss actually sent me home early-ish from work. Which *never* happens. Ever. The update will happen, but not til I can breathe. Also, I big time suck at returning comments currently, please bear with me. Oh also, I can't just have a normal UTI, oh no. I have nitrates, leukocytes & a wee bit of protein in my urine. For now, Im on a double anitbiotic, and they've sent my urine off to do more tests. I'll know wtf the problem is tomorrow (when I go back for this no breathing issue) or Wednesday. Oh, and Im extremely tempted to cancel my appt. w/our old RE, but I really, really want to start the Femara. Ugh. Off to bed.

**Also, I just took another UTI test (yep, Im poas addict) actually, it was just to see if the antibiotics are working...Umm is it bad news that the nitrate part is DARKER as is the purple (leukocyte) part?! Does anyone have any advice on this? Im not peeing as much (maybe only 1-2x an hour) but it hurts, like my bladder and back actually ache. Yes, I am going to the doctor tomorrow. Ugh. Any and all advice is appreciated**

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If it aches in your flanks....or sides of your back then you may have a kidney infection...which is worse then just bladder.
Hang in there girly.