Nadru Monje/ Lotus Stem Fritters~Indian State Jammu and Kashmir |
Friendship is a bond that develops between like-minded individuals.
I have friends, good friends
on whom I can depend on in fact they are like family to me. I have lived a
nomads life all the time so I have lost all the friends that I have made in
childhood its only now thanks to face book that I have started talking to all
old friends!
When I started making
friends with people online I was thrilled but slowly the bond has grown and now
the blogging marathon members are also my family. We hare from different places
but all of us are attached to a common thread cooking. That is our passion!!
Cooking is fun especially
when you are cooking with a friend. Yes I am referring to the time when
Vaishali visited. She brought us Lotus stems also known as Nadru. She made
these delicious fitters!!
Awesome that was the verdict
at home!!
wai,t I want to bore you up a bit I have researched so much… don’t worry I will give
you a watered down version as you are not coming for a history & geography lesson with a garnish of civics like my daughter
has pointed out!