Thursday, October 07, 2004

U.S. to outsource retirees to Mexico

I think I've stumbled onto our government's solution to the looming bankruptcy of the Social Security system. In an article on The Fed Works on Where to Send Your Pension Check I discovered this interesting disclosure:

"Many baby boomers won't be able to afford to retire in the United States because their 401(k)s were wiped out in the dot-com bust, meaning they'll be working as long as they can and finally retiring overseas, where their Social Security checks will stretch farther.

The U.S. Treasury, which has been migrating benefits recipients to direct deposit anyway, wants to extend that service to what it expects to be plenty of retirees living in Mexico or Belize or Bulgaria, saving itself about $100 million a year. It also expects costs to mushroom, starting in 2008, underpressure from the 77 million retiring boomers."

Here's one more good reason to start mastering the Spanish language.

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