26. 4. 2009
23. 3. 2008
15. 3. 2008
Cherry Kiss
This is beautiful Kit Cherry Kiss by Sunflowers, you can now save 50% off at http://www.hotspotscraps.com/
a moje nové LO z tohto kitu
and mu new LO from this kit
credits: http://www.digishoptalk.com/gallery/showgallery.php?cat=500&ppuser=10543
12. 3. 2008
1. 3. 2008
Predstavme sa
credits: Lazzy Kitty-Pixie Dust-flowers, MCO hand stamped alpha
23. 2. 2008
Najnovšie LO
credits: Monika 69_Purple kit-paper,yellow leaves,small pink roses,twig, NewlifeDreams_2hearts-frame,brown ribbon,angel´s wing,gold heart, Jindrucha-Nature-green leaves,cotton, LazzyKitty_Pixie Dust-dry leaves, Natali design-swirls, Scrappy Blue Stones-freebie, Lencula_Spring romance is coming-pink flowers, Sita_Dry kit-dry roses, Bohemian Art-ILUbonus-ribbon, Bisontine-cadre, Timkova_Winter greenery-small leaves, Lisa-pink heart
21. 2. 2008
CT Anja J
credits: Kit YOU and ME by Anja J., swirl by Natali, safety pin by Akiloune
credit: Kit You and me by Anja J. available at www. angel-dreams-boutique.com or http://www.elementalscraps.com/
14. 2. 2008
Nové scrapy pre Janosch
credits: Kit Little dreamer by Janosch Designs available at HotSpotScraps.com and Elementalscraps.com
9. 2. 2008
Challenge Bohemian Art
6. 2. 2008
Hosť CT Janosch design
CT Sunflowers-february
digital-scrapbook- art.com
Trošku som spomínala a hrabala som sa v starých fotkách, no a našla som toto. To malé dievčatko na fotografii som ja :o)
I looked at old pics, and I found this one... this is me when i was a little girl :o)
31. 1. 2008
Scrapy pre Sunflowers
Two LO as a guest CT Sunflowers in january
credits: Gentle Blue Kit by Sunflowers@hotspotscraps.com and digital-scrapbook-art.com
Becki Kress White Stamped Alpha
credits: Gentle Blue Kit by Sunflowers@hotspotscrap.com and
Glitter splat paint
Alpha carton by Nanine
fonts-SA_Cacti,Bitsream Vera Serif Bold