My eyes were no longer puffy and allergy affected.
My body didn't ache.
My mind was clear.
I was relaxed.
I also went for a run earlier in the day, on Monday, and my run felt good. My runs almost always feel good, even a crappy run is a good run, but this was different. I felt more aware and more in control. I think it's time to crank up the running and be a little bit more competitive again. Cruising is fine, but I'm getting the energy back to push myself again.
Aside from not feeling sick and running better, I also noticed that my animals are happy that I'm home. They will not leave my side. On Tuesday we all sat on the back porch to watch the sunset.**
Actually, I sat on the back porch and watched the sunset, the dog was at my feet, one cat was on my lap, and the other cat was sitting behind me. I wished I had been able to photograph that moment. It was peaceful.
I'm sure the people in my house appreciate that I'm not cranky and tired all the time. They just don't glue themselves to me. Heh.
Sunday's Song:
That's It, I Quit, I'm Movin' On - Sam Cook, Adele - Extra bonus points to Katiefeldmom for guessing Adele
*The Bachelor... and it really was mindless...
** Actually, a sunset photo from another day, but I needed a sunset photo from my back yard. I didn't want this blog post to be picture-less.