Late yesterday afternoon, my husband called to inform me that he was given a ticket to see
Heart and
Cheap Trick in concert, but just one ticket from a work colleague. It didn't bother me that he was going without me, but it did seem a little weird that he was seeing Heart in concert without me. We're Heart geeks from way back in the day. I've lost count of how many Heart concerts we've been to. We've also seen Cheap Trick several times, but not deliberately. They were either opening for other bands or played at one of those all day music festivals. When we first started dating, my husband's 1960-something Pontiac behemoth vehicle did not have a working radio and we used to sing "Surrender" at the top of our lungs as we motored down the road. Amazingly, we've never seen Journey together, and the song "Open Arms" was our song for a time when we were dating. I swear, we burned a deep groove in that vinyl Escape album. My husband called me from the concert while Cheap Trick was on but I honestly couldn't tell what song was performed. Then he called back when Heart was on. He called 7 times during Heart ~ once to tell me the were on, and one time for 6 of the songs. It was almost like playing Name That Tune. I got all of the songs correct, even "Love, Reign O'er Me." (Originally performed by
The Who.) Then he called several times during Journey, but the connection was choppy and cut out. I figured he couldn't hear me say "stop calling," so I finally sent him a text message to stop. Around 3 am he calls and wants me and my son to go pick up his car because he's driving his drunk work colleague home in a different car. If there is any consolation, is that my husband was the designated driver and there's absolutely no traffic at 3 am. Good times.
In food news, I had Cocoa Krispies for breakfast this morning. Yay me! (Oh, come on, now, it's food and I'm blogging about it.)
Yesterday's song:Ready To Run -
Dixie Chicks -
Diary of an Aspiring LoserPEACE
Good for you for being so nice about the concert. Wish I could've heard Heart do "Love, Reign O'er Me" which is one of my FAVORITE songs!
Yummy breakfast!
buffalo tom?
1. i love cocoa krispies!
2. yay for your hubby for being the DD!
3. what did he think of the new lead singer for journey?
The concert was AWFUL (OK, I'm lying, but that's what your hubby should say...)
Didn't see him there, but it was packed. He's a good guy for driving his colleague home.
Ahh, Open Arms. What a song!
How were the Cocoa Krispies? As evilly, awfully good as I remember?
BTW, LOVE your new profile picture.
I'm catching up on several of your posts. I agree with Michelle: Good profile photo you got there.
You forgot to mention that the name of your blog comes from a Heart song! I think it's cute that Michael called so much -- he missed you!
Akos is a friend of mine. (And I'm so bummed he finished second at Badwater again. That's three seconds in a row....). He had both knees operated on, then didn't run for about a year and then only out of boredom. But look at him now.
Keep cookin', Irene.
All those calls from the concert.. so sweet.
Hi there, Irene. Found your link on Barbie2be's site and followed it home.
Your husband's a good soul for being the designated driver. As I read about a woman nearby who was killed the other night by a drunk driver, I can't help but think that the world needs more empathetic folks like your husband, and more generous folks like you.
Good to e-meet ya.
I totally heart kid's cereal. I'm a little obsessed with lucky charms right's my "snack"...I know, I know. Sugar is the enemy! =)
that's sweet DH was trying to share so many moments with you - and glad to hear he made it home safe and sound.
When you're married for as long as we have been, a night out with the guys (or in my case the girls) is a good thing. ;)
Winner! Many did songs with that title. He was extremely impressed with the new lead singer for Journey.
AKA Alice,
He had a great time. I'm glad he was able to drive his buddy home and even gladder that he made it home OK.
Cocoa Krispies aren't all that evil! I promise! I needed to change the pic. I didn't feel like that picture represented me right now.
Thanks. I'm not feeling much like a runner these days, so I needed to change it until I do start running again. As for mentioning my blog name, I think I've brought up how I came up with it about 3 times. I'm also thinking about changing my blog name. How cool that you know Akos! His story is quite impressive and it gives me hope. Never stop believing. As for the many phone calls, uh, as romantic as it may sound, he called other people, too. :)
Perhaps, but as I mentioned above, he called a bunch of our friends because he was so impressed with the concert.
Thanks for visiting! The DUI laws are getting quite strict, as they well should be. I'm glad he was of sound mind and body to know better.
Everything in moderation! If you follow the recommended serving size, it's not THAT bad. Granted, it's not perfect, but it's not the worst thing you can have for breakfast.
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