Thursday, May 26, 2005

Pastor Apologizes for Church Sign

Creighton Lovelace, pastor of the Danieltown Baptist Church in Forest City, N.C. has apologized for posting a sign that said "The Koran needs to be flushed." I commend Lovelace for issuing an apology.

Lovelace's apology comes after Morris Chapman, President of the Executive Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, issued a release disavowing Lovelace's statement.

Ethics Daily posted a story that recounted the long and sad history of incendiary statements by SBC leaders that preceeded Lovelace's actions. The article concludes with a comment from Robert Parham, Director of the Baptist Center for Ethics:
"Southern Baptist fundamentalists are flip-flopping about Islam. . . . They readily defended Jerry Vines' harmful remarks. Now, they are back flipping away from Creighton Lovelace's mean-spirited sign, attempting to sound civil and respectful."

"After two decades of hateful comments about Muslims, Jews, Catholics, moderate Baptists, mainline Protestants and Democrats . . . Southern Baptist leaders will find it impossible to convince the discerning public that they have left behind the hate that is synonymous with fundamentalism."
Longtime observers of the SBC may well wonder whether one of the denomination's megachurch pastors would have received the same treatment that Lovelace received from Morris Chapman. Still, the fact that any SBC denominational leader is showing even the least measure of sensitivity to the beliefs and opinions of Muslims is worthy of approbation.


P M Prescott said...

Morris Chapman found something to be over the top, who would have thunk it.

grandma1 said...

Most people don't know who Morris Chapman is. Now if Jerry Falwell compained it might mean something to people. Morris has been so non assitant for so long I'm surprise that anybody even remembers him. Your father can't forgive him for not wanting those semelly old people in the church.

Anonymous said...

Even Rod Parsley, the most openly politically militant "pastor" on the Trinity Broadcasting Network(TBN) has been canning his "Dominion NOW!", and take over Ohio for the Lord, rants lately. He's telling his audience, repeatedly, "the whole world is watching us" right now, and emphasizing good works for the poor. Real scary. I doubt that was the focus of his Clarity of Mind Institute's conference last month featuring Ann Coulter.

"Yes dear. Conspiracy theories really do come true." (tuck, tuck)